Herb. IMI records for geographical unit Malesia

13969 specimens retrieved. Results page 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

IMI number Name, associated organism Locality Collector Type status
IMI 183484b associated with Piper nigrum Sabah Liu, P.S.W. 1974-04-04
IMI 183485a associated with Piper nigrum Sabah Liu, P.S.W. 1974-04-04
IMI 184710a on/isolated from grains of Oryza Peninsular Malaysia M.S.Ying
IMI 184710b on/isolated from grains of Oryza Peninsular Malaysia M.S.Ying
IMI 185982b associated with Dolichos lablab Brunei W.T.H.Paregine
IMI 185997b on leaves of Zea mays Brunei W.T.H.Paregine
IMI 187492b associated with Vigna unguiculata Brunei W.T.H.Psregrine
IMI 191764b associated with Zea mays Sulawesi Parbery, D.G. 1975-02-27
IMI 192273b associated with Oryza sativa Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1975-02-25
IMI 192275c associated with Mussaenda glabra Brunei 1975-02-25
IMI 192915b associated with Glycine max Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1975-04-05
IMI 192918c Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1975-04-05
IMI 192920b associated with Citrus grandis Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1975-04-05
IMI 192923a associated with Arachis hypogaea Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1975-04-05
IMI 192923b associated with Arachis hypogaea Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1975-04-05
IMI 192926b associated with Carica papaya Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1975-04-05
IMI 193006b associated with Ricinus communis Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1975-04-15
IMI 193007b associated with Citrus nobilis Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1975-04-15
IMI 194157b associated with Basella rubra Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1975-05-26
IMI 194162a associated with Nephelium lappaceum Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1975-05-26
IMI 194162b associated with Nephelium lappaceum Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1975-05-26
IMI 194165b associated with Dolichos lablab Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1975-05-26
IMI 194443a associated with Piper nigrum Sabah Liu, P.S. 1975-06-05
IMI 195639b associated with Viola odorata Brunei WTH Peregrine
IMI 195954a associated with Rubus glomeratus Peninsular Malaysia Peter Sa. Liu
IMI 195961b associated with Phaseolus vulgaris Peninsular Malaysia Peter Sw Liu
IMI 197162c associated with Brassica oleracea var. botrytis Brunei WTH Pergrine
IMI 197172b associated with Capsicum frutescens Brunei WTH Pergrine
IMI 200016b associated with Helianthus annuus Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1976-01-06
IMI 200017a associated with Mesembryanthemum Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1976-01-06
IMI 200017b associated with Mesembryanthemum Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1976-01-06
IMI 200019b associated with Nicotiana tabacum Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1976-01-06
IMI 200025b associated with Brassica oleracea var. bullata Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1976-01-06
IMI 201918a associated with Appendicula Philippines Dring, D.M.
IMI 201918b associated with Appendicula Philippines Dring, D.M.
IMI 204175b associated with Coffea robusta Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1976-06-10
IMI 204178b associated with Psophocarpus tetragonolobus Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1976-06-10
IMI 206802b associated with Bougainvillea Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1976-08
IMI 206812b associated with Pueraria thomsonii Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1976-09
IMI 206813b associated with Nephelium lichi Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1976-08
IMI 212762b associated with Glycine max Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1977-03-30
IMI 212763b associated with Ananas comosus Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1977-03-30
IMI 212927b associated with Oryza sativa Sarawak Hock, Teo Chan 1977-04-13
IMI 213406b associated with Zingiber officinale Sarawak Khang, K.T. 1977-04-16
IMI 213407b associated with Passiflora edulis Sarawak Khang, K.T. 1977-04-16
IMI 213599b associated with Capsicum annuum Peninsular Malaysia 1977-04-24
IMI 214152b associated with Arachis hypogaea Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1977-06-06
IMI 214152c associated with Arachis hypogaea Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1977-06-06
IMI 214154b associated with Capsicum annuum Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1977
IMI 223456a associated with Zea mays Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1977-11-16
IMI 223456b associated with Zea mays Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1977-11-16
IMI 223457c associated with Zea mays Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1977-11-16
IMI 223490a associated with Citrus nobilis Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1977-11-16
IMI 223491b associated with Ananas comosus Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1977
IMI 223494c associated with Ricinus communis Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1977-11-16
IMI 223503a associated with Pinus caribaea Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1977
IMI 223503b associated with Pinus caribaea Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1977
IMI 223504b associated with Zea mays Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1977-11-16
IMI 223509b associated with Solanum tuberosum Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1977-11-16
IMI 223510b associated with Persea americana Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1977-11-16
IMI 223511a associated with Plumeria acutifolia Brunei 1977-11-16
IMI 223511b associated with Plumeria acutifolia Brunei 1977-11-16
IMI 224177b associated with Arachis hypogaea Sarawak Kueh Tiong Kheng 1977-10-11
IMI 224177c associated with Arachis hypogaea Sarawak Kueh Tiong Kheng 1977-10-11
IMI 225442a associated with Eucalyptus camaldulensis Sabah 1978-01-19
IMI 225442b associated with Eucalyptus camaldulensis Sabah 1978-01-19
IMI 225442d associated with Eucalyptus camaldulensis Sabah 1978-01-19
IMI 226455a associated with Oryza sativa Sarawak Hock, Teo Chan 1978-03-20
IMI 226455b associated with Oryza sativa Sarawak Hock, Teo Chan 1978-03-20
IMI 241078b on/isolated from plant of Mangifera indica Sarawak 1979-07-27
IMI 252755b on seedling of Oryza sativa Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1980
IMI 261013b associated with Zingiber officinale Sarawak Kueh, T.K. 1981-07-25
IMI 261015b associated with Solanum melongena Sarawak Kueh, T.K. 1981-07-25
IMI 261018a associated with Coffea Sarawak Kueh, T.K. 1981-07-25
IMI 261018b associated with Coffea Sarawak Kueh, T.K. 1981-07-25
IMI 264433a associated with Oncidium Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1981-11-18
IMI 264433b associated with Oncidium Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1981-11-18
IMI 264433c associated with Oncidium Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1981-11-18
IMI 264442a associated with Philodendron Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1981-10-04
IMI 264442b associated with Philodendron Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1981-10-04
IMI 264442c associated with Philodendron Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1981-10-04
IMI 264950b associated with Vanda Sarawak Kueh, T.K. 1981-08-06
IMI 264950c associated with Vanda Sarawak Kueh, T.K. 1981-08-06
IMI 264951b associated with Citrullus vulgaris Sarawak Kueh, T.K. 1981-08-08
IMI 264953b associated with Mangifera indica Sarawak Kueh, T.K. 1981
IMI 264954b associated with Eugenia aromatica Sarawak Kueh, T.K. 1981-09-26
IMI 264954c associated with Eugenia aromatica Sarawak Kueh, T.K. 1981-09-26
IMI 264954d associated with Eugenia aromatica Sarawak Kueh, T.K. 1981-09-26
IMI 264958b associated with Durio zibethinus Sarawak Kueh, T.K. 1981
IMI 266066a on root, rootstock of Pinus caribaea var. hondurensis Philippines Heath, H. 1982-03-15
IMI 266066b on root, rootstock of Pinus caribaea var. hondurensis Philippines Heath, H. 1982-03-15
IMI 266735b associated with Mimosa pigra Peninsular Malaysia Majid, T.B. 1982-04-06
IMI 266739a associated with Zea mays Brunei 1982-04-03
IMI 274299b associated with Theobroma cacao Brunei Yunton, B. 1982-12-18
IMI 274943a associated with Vanda Sarawak Kheng, K.T. 1983-01-06
IMI 274943b associated with Vanda Sarawak Kheng, K.T. 1983-01-06
IMI 274946a associated with Piper betle Sarawak Kheng, K.T. 1983-01-06
IMI 278076a associated with Lycopersicon esculentum Peninsular Malaysia Kwee, L.T. 1983-05-20
IMI 278076b associated with Lycopersicon esculentum Peninsular Malaysia Kwee, L.T. 1983-05-20
IMI 278085b associated with Elaeis guineensis Peninsular Malaysia Kwee, L.T. 1983-05-20
IMI 280520a associated with Glycine max Philippines Peregrine, W.T.H. 1983-09-12
IMI 283069b on leaf of Eugenia caryophyllus Jawa Waller, J.M. 1983-09
IMI 294590c on leaf of Pinus caribaea Peninsular Malaysia Kirk, P.M. (1642) 1984-08-01
IMI 295503b associated with Shorea maxwelliana Peninsular Malaysia Kirk, P.M. (1680) 1984-08-02
IMI 295503c associated with Shorea maxwelliana Peninsular Malaysia Kirk, P.M. (1680) 1984-08-02
IMI 297322b associated with Pinus Sarawak Anon. (FH 639) 1984-05-19
IMI 297322c associated with Pinus Sarawak Anon. (FH 639) 1984-05-19
IMI 297322d associated with Pinus Sarawak Anon. (FH 639) 1984-05-19
IMI 297329b associated with Eugenia aromatica Sarawak Anon. (FH 646) 1984-12-28
IMI 297330b associated with Coix lacryma-jobi Sarawak Anon. (FH 647) 1985
IMI 297331a associated with Coix lacryma-jobi Sarawak Anon. (FH 648) 1985
IMI 297331b associated with Coix lacryma-jobi Sarawak Anon. (FH 648) 1985
IMI 297332a associated with Coix lacryma-jobi Sarawak 1985-03-01
IMI 297332b associated with Coix lacryma-jobi Sarawak 1985-03-01
IMI 297333b associated with Pinus Sarawak Anon. (FH 651) 1984-05-19
IMI 297333c associated with Pinus Sarawak Anon. (FH 651) 1984-05-19
IMI 297393a associated with Hydnocarpus woodii Peninsular Malaysia Kirk, P.M. (1730) 1984-07-30
IMI 297396a associated with Monocarpia marginalis Peninsular Malaysia Kirk, P.M. (1733) 1984-07-30
IMI 297396b associated with Monocarpia marginalis Peninsular Malaysia Kirk, P.M. (1733) 1984-07-30
IMI 297398a associated with Podocarpus neriifolia Peninsular Malaysia Kirk, P.M. (1735) 1984-07-30
IMI 297420a associated with Shorea Peninsular Malaysia Kirk, P.M. (1757) 1984-07-30
IMI 297429a on leaf, litter of Plantae Peninsular Malaysia Kirk, P.M. (1766) 1984-07-30
IMI 297429d on leaf, litter of Plantae Peninsular Malaysia Kirk, P.M. (1766) 1984-07-30
IMI 297431a on leaf, litter of Plantae Peninsular Malaysia Kirk, P.M. (1768) 1984-07-30
IMI 297431c on leaf, litter of Plantae Peninsular Malaysia Kirk, P.M. (1768) 1984-07-30
IMI 297431d on leaf, litter of Plantae Peninsular Malaysia Kirk, P.M. (1768) 1984-07-30
IMI 297432a on leaf, litter of Plantae Peninsular Malaysia Kirk, P.M. (1769) 1984-07-30
IMI 297435b on leaf, litter of Plantae Peninsular Malaysia Kirk, P.M. (1772) 1984-07-30
IMI 297445a on fruit, case of Plantae Peninsular Malaysia Kirk, P.M. (1782) 1984-07-30
IMI 297445b on fruit, case of Plantae Peninsular Malaysia Kirk, P.M. (1782) 1984-07-30
IMI 297448a associated with Elateriospermum tapos Peninsular Malaysia Kirk, P.M. (1785) 1984-07-31
IMI 297448b associated with Elateriospermum tapos Peninsular Malaysia Kirk, P.M. (1785) 1984-07-31
IMI 297449a associated with Elateriospermum tapos Peninsular Malaysia Kirk, P.M. (1786) 1984-07-31
IMI 297449b associated with Elateriospermum tapos Peninsular Malaysia Kirk, P.M. (1786) 1984-07-31
IMI 297449c associated with Elateriospermum tapos Peninsular Malaysia Kirk, P.M. (1786) 1984-07-31
IMI 297591a associated with Psidium guajava Peninsular Malaysia Kirk, P.M. (1797) 1984-08-01
IMI 297594a associated with Heritiera simplicifolia Peninsular Malaysia Kirk, P.M. (1800) 1984-08-01
IMI 297594b associated with Heritiera simplicifolia Peninsular Malaysia Kirk, P.M. (1800) 1984-08-01
IMI 297597b associated with Lithocarpus lucida Peninsular Malaysia Kirk, P.M. (1803) 1984-08-01
IMI 297597c associated with Lithocarpus lucida Peninsular Malaysia Kirk, P.M. (1803) 1984-08-01
IMI 297597d associated with Lithocarpus lucida Peninsular Malaysia Kirk, P.M. (1803) 1984-08-01
IMI 297600b associated with Lithocarpus Peninsular Malaysia Kirk, P.M. (1806) 1984-08-01
IMI 297600c associated with Lithocarpus Peninsular Malaysia Kirk, P.M. (1806) 1984-08-01
IMI 297604a associated with Mallotus leucodermis Peninsular Malaysia Kirk, P.M. (1810) 1984-08-01
IMI 297604b associated with Mallotus leucodermis Peninsular Malaysia Kirk, P.M. (1810) 1984-08-01
IMI 297609a associated with Scaphocalyx spathacea Peninsular Malaysia Kirk, P.M. (1816) 1984-08-01
IMI 297609c associated with Scaphocalyx spathacea Peninsular Malaysia Kirk, P.M. (1816) 1984-08-01
IMI 297611a associated with Scaphocalyx spathacea Peninsular Malaysia Kirk, P.M. (1818) 1984-08-01
IMI 297611b associated with Scaphocalyx spathacea Peninsular Malaysia Kirk, P.M. (1818) 1984-08-01
IMI 297616a associated with Xanthophyllum Peninsular Malaysia Kirk, P.M. (1823) 1984-08-01
IMI 297616b associated with Xanthophyllum Peninsular Malaysia Kirk, P.M. (1823) 1984-08-01
IMI 297623a on leaf, litter of Plantae Peninsular Malaysia Kirk, P.M. (1830) 1984-08-01
IMI 297623b on leaf, litter of Plantae Peninsular Malaysia Kirk, P.M. (1830) 1984-08-01
IMI 297625a associated with Blumeodendron calophyllum Peninsular Malaysia Kirk, P.M. (1832) 1984-08-02
IMI 297625b associated with Blumeodendron calophyllum Peninsular Malaysia Kirk, P.M. (1832) 1984-08-02
IMI 297626b associated with Dillenia eximia Peninsular Malaysia Kirk, P.M. (1833) 1984-08-02
IMI 297626c associated with Dillenia eximia Peninsular Malaysia Kirk, P.M. (1833) 1984-08-02
IMI 297632b associated with Mesua ferrea Peninsular Malaysia Kirk, P.M. (1839) 1984-08-02
IMI 297632c associated with Mesua ferrea Peninsular Malaysia Kirk, P.M. (1839) 1984-08-02
IMI 297633a associated with Mesua ferrea Peninsular Malaysia Kirk, P.M. (1840) 1984-08-02
IMI 297633b associated with Mesua ferrea Peninsular Malaysia Kirk, P.M. (1840) 1984-08-02
IMI 297634a associated with Mesua ferrea Peninsular Malaysia Kirk, P.M. (1841) 1984-08-02
IMI 297634b associated with Mesua ferrea Peninsular Malaysia Kirk, P.M. (1841) 1984-08-02
IMI 297634c associated with Mesua ferrea Peninsular Malaysia Kirk, P.M. (1841) 1984-08-02
IMI 297634d associated with Mesua ferrea Peninsular Malaysia Kirk, P.M. (1841) 1984-08-02
IMI 297641a associated with Tetracera Peninsular Malaysia Kirk, P.M. (1848) 1984-08-02
IMI 297641b associated with Tetracera Peninsular Malaysia Kirk, P.M. (1848) 1984-08-02
IMI 297642a associated with Tetracera Peninsular Malaysia Kirk, P.M. (1849) 1984-08-02
IMI 297642b associated with Tetracera Peninsular Malaysia Kirk, P.M. (1849) 1984-08-02
IMI 297643a associated with Tetracera Peninsular Malaysia Kirk, P.M. (1850) 1984-08-02
IMI 297650a associated with Xanthophyllum amoenum Peninsular Malaysia Kirk, P.M. (1857) 1984-08-02
IMI 297650b associated with Xanthophyllum amoenum Peninsular Malaysia Kirk, P.M. (1857) 1984-08-02
IMI 297655a associated with Elaeis guineensis Peninsular Malaysia Kirk, P.M. (1862) 1984-08-03
IMI 297655b associated with Elaeis guineensis Peninsular Malaysia Kirk, P.M. (1862) 1984-08-03
IMI 297659a associated with Mallotus leucodermis Peninsular Malaysia Kirk, P.M. (1812) 1984-08-01
IMI 297659b associated with Mallotus leucodermis Peninsular Malaysia Kirk, P.M. (1812) 1984-08-01
IMI 304537a on leaf, litter of Plantae Sabah Kirk, P.M. 1984-08-05
IMI 304538a on leaf, litter of Plantae Sabah Kirk, P.M. 1984
IMI 304538b on leaf, litter of Plantae Sabah Kirk, P.M. 1984
IMI 304540a on leaf, litter of Plantae Sabah Kirk, P.M. 1984
IMI 304541a on leaf, litter of Plantae Sabah Kirk, P.M. 1984
IMI 304546a on leaf, litter of Plantae Sabah Kirk, P.M. 1984
IMI 304547a on leaf, litter of Plantae Sabah Kirk, P.M. 1984
IMI 304549a on leaf, litter of Rhododendron Sabah Kirk, P.M. 1984
IMI 304557a on leaf, litter of Plantae Sabah Kirk, P.M. 1984-08-07
IMI 304557b on leaf, litter of Plantae Sabah Kirk, P.M. 1984-08-07
IMI 304592a on leaf, litter of Plantae Sabah Kirk, P.M. 1984
IMI 304592b on leaf, litter of Plantae Sabah Kirk, P.M. 1984
IMI 304596a on leaf, litter of Phyllocladus hypophylla Sabah Kirk, P.M. 1984
IMI 304621a on leaf of Agathis dammara Sabah Kirk, P.M. 1984
IMI 304623a on leaf, litter of Plantae Sabah Kirk, P.M. 1984
IMI 304623b on leaf, litter of Plantae Sabah Kirk, P.M. 1984
IMI 304628a on leaf, litter of Plantae Sabah Kirk, P.M. 1984
IMI 304628b on leaf, litter of Plantae Sabah Kirk, P.M. 1984
IMI 304629a on leaf, litter of Plantae Sabah Kirk, P.M. 1984
IMI 304629b on leaf, litter of Plantae Sabah Kirk, P.M. 1984
IMI 304632a on leaf, litter of Plantae Sabah Kirk, P.M. 1984
IMI 304632b on leaf, litter of Plantae Sabah Kirk, P.M. 1984
IMI 304633a on leaf, litter of Plantae Sabah Kirk, P.M. 1984-08-08
IMI 304633b on leaf, litter of Plantae Sabah Kirk, P.M. 1984-08-08
IMI 304634a on leaf, litter of Plantae Sabah Kirk, P.M. 1984
IMI 304634b on leaf, litter of Plantae Sabah Kirk, P.M. 1984
IMI 304639a on leaf, litter of Plantae Sabah Kirk, P.M. 1984
IMI 304639b on leaf, litter of Plantae Sabah Kirk, P.M. 1984
IMI 304640a on leaf, litter of Plantae Sabah Kirk, P.M. 1984
IMI 304640b on leaf, litter of Plantae Sabah Kirk, P.M. 1984
IMI 304643a on leaf, litter of Plantae Sabah Kirk, P.M. 1984
IMI 304643b on leaf, litter of Plantae Sabah Kirk, P.M. 1984
IMI 304644a on leaf, litter of Plantae Sabah Kirk, P.M. 1984
IMI 304644b on leaf, litter of Plantae Sabah Kirk, P.M. 1984
IMI 304645a on leaf, litter of Plantae Sabah Kirk, P.M. 1984
IMI 304649b on leaf, litter of Plantae Sabah Kirk, P.M. 1984-08-08
IMI 304651a on leaf, litter of Plantae Sabah Kirk, P.M. 1984
IMI 304651b on leaf, litter of Plantae Sabah Kirk, P.M. 1984
IMI 304653a on leaf, litter of Plantae Sabah Kirk, P.M. 1984
IMI 304658a on leaf, litter of Plantae Sabah Kirk, P.M. 1984
IMI 304658b on leaf, litter of Plantae Sabah Kirk, P.M. 1984
IMI 304673a on leaf, litter of Plantae Sabah Kirk, P.M. 1984
IMI 304673b on leaf, litter of Plantae Sabah Kirk, P.M. 1984
IMI 304674a on leaf, litter of Plantae Sabah Kirk, P.M. 1984
IMI 304674b on leaf, litter of Plantae Sabah Kirk, P.M. 1984
IMI 309792b associated with Mangifera indica Peninsular Malaysia 1986-08
IMI 317272b associated with Centrosema pubescens Philippines 1987-03-24
IMI 320349a associated with Rhododendron wardii Peninsular Malaysia Sutton, B.C. 1987-10-25
IMI 320352a associated with Vaccinium Peninsular Malaysia Sutton, B.C. 1987-10-25
IMI 320356a associated with Eugenia Peninsular Malaysia Sutton, B.C. 1987-10-25
IMI 320358a associated with Vaccinium Peninsular Malaysia Sutton, B.C. 1987-10-25
IMI 320361a on leaf of Plantae Peninsular Malaysia Sutton, B.C. 1987-10-25
IMI 320361b on leaf of Plantae Peninsular Malaysia Sutton, B.C. 1987-10-25
IMI 320363a on leaf of Plantae Peninsular Malaysia Sutton, B.C. 1987-10-25
IMI 320363b on leaf of Plantae Peninsular Malaysia Sutton, B.C. 1987-10-25
IMI 320373a associated with Smilax Peninsular Malaysia Sutton, B.C. 1987-10-25
IMI 320582a associated with Dillenia suffruticosa Peninsular Malaysia Sutton, B.C. 1987-10-21
IMI 320582b associated with Dillenia suffruticosa Peninsular Malaysia Sutton, B.C. 1987-10-21
IMI 320582c associated with Dillenia suffruticosa Peninsular Malaysia Sutton, B.C. 1987-10-21
IMI 322801a on leaf of Eugenia caryophyllus Jawa Waller, J.M. 1988-01
IMI 322801b on leaf of Eugenia caryophyllus Jawa Waller, J.M. 1988-01
IMI 322801c on leaf of Eugenia caryophyllus Jawa Waller, J.M. 1988-01
IMI 335576a on leaf of Plantae Peninsular Malaysia 1988-11-02
IMI 335576b on leaf of Plantae Peninsular Malaysia 1988-11-02
IMI 335576c on leaf of Plantae Peninsular Malaysia 1988-11-02
IMI 335576d on leaf of Plantae Peninsular Malaysia 1988-11-02
IMI 335578a on leaf of Plantae Peninsular Malaysia 1988-11-02
IMI 335578b on leaf of Plantae Peninsular Malaysia 1988-11-02
IMI 335579a on leaf of Plantae Peninsular Malaysia 1988-11-02
IMI 335579b on leaf of Plantae Peninsular Malaysia 1988-11-02
IMI 335579c on leaf of Plantae Peninsular Malaysia 1988-11-02
IMI 335579d on leaf of Plantae Peninsular Malaysia 1988-11-02
IMI 335579e on leaf of Plantae Peninsular Malaysia 1988-11-02
IMI 335581b on leaf of Plantae Peninsular Malaysia 1988-11-02
IMI 335583a on leaf of Plantae Peninsular Malaysia 1988-11-02
IMI 335583b on leaf of Plantae Peninsular Malaysia 1988-11-02
IMI 335584a on leaf of Plantae Peninsular Malaysia 1988-11-02
IMI 335585b on leaf of Plantae Peninsular Malaysia 1988-11-02
IMI 335586a on leaf of Plantae Peninsular Malaysia 1988-11-02
IMI 335586b on leaf of Plantae Peninsular Malaysia 1988-11-02
IMI 335586d on leaf of Plantae Peninsular Malaysia 1988-11-02
IMI 335588c on leaf of Plantae Peninsular Malaysia 1988-11-02
IMI 335588d on leaf of Plantae Peninsular Malaysia 1988-11-02
IMI 335589b on leaf of Plantae Peninsular Malaysia 1988-11-02
IMI 335591b on leaf of Plantae Peninsular Malaysia 1988-11-02
IMI 335591c on leaf of Plantae Peninsular Malaysia 1988-11-02
IMI 335591e on leaf of Plantae Peninsular Malaysia 1988-11-02
IMI 335591f on leaf of Plantae Peninsular Malaysia 1988-11-02
IMI 335593a on leaf of Plantae Peninsular Malaysia 1988-11-02
IMI 335593b on leaf of Plantae Peninsular Malaysia 1988-11-02
IMI 335594b on leaf of Plantae Peninsular Malaysia 1988-11-02
IMI 335594c on leaf of Plantae Peninsular Malaysia 1988-11-02
IMI 335594e on leaf of Plantae Peninsular Malaysia 1988-11-02
IMI 335594f on leaf of Plantae Peninsular Malaysia 1988-11-02
IMI 335594g on leaf of Plantae Peninsular Malaysia 1988-11-02
IMI 335595a on leaf of Plantae Peninsular Malaysia 1988-11-02
IMI 335596a on leaf of Plantae Peninsular Malaysia 1988-11-02
IMI 335596b on leaf of Plantae Peninsular Malaysia 1988-11-02
IMI 335597b on leaf of Plantae Peninsular Malaysia 1988-11-02
IMI 335598b on leaf of Plantae Peninsular Malaysia 1988-11-02
IMI 335598c on leaf of Plantae Peninsular Malaysia 1988-11-02
IMI 335598d on leaf of Plantae Peninsular Malaysia 1988-11-02
IMI 335603a on wood of Plantae Peninsular Malaysia 1988-11-10
IMI 335603b on wood of Plantae Peninsular Malaysia 1988-11-10
IMI 335608a on wood of Plantae Peninsular Malaysia 1988-11-10
IMI 335608b on wood of Plantae Peninsular Malaysia 1988-11-10
IMI 335609a on wood of Plantae Peninsular Malaysia 1988-11-10
IMI 335611b on leaf of Plantae Peninsular Malaysia 1988-11-10
IMI 335612a on leaf of Plantae Peninsular Malaysia 1988-11-10
IMI 335612b on leaf of Plantae Peninsular Malaysia 1988-11-10
IMI 335612c on leaf of Plantae Peninsular Malaysia 1988-11-10
IMI 335612d on leaf of Plantae Peninsular Malaysia 1988-11-10
IMI 335621a associated with Pteridophyta Peninsular Malaysia 1988-11-10
IMI 335621b associated with Pteridophyta Peninsular Malaysia 1988-11-10
IMI 382181a Sumatera 1999-11-23
IMI 382181b Sumatera 1999-11-23
IMI 395419a on leaf of Erythrina glauca Singapore 2007-03-27
IMI 396023a on leaf of Licuala spinosa Singapore 2007-11-14
IMI 396023b on/isolated from leaf of Licuala spinosa Singapore 2007-11-14
IMI 396029a on/isolated from leaf of Mangifera indica Singapore 2007-11-28
IMI 396029c on/isolated from leaf of Mangifera indica Singapore 2007-11-28
IMI 396493a on leaf of Artocarpus heterophyllus Singapore 2008-01-24
IMI 396493b on/isolated from leaf of Artocarpus heterophyllus Singapore J.Y. Wong 2008-01-24
IMI 396495b on/isolated from leaf of Caryota mitis Singapore J.Y. Wong 2008-01-25
IMI 400565b associated with Plantae Peninsular Malaysia 1990-05-13
IMI 342950 Absidia cylindrospora Peninsular Malaysia 1990
IMI 274700 Acantharia hamata on leaf of Plantae Sabah Clemens, J.M.S. 1931-08-20
IMI 276497 Acantharia hamata associated with Quercus Jawa ex type coll. of Dimerosporium hamatum
IMI 161718 Acanthostigma bambusae associated with Bambusa Jawa
IMI 143992 Acarocybellina arengae Jawa E.G.Simmons 1969-01-14
IMI 348619 Acarocybellina arengae on decaying rachis of Arenga westerhoutii Peninsular Malaysia 1989-07-17
IMI 348620 Acarocybellina arengae associated with Oncosperma horridum Peninsular Malaysia 1989-07-17
IMI 288188 Acremonium alabamense Peninsular Malaysia Cheah 1984
IMI 288194 Acremonium alabamense Peninsular Malaysia Cheah 1984
IMI 288202 Acremonium alabamense Peninsular Malaysia Cheah 1984
IMI 166137 Acremonium charticola associated with Agathis macrophylla Peninsular Malaysia Ivory, M.H. 1972-05-06
IMI 294597 Acremonium charticola associated with Leucaena leucocephala Philippines Anon. (22.531) 1984
IMI 294598 Acremonium charticola associated with Eucalyptus deglupta Philippines Anon. (22.963) 1984
IMI 348612 Acremonium elatum on decaying rachis of Calamus Peninsular Malaysia 1989-07-30
IMI 89447 Acremonium persicinum on wood of Palmae Sarawak Turner, G.J. 1961-03-08
IMI 143934 Acremonium persicinum Peninsular Malaysia R.L.Wastie 1969-10-24
IMI 173887 Acremonium persicinum associated with Theobroma cacao Sabah Liu, P.S.W. 1973-03-20
IMI 258555 Acremonium persicinum associated with Myristica fragrans Peninsular Malaysia Siew, L.B. 1981-05-04
IMI 335972 Acremonium persicinum on/isolated from branch of Theobroma cacao Sabah 1989-10-10
IMI 358869 Acremonium persicinum Sarawak 1993-07-12
IMI 38981 Acremonium polychromum Jawa Reitoma, J. 1949-01
IMI 165558 Acremonium polychromum Singapore Lim, G. 1972-03-10
IMI 78819 Acremonium zonatum associated with Cucumis sativus Sabah Johnston, A. 1959-09-06
IMI 158243 Acremonium zonatum associated with Annona squamosa Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1971-06-19
IMI 162695 Acremonium zonatum associated with Vigna sesquipedalis Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H.
IMI 180943 Acremonium zonatum associated with Amaranthus gangeticus Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1973-11-27
IMI 75319 Acroconidiellina arecae associated with Areca catechu Philippines 1914-10
IMI 75322 Acroconidiellina arecae associated with Areca catechu Singapore
IMI 379983 Acrocordiopsis sphaerica on wood of Sonneratia Philippines 1995-07 Holotype of Acrocordiopsis sphaerica Alias & E.B.G. Jones 1999
IMI 79437 Acrodictys brooksiae associated with Garcinia mangostana Sarawak Johnston, A. 1959-09-28 Holotype of Acrodictys brooksiae M.B. Ellis 1961
IMI 354774 Acrogenospora sphaerocephala Peninsular Malaysia 1989-09-04
IMI 168214 Acrophialophora fusispora associated with Elaeis guineensis Sabah Liu, P.S.W. 1972-08-14
IMI 174875 Acrophialophora fusispora Philippines Jeffery, R. [Miss] 1973-04-04
IMI 332006 Acrophialophora fusispora associated with Syzygium aromaticum Sabah Bong, C.L.; Voo 1989-03-13
IMI 225444a Acrostalagmus annulatus associated with Theobroma cacao Sabah 1977-12-07
IMI 93947b Acrostaurus turneri associated with Derris elliptica Sarawak Turner, G.J. 1962-04-12 Holotype of Acrostaurus turneri Deighton & Piroz. 1972
IMI 17710 Actinopeltis sordidula on leaf of Loranthus haenkeanus Philippines Ramos, H. 1912-10
IMI 17711 Actinopeltis sordidula associated with Loranthus Philippines Ramos, M.; Edaņo, G. 1920-04
IMI 11906a Actinopeltis sordidula on leaf, living of Loranthus pentandrus Jawa Raciborski, M.
IMI 82566 Aecidium cumingii associated with Hemigraphis rhytiphylla Philippines 1925
IMI 90662 Aecidium gaeumannii associated with Asystasia intrusa Sulawesi Gäumann, E. 1921-08 ex type coll.
IMI 169473 Aecidium jacquemontiae associated with Jacquemontia tomentella var. micranthia Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1972-09-21
IMI 89408 Aecidium justiciae associated with Phlogacanthus celebicus Sulawesi Gäumann, E. 1921-08 ex type coll. of Aecidium phlogacanthi
IMI 84964 Aecidium manilense associated with Hygrophila Philippines Clemens 1924-02-14
IMI 84965 Aecidium manilense associated with Hygrophila Philippines Clemens 1925-14-01
IMI 236536 Aecidium prolixum associated with Wrightia laniti Philippines Cuzner, H. 1920-04-13 ex type coll.
IMI 83623 Aecidium pseuderanthemi associated with Pseuderanthemum pulchellum Philippines Clemens, M.S. 1925-06
IMI 84692 Aecidium pseuderanthemi associated with Pseuderanthemum bicolor Philippines Clemens 1925-01
IMI 58858 Aecidium ramosii associated with Diospyros Philippines Ramos, M. ex type coll.
IMI 58859 Aecidium reyesii associated with Diospyros discolor Philippines Reyes, G.M. ex type coll.
IMI 11895 Aecidium rhytismoideum on leaf of Diospyros Jawa Raciborski, M.
IMI 84439 Aecidium thunbergiae-fragrantis associated with Thunbergia fragrans Philippines 1925-06
IMI 84745 Aecidium thunbergiae-fragrantis associated with Thunbergia fragrans Philippines Clemens 1924-05-20
IMI 26044 Aithaloderma clavatisporum associated with Psidium guajava Philippines Serrano, F.B. 1921-06
IMI 26045 Aithaloderma clavatisporum associated with Chrysophyllum oliviforme Philippines Serrano, F.B. 1921-07
IMI 26046 Aithaloderma clavatisporum associated with Chrysophyllum oliviforme Philippines Serrano, F.B. 1921-06
IMI 26047 Aithaloderma clavatisporum associated with Antidesma bunius Philippines Ramos, H. 1913-09
IMI 26048 Aithaloderma clavatisporum associated with Voacanga globosa Philippines Ramos, H. 1913-02-01 ex type coll.
IMI 78822 Aithaloderma clavatisporum associated with Psidium guajava Sabah Johnston, A. 1959-09-06
IMI 268578 Aithaloderma clavatisporum associated with Premna foetida Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1982-05-21
IMI 371627 Aithaloderma clavatisporum associated with Antidesma Philippines 1923-09
IMI 28848 Albatrellus cochleariformis Philippines Ramos, M.; Edaņo, G. 1918-05-04
IMI 141590 Albifimbria verrucaria associated with Musa Jawa E.G.Simmons
IMI 179897 Albifimbria verrucaria Peninsular Malaysia M.Y.Azaldin 1972-10-16
IMI 300930 Albifimbria verrucaria associated with Orthoptera Peninsular Malaysia 1986-01-22
IMI 4191 Albonectria rigidiuscula on stem of Hibiscus sabdariffa Jawa
IMI 45834 Albonectria rigidiuscula associated with Hibiscus sabdariffa Jawa
IMI 62004 Albonectria rigidiuscula associated with Theobroma cacao Peninsular Malaysia Johnston, A. 1955-11-19
IMI 63270 Albonectria rigidiuscula associated with Theobroma cacao Peninsular Malaysia Johnston, A. 1956-04-09
IMI 63953 Albonectria rigidiuscula associated with Theobroma cacao Peninsular Malaysia Johnston, A. 1956-07-05
IMI 63955 Albonectria rigidiuscula associated with Theobroma cacao Peninsular Malaysia Johnston, A. 1956-08-08
IMI 63977 Albonectria rigidiuscula associated with Theobroma cacao Peninsular Malaysia Johnston, A. 1956-08-08
IMI 68922 Albonectria rigidiuscula associated with Crotalaria anagyroides Peninsular Malaysia 1956-09-13
IMI 68932 Albonectria rigidiuscula associated with Theobroma cacao Peninsular Malaysia Navaratheram, S.J. 1957-01-09
IMI 79476 Albonectria rigidiuscula associated with Theobroma cacao Sarawak Johnston, A. 1959-09-29
IMI 87852 Albonectria rigidiuscula associated with Theobroma cacao Philippines 1961-07-10
IMI 92754 Albonectria rigidiuscula on branch of Theobroma cacao Sabah 1962-04-09
IMI 92772 Albonectria rigidiuscula on branch, dead of Theobroma cacao Sabah Williams, T.H. 1962-02-14
IMI 93094 Albonectria rigidiuscula on plant, wilted of Pandorea jasminoides Peninsular Malaysia Griffiths, D.A. 1962-05-08
IMI 96194 Albonectria rigidiuscula associated with Theobroma cacao Sarawak Turner, G.J. 1962-09-12
IMI 99882 Albonectria rigidiuscula associated with Hevea brasiliensis Peninsular Malaysia Wastie, R.L. 1963-03-20
IMI 105324 Albonectria rigidiuscula associated with Theobroma cacao Sabah Williams, D.H. 1964-04-15
IMI 108302 Albonectria rigidiuscula on bark of Hevea Peninsular Malaysia Wastie, R.L. 1964-08-08
IMI 116111 Albonectria rigidiuscula on wilted stem of Plantae Peninsular Malaysia D.A.Giffiths 1965-11-25
IMI 137398 Albonectria rigidiuscula associated with Theobroma cacao Sabah P.S. Liu 1969-02-04
IMI 137399 Albonectria rigidiuscula associated with Theobroma cacao Sabah P.S. Liu 1969-02-04
IMI 137400 Albonectria rigidiuscula associated with Theobroma cacao Sabah P.S. Liu 1969-02-04
IMI 139543 Albonectria rigidiuscula on flowery galls of Theobroma cacao Peninsular Malaysia Dr.Foster 1969-04
IMI 141619 Albonectria rigidiuscula associated with Theobroma cacao Sabah T.H.Williams
IMI 141620 Albonectria rigidiuscula associated with Theobroma cacao Sabah T.H.Williams
IMI 141621 Albonectria rigidiuscula associated with Theobroma cacao Sabah T.H.Williams
IMI 141622 Albonectria rigidiuscula associated with Theobroma cacao Sabah T.H.Williams
IMI 147348 Albonectria rigidiuscula associated with Theobroma cacao Sabah T. H. Williams 1970-03-12
IMI 147349 Albonectria rigidiuscula associated with Theobroma cacao Sabah T. H. Williams 1970-03-12
IMI 166930 Albonectria rigidiuscula associated with Theobroma cacao Sabah Liu, P. 1972-06-20
IMI 166931 Albonectria rigidiuscula associated with Theobroma cacao Sabah Liu, P. 1972-06-20
IMI 173375 Albonectria rigidiuscula associated with Mangifera indica Sabah Liu, P.S.W. 1973-03-06
IMI 240024 Albonectria rigidiuscula on/isolated from plant of Theobroma cacao Sabah Wong, P.H. 1979-07-04
IMI 245027 Albonectria rigidiuscula associated with Durio zibethinus Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1980-01-14
IMI 260695 Albonectria rigidiuscula on/isolated from stem of Theobroma cacao Peninsular Malaysia Sharma, J.K. 1981-07-25
IMI 261478 Albonectria rigidiuscula associated with Theobroma cacao Peninsular Malaysia Kushram, R. 1981-07-06
IMI 261844 Albonectria rigidiuscula associated with Acrocercops cramerella Sabah Bong, C.L. 1981-09-04
IMI 271779 Albonectria rigidiuscula associated with Mangifera indica Peninsular Malaysia Lim Tong Kwee 1982-10-08
IMI 274733 Albonectria rigidiuscula associated with Theobroma cacao Sabah Lien, B.C. 1983-01-05
IMI 276758 Albonectria rigidiuscula associated with Theobroma Peninsular Malaysia Nik, W.Z. 1983-03-03
IMI 281034 Albonectria rigidiuscula associated with Theobroma cacao Sabah Bong, C.L. 1983-10-04
IMI 292900 Albonectria rigidiuscula associated with Punica granatum Sabah Bong, C.L. 1985-01-18
IMI 325208 Albonectria rigidiuscula on/isolated from stem of Coffea Peninsular Malaysia Lim, T.K. 1988-05-23
IMI 361352 Albonectria rigidiuscula isolated from bark of Theobroma cacao Sabah 1994-01-19
IMI 385570 Albonectria rigidiuscula associated with Ficus Singapore
IMI 63653b Albonectria rigidiuscula associated with Theobroma cacao Peninsular Malaysia Johnston, A. 1956-06-25
IMI 63660b Albonectria rigidiuscula associated with Theobroma cacao Peninsular Malaysia Johnston, A. 1956-07-06
IMI 63980a Albonectria rigidiuscula associated with Theobroma cacao Peninsular Malaysia Johnston, A. 1956-08-09
IMI 96170 Albugo candida associated with Brassica rapa Sarawak Turner, G.J. 1962-08-15
IMI 33512 Albugo ipomoeae-panduratae associated with Ipomoea aquatica Peninsular Malaysia Johnston, A. 1948-10-01
IMI 79388 Albugo ipomoeae-panduratae associated with Ipomoea reptans Sarawak Johnston, A. 1959-09-21
IMI 79431 Albugo ipomoeae-panduratae associated with Ipomoea reptans Sarawak Johnston, A. 1959-09-25
IMI 89550 Albugo ipomoeae-panduratae on leaf of Ipomoea triloba Philippines Palo, M.A. 1946-11-20
IMI 92387 Albugo ipomoeae-panduratae associated with Ipomoea aquatica Sarawak Turner, G.J. 1962-01-02
IMI 96491 Albugo ipomoeae-panduratae associated with Ipomoea reptans Sabah Williams, T. 1962-10-17
IMI 156132 Albugo ipomoeae-panduratae associated with Ipomoea aquatica Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1971-03-18
IMI 236460 Aldona stella-nigra associated with Pterocarpus indicus Philippines Reinking, O. 1919-11
IMI 89544 Alina jasmini on leaf of Coptosapelta tomentosa Jawa 1932-10
IMI 214481 Alina jasmini associated with Jasminum Jawa Raciborski, M. 1900 ex isotype coll.
IMI 369742 Allophoma tropica on/isolated from shoot of Theobroma cacao Sabah 1995-11-02
IMI 372969 Allophoma tropica on/isolated from stem of Mimosa pigra Jawa 1995-12-20
IMI 156185 Alternaria alternata associated with Lycopersicon esculentum Peninsular Malaysia 1971-03-24
IMI 158702 Alternaria alternata associated with Pisum sativum Peninsular Malaysia S.L.Gek
IMI 159955 Alternaria alternata associated with Fragaria vesca Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H.
IMI 160830 Alternaria alternata associated with Axonopus Brunei W.T.H.Peregrino
IMI 224019 Alternaria alternata associated with Solanum tuberosum Sabah 1977-12-14
IMI 224020 Alternaria alternata associated with Solanum tuberosum Sabah 1977-12-14
IMI 243084 Alternaria alternata associated with Spinacia oleracea Sabah Wong, P.H. 1979-10-30
IMI 247056 Alternaria alternata associated with Brassica Peninsular Malaysia Nik, W.Z. 1980-03-19
IMI 278081 Alternaria alternata associated with Lycopersicon esculentum Peninsular Malaysia Kwee, L.T. 1983-05-20
IMI 293477 Alternaria alternata associated with Ipomoea batatas Peninsular Malaysia Bong, C.L. (PP 2912/60) 1985-01-03
IMI 306316 Alternaria alternata associated with Populus deltoides Peninsular Malaysia Zakaria, M. 1986
IMI 328512 Alternaria alternata associated with Carica papaya Peninsular Malaysia Sepeah, M. 1988-05-06
IMI 334621 Alternaria alternata associated with Asparagus officinalis Peninsular Malaysia 1987-04-05
IMI 346272 Alternaria alternata associated with Rosa Peninsular Malaysia
IMI 348278 Alternaria alternata on/isolated from leaf spot of Apium graveolens Peninsular Malaysia 1991-06-03
IMI 360160 Alternaria alternata associated with Rapinia herbacea Philippines 1991
IMI 395417 Alternaria alternata on/isolated from fruit of mango Singapore 2007-05-14
IMI 243072 Alternaria atra associated with Solanum tuberosum Sabah Wong, P.H. 1979-10-30
IMI 24700 Alternaria brassicae associated with Brassica chinensis Peninsular Malaysia Johnston, A. 1947-12-25
IMI 79288 Alternaria brassicae associated with Raphanus sativus Sabah Johnston, A. 1959-09-10
IMI 79290 Alternaria brassicae associated with Brassica chinensis Sabah Johnston, A. 1959-09-10
IMI 79298 Alternaria brassicae associated with Brassica oleracea var. bullata Sabah Johnston, A. 1959-09-11
IMI 80585 Alternaria brassicae associated with Brassica chinensis var. communis Sabah Williams, T.H. 1960-08-09
IMI 83747 Alternaria brassicae associated with Brassica chinensis var. communis Sabah Williams, T.H. 1960-11-30
IMI 149045 Alternaria brassicae associated with Brassica Peninsular Malaysia C.F. Loh 1970-05-27
IMI 156203 Alternaria brassicae associated with Brassica Peninsular Malaysia Geh, S.L. 1971-03-30
IMI 184501 Alternaria brassicae associated with Brassica alboglabra Brunei W,T.H.Peragrine
IMI 184502b Alternaria brassicae associated with Brassica chinensis Brunei W.Peregrine
IMI 24695 Alternaria brassicicola associated with Brassica oleracea Peninsular Malaysia Johnston, A. 1947-12-21
IMI 83748 Alternaria brassicicola associated with Brassica oleracea var. capitata Sabah Williams, T.H. 1960-11-30
IMI 86615 Alternaria brassicicola associated with Brassica chinensis var. communis Sabah Williams, T.H. 1961-05-02
IMI 86617 Alternaria brassicicola associated with Brassica oleracea var. acephala Sabah Williams, T.H. 1961-05-02
IMI 103470 Alternaria brassicicola on leaf of Brassica rapa Peninsular Malaysia Navaratheram, S.J. 1963-11-18
IMI 168329 Alternaria brassicicola associated with Raphanus sativus var. hortensis Sarawak Kheng, K.T. 1972-07-19
IMI 204484 Alternaria brassicicola Peninsular Malaysia 1976-06-10
IMI 237429 Alternaria brassicicola associated with Brassica rapa Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1979-02-15
IMI 171119a Alternaria brassicicola associated with Brassica oleracea var. capitata Sarawak Kheng, K.T. 1972-10-11
IMI 184502a Alternaria brassicicola associated with Brassica chinensis Brunei W.Peregrine
IMI 279173 Alternaria conoidea associated with Hevea Jawa Simons, E.G. 1969-11 Isotype of Embellisia conoidea E.G. Simmons 1983
IMI 24705 Alternaria dauci associated with Daucus carota Peninsular Malaysia Johnston, A. 1948-12-17
IMI 80584 Alternaria dauci associated with Daucus carota Sabah Williams, T.H. 1960-08-09
IMI 241291 Alternaria dauci associated with Daucus carota Jawa Graham, C.M. 1979-08-15
IMI 63985 Alternaria porri associated with Allium porrum Peninsular Malaysia Johnston, A. 1956-09-07
IMI 79338 Alternaria porri associated with Allium cepa Sabah Johnston, A. 1959-09-11
IMI 80588 Alternaria porri associated with Allium porrum Sabah Williams, T.H. 1960-08-09
IMI 175397 Alternaria porri associated with Allium porrum Sumatera Kranz, J. [Dr] 1973-03-04
IMI 224415 Alternaria porri associated with Allium cepa Sarawak Hock, Teo Chan 1978-01-19
IMI 24689a Alternaria porri associated with Allium cepa Peninsular Malaysia Johnston, A. 1947-12-21
IMI 24690a Alternaria porri associated with Allium porrum Peninsular Malaysia Johnston, A. 1947-12-21
IMI 179224 Alternaria ricini associated with Ricinus communis Sarawak K.T.Kheng 1973-09-13
IMI 159600b Alternaria ricini associated with Ricinus communis Sarawak K.T.Khang
IMI 193006a Alternaria ricini associated with Ricinus communis Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1975-04-15
IMI 80598 Alternaria solani associated with Solanum tuberosum Sabah Williams, T.H. 1960-08-09
IMI 86637 Alternaria solani associated with Lycopersicon esculentum Sabah Williams, T.H. 1961-05-02
IMI 167463 Alternaria solani associated with Lycopersicon esculentum Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1972-07-13
IMI 83743 Alternaria tenuissima associated with Angelonia salicariaefolia Sabah Williams, T.H. 1960-11-30
IMI 159506 Alternaria tenuissima associated with Lycopersicon esculentum Brunei W.T.H.Perogrime
IMI 256937 Alternaria tenuissima associated with Lycopersicon esculentum Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1980-12-12
IMI 292885 Alternaria tenuissima associated with Asparagus officinalis Peninsular Malaysia Bong, C.L. 1985-01-03
IMI 334625 Alternaria tenuissima associated with Asparagus officinalis Peninsular Malaysia 1988-11-10
IMI 168326b Alternaria tenuissima associated with Allium cepa Sarawak Kheng, K.T. 1972-06-19
IMI 200024 Alternaria zinniae associated with Zinnia Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1976-01-06
IMI 353051 Alysidium resinae Peninsular Malaysia 1989-10-25
IMI 28900 Amauroderma rugosum Philippines Ramos, M.; Edaņo, G. 1919-11-10
IMI 48349 Amazonia acalyphae associated with Acalypha stipulacea Philippines Baker
IMI 72537 Amazonia acalyphae associated with Acalypha stipulacea Philippines Baker ex type coll.
IMI 24927 Amazonia butleri associated with Citrus Peninsular Malaysia Johnston, A.
IMI 25609 Amazonia butleri associated with Rutaceae Philippines
IMI 74428b Amazonia peregrina associated with Maesa laxa Philippines Baker
IMI 17676 Amazonia piperis associated with Piper retrofractum Philippines Ramos, H. 1913-09
IMI 17677 Amazonia piperis associated with Piper Philippines Ramos, H. 1917-03-02
IMI 17678 Amazonia piperis associated with Piper Philippines Ramos, H. 1913-08
IMI 17679 Amazonia piperis associated with Piper Philippines Robinson 1913-07

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