Herb. IMI records for geographical unit 42

0 specimens retrieved.

IMI number Name, associated organism Locality Collector Type status
IMI 186070 associated with Citrullus vulgaris Peninsular Malaysia Peter,S.W.Liv
IMI 186071 associated with Citrullus vulgaris Peninsular Malaysia Peter,S.W.Liv
IMI 186072 associated with Gebrajamesonii bolus Peninsular Malaysia Peter,S.W.Liv
IMI 186076 associated with Hydrilla verticillata Peninsular Malaysia Peter,S.W.Liv
IMI 186556 associated with Piper nigrum Sarawak P.S.W.Hiu
IMI 186557 associated with Piper nigrum Sarawak P.S.W.Hiu
IMI 186558 associated with Piper nigrum Sarawak P.S.W.Hiu
IMI 186559 associated with Piper nigrum Sarawak P.S.W.Hiu
IMI 186560 associated with Piper nigrum Sarawak P.S.W.Hiu
IMI 186561 associated with Piper nigrum Sarawak P.S.W.Hiu
IMI 186562 associated with Piper nigrum Sarawak P.S.W.Hiu
IMI 187087 associated with Nelumbium nelumbo Sabah P.S.W.Liu
IMI 187088 associated with Nelumbium nelumbo Sabah P.S.W.Liu
IMI 187089 associated with Hevea brasiliensis Sabah P.S.W.Liu
IMI 187090 associated with Hevea brasiliensis Sabah P.S.W.Liu
IMI 187091 associated with Hevea brasiliensis Sabah P.S.W.Liu
IMI 187093 associated with Manihot utilissima Sabah P.S.W.Liu
IMI 187094 associated with Manihot utilissima Sabah P.S.W.Liu
IMI 187095 associated with Saccharum officinarum Sabah P.S.W.Liu
IMI 187096 associated with Saccharum officinarum Sabah P.S.W.Liu
IMI 187097 associated with Citrus mitis Sabah P.S.W.Liu
IMI 187098 associated with Rorippa nasturtium-aquaticum Sabah P.S.W.Liu
IMI 187099 associated with Oryza sativa Sabah P.S.W.Liu
IMI 187100 associated with Oryza sativa Sabah P.S.W.Liu
IMI 187101 associated with Oryza sativa Sabah P.S.W.Liu
IMI 187102 associated with Oryza sativa Sabah P.S.W.Liu
IMI 187476 on seeds of Hibiscus esculentus Peninsular Malaysia T.L.Hvan
IMI 187477 associated with Durio zibethinus Peninsular Malaysia T.L.Hvan
IMI 187479 on leaf spot of Musa Peninsular Malaysia T.L.Hvan
IMI 187480 on leaf spot of Musa Peninsular Malaysia T.L.Hvan
IMI 187490 associated with Lactuca sativa Brunei W.T.H.Psregrine
IMI 187497 associated with Mangifera indica Brunei W.T.H.Psregrine
IMI 187500 associated with Ananas comosus Brunei W.T.H.Psregrine
IMI 187501 associated with Dolichos lablab Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1974-08-26
IMI 187902 associated with Manihot esculenta Peninsular Malaysia 1974-08-23
IMI 187915 associated with Piper betle Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1974-09-09
IMI 187916 associated with Elephant grass Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1974-09-09
IMI 187918 associated with Psidium guajava Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1974-09-09
IMI 187931 associated with Euphorbia pedilanthus-tithymaloides Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1974-09-09
IMI 187932 on/isolated from rotten wood of Plantae Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1974-09-09
IMI 188867 associated with Theobroma cacao Sabah Liu, P.S.W. 1974-10-07
IMI 188868 associated with Capsicum annuum Sabah Liu, P.S.W. 1974-10-07
IMI 188875 associated with Gerbera jamesonii Sabah Liu, P.S.W. 1974-10-07
IMI 188876 associated with Nelumbium nelumbo Sabah Liu, P.S.W. 1974-10-07
IMI 188877 associated with Citrus mitis Sabah Liu, P.S.W. 1974-10-07
IMI 189509 associated with Vigna unguiculata Sabah Liu, P.S.W. 1974-11-04
IMI 189514 associated with Begonia Sabah Liu, P.S.W. 1974-11-04
IMI 189516 associated with Begonia Sabah Liu, P.S.W. 1974-11-04
IMI 189521 associated with Celosia cristata Sabah Liu, P.S.W. 1974-11-04
IMI 189569 associated with Vigna sesquipedalis Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1974-11-04
IMI 189574 associated with Nephelium lappaceum Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1974-11-04
IMI 189576 associated with Plumeria obtusa Brunei 1974-11-04
IMI 189968 associated with Brassica chinensis Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1974-11-26
IMI 189990 associated with Citrus sinensis Peninsular Malaysia Crichett, C. 1974-11-08
IMI 190018 on/isolated from root of Myristica fragrans Peninsular Malaysia 1974-07-19
IMI 190019 on/isolated from root of Myristica fragrans Peninsular Malaysia 1974-07
IMI 190020 on/isolated from root of Myristica fragrans Peninsular Malaysia 1974-07-19
IMI 190027 associated with Saccharum officinarum Peninsular Malaysia 1974-07-17
IMI 191755 associated with Cocos nucifera Philippines Marrill, B.D. 1913-05 ex type coll. of Anthostomella cocoina
IMI 191766 associated with Cocos nucifera Sulawesi Parbery, D.G. 1975-02-27
IMI 192092 associated with Dendrobium Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1975-02-25
IMI 192269 associated with Calathea insignis Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1975-02-25
IMI 192270 associated with Hevea brasiliensis Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1975-02-25
IMI 192272 associated with Psophocarpus tetragonolobus Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1975-02-25
IMI 192274 associated with Lactuca sativa Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1975-02-25
IMI 192276 associated with Annona squamosa Brunei 1975-02-25
IMI 192277 associated with Adiantum Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1975-02-25
IMI 192278 associated with Cassia fistula Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1975-02-25
IMI 192402 associated with Artemisia vulgaris Sabah Lie, P.S.W. 1975-03-19
IMI 192404 associated with Zinnia elegans Sabah Lie, P.S.W. 1975-03-19
IMI 192406 associated with Manihot utilissima Sabah Lie, P.S.W. 1975-03-19
IMI 192407 associated with Manihot utilissima Sabah Lie, P.S.W. 1975-03-19
IMI 192408 associated with Impatiens balsamina Sabah Lie, P.S.W. 1975-03-19
IMI 192411 associated with Rosa Sabah Lie, P.S.W. 1975-03-19
IMI 192413 associated with Gerbera jamesonii Sabah Lie, P.S.W. 1975-03-19
IMI 192414 associated with Muntingia calabura Sabah Lie, P.S.W. 1975-03-19
IMI 192468 associated with Myristica fragrans Peninsular Malaysia Tai Luang Huan 1975-03-06
IMI 192550 associated with Theobroma cacao Sabah Lie, P.S.W. 1975-03-24
IMI 192552 associated with Theobroma cacao Sabah Lie, P.S.W. 1975-03-24
IMI 192627 associated with Homo sapiens Singapore Tan, R.J.S. [Dr] 1975-04-09
IMI 192628 Singapore Tan, R.J.S. [Dr] 1975-04-09
IMI 192916 associated with Orchidaceae Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1975-04-05
IMI 192917 associated with Dendrobium Brunei 1975-04-05
IMI 192919 associated with Brassica oleracea Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1975-04-05
IMI 192924 associated with Musa sapientum Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1975-04-05
IMI 192927 associated with Citrus nobilis Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1975-04-05
IMI 192929 associated with Orchidaceae Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1975-04-05
IMI 192991 associated with Calathea makoyana Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1975-04-15
IMI 192992 associated with Desmodium Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1975-04-15
IMI 192996 associated with Zea mays Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1975-04-15
IMI 192999 associated with Pinus caribaea Brunei 1975-04-15
IMI 193000 associated with Dryobalanops beccarii Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1975-04-15
IMI 193004 associated with Pueraria phaseoloides Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1975-04-15
IMI 194138 associated with Piper nigrum Sarawak Kheng, K.T. 1975-05-10
IMI 194142 associated with Piper nigrum Sarawak Kheng, K.T. 1975-05-10
IMI 194143 associated with Piper nigrum Sarawak Kheng, K.T. 1975-05-10
IMI 194144 associated with Piper nigrum Sarawak Kheng, K.T. 1975-05-10
IMI 194158 associated with Citrullus vulgaris Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1975-05-26
IMI 194159 associated with Lactuca sativa Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1975-05-26
IMI 194166 associated with Lonicera macrantha Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1975-05-26
IMI 194167 associated with Capsicum frutescens Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1975-05-26
IMI 194264 Singapore 1975-05-21
IMI 194268 Singapore 1975-05-21
IMI 194270 Singapore 1975-05-21
IMI 194435 associated with Garcinia mangostana Sabah Liu, P.S. 1975-06-05
IMI 194440 associated with Theobroma cacao Sabah Liu, P.S. 1975-06-05
IMI 194441 associated with Piper nigrum Sabah Liu, P.S. 1975-06-05
IMI 194442 associated with Piper nigrum Sabah Liu, P.S. 1975-06-05
IMI 194444 associated with Piper nigrum Sabah Liu, P.S. 1975-06-05
IMI 194445 associated with Durio zibethinus Sabah Liu, P.S. 1975-06-05
IMI 195446 Philippines Uyenco [Miss] 1975-06
IMI 195638 associated with Brassica rapa Brunei WTH Peregrine
IMI 195641 associated with Wormia pulchella Brunei WTH Peregrine
IMI 195645 associated with Begonia Brunei WTH Peregrine
IMI 195650 Singapore Gloria Lim
IMI 195651 Singapore Gloria Lim
IMI 195665 Sarawak K.T.Kheng
IMI 195666 Sarawak K.T.Kheng
IMI 195667 Sarawak K.T.Kheng
IMI 195668 Sarawak K.T.Kheng
IMI 195669 Sarawak K.T.Kheng
IMI 195670 Sarawak K.T.Kheng
IMI 195730 associated with Fragaria vesca Peninsular Malaysia S.K.Green
IMI 195731 associated with Fragaria vesca Peninsular Malaysia S.K.Green
IMI 195733 associated with Fragaria vesca Peninsular Malaysia S.K.Green
IMI 195734 associated with Fragaria vesca Peninsular Malaysia S.K.Green
IMI 195735 associated with Fragaria vesca Peninsular Malaysia S.K.Green
IMI 195736 associated with Fragaria vesca Peninsular Malaysia S.K.Green
IMI 195738 associated with Piper nigrum Peninsular Malaysia S.K.Green
IMI 195740 associated with Piper nigrum Peninsular Malaysia S.K.Green
IMI 195744 associated with Lycopersicon esculentum Peninsular Malaysia M.S.Ying
IMI 195746 associated with Anthyllis vulneraria Peninsular Malaysia M.S.Ying
IMI 195749 Peninsular Malaysia M.S.Ying
IMI 195750 associated with Carica papaya Peninsular Malaysia M.S.Ying
IMI 195752 associated with Carica papaya Peninsular Malaysia M.S.Ying
IMI 195754 associated with Carica papaya Peninsular Malaysia M.S.Ying
IMI 195756 associated with Orchidaceae Peninsular Malaysia M.S.Ying
IMI 195758 associated with Mangifera indica Peninsular Malaysia M.S.Ying
IMI 195760 on wood of Plantae Peninsular Malaysia M.S.Ying
IMI 195764 associated with Vigna sinensis Peninsular Malaysia M.S.Ying
IMI 195765 associated with Chrysanthemum Peninsular Malaysia M.S.Ying
IMI 195959 associated with Begonia Peninsular Malaysia Peter Sw Liu
IMI 195968 associated with Coleus Peninsular Malaysia Peter Sw Liu
IMI 195970 associated with Phaius tankervilliae Peninsular Malaysia Peter Sw Liu
IMI 196133 Peninsular Malaysia A.Nawawi
IMI 196145 associated with Theobroma cacao Peninsular Malaysia Peter S.W.Liu
IMI 196630 on/isolated from tree trunk of ielutong Peninsular Malaysia Hong Lay Thang
IMI 196631 on tree trunk of ielutong Peninsular Malaysia Hong Lay Thang
IMI 196632 on tree trunk of jelutong Peninsular Malaysia Hong Lay thong
IMI 196636 on/isolated from tree trunk of jelutong Peninsular Malaysia Hong Lay thong
IMI 196640 on seeds of kapur Peninsular Malaysia Hong Lay thong
IMI 196642 on/isolated from timber of jelutong Peninsular Malaysia Hong Lay thong
IMI 196643 on/isolated from stems of Bambusoideae Peninsular Malaysia Hong Lay thong
IMI 196645 on/isolated from timber of jelutong Peninsular Malaysia Hong Lay thong
IMI 196792 associated with Durio zibethinus Sabah Peter Liu
IMI 196793 associated with Durio zibethinus Sabah Peter Liu
IMI 196794 associated with Durio zibethinus Sabah Peter Liu
IMI 196795 associated with Theobroma cacao Sabah Peter Liu
IMI 196796 associated with Theobroma cacao Sabah Peter Liu
IMI 196801 associated with Iris Sabah Peter Liu
IMI 196803 associated with Elaeis guineensis Sabah Peter Liu
IMI 196804 associated with Elaeis guineensis Sabah Peter Liu
IMI 196807 associated with Saccharum officinarum Sabah Peter Liu
IMI 197155 associated with Brassica oleracea Brunei WTH Pergrine
IMI 197156 associated with Persea americana Brunei WTH Pergrine
IMI 197157 associated with Ocimum basilicum Brunei WTH Pergrine
IMI 197160 associated with Brassica oleracea var. caulorapa Brunei WTH Pergrine
IMI 197163 associated with Solanum melongena Brunei WTH Pergrine
IMI 197165 associated with Corchorus capsularis Brunei WTH Pergrine
IMI 197169 associated with Saccharum officinarum Brunei WTH Pergrine
IMI 197170 associated with Brassica oleracea var. caulorapa Brunei WTH Pergrine
IMI 197193 associated with Piper nigrum Peninsular Malaysia Kueh tiong kheng
IMI 197195 associated with Piper nigrum Peninsular Malaysia Kueh tiong kheng
IMI 197476 Singapore Gloria Lim
IMI 197727 Singapore G.Lim
IMI 199725 Peninsular Malaysia
IMI 199729 Peninsular Malaysia
IMI 200020 associated with Musa textilis Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1976-01-06
IMI 200021 associated with Ipomoea hederacea Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1976-01-06
IMI 200022 associated with Telosma cordata Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1976-01-06
IMI 200028 associated with Brassica oleracea var. bullata Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1976-01-06
IMI 200046 Singapore Lim, G. 1976-01-09
IMI 200439 on/isolated from nail, infected of Homo sapiens Brunei Bahria, M.A. [Mrs] 1976-01-15
IMI 201237 associated with Pinus caribaea Sabah Liu, P. 1976-01-19
IMI 201243 associated with Pinus caribaea Sabah Liu, P. 1976-01-19
IMI 201258 associated with Pinus caribaea Sabah Liu, P. 1976-01-19
IMI 202011 associated with Citrus nobilis Sabah Liu, P. 1976-03-11
IMI 202013 associated with Citrus nobilis Sabah 1976-03-11
IMI 202014 associated with Citrus nobilis Sabah Liu, P. 1976-03-11
IMI 202050 associated with Thosea asigna Sarawak Tiong, R.H.C. 1976-03-04
IMI 202625 associated with Nephelium lappaceum Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1976-04-07
IMI 202628 associated with Coix lacryma-jobi Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1976-01-07
IMI 202629 associated with Impatiens balsamina Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1976-01-09
IMI 202630 Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1976-01-12
IMI 202632 associated with Episcia falgida Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1975-12-12
IMI 202634 associated with Punica granatum Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1976-01-14
IMI 202635 associated with Cassia alata Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1976-02-02
IMI 202636 associated with Capsicum annuum Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1975-11-12
IMI 202640 associated with Thosea asigna Sarawak 1976-03-20
IMI 202641 associated with Thosea asigna Sarawak Tiong, R.H.C. 1976-04-07
IMI 203360 associated with Mahasena corbetti Sarawak Tiong, R.H.C. 1976-05-06
IMI 203715 associated with Nilaparvata lugens Jawa Mochida, O. 1976-02-20
IMI 203716 associated with Nilaparvata lugens Jawa Mochida, O. 1976-02-21
IMI 203717 associated with Nilaparvata lugens Jawa Mochida, O. 1976-02-21
IMI 203718 associated with Nilaparvata lugens Jawa Mochida, O. 1976-05-20
IMI 204173 associated with Oryza sativa Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1976-06-10
IMI 204176 associated with Mesembryanthemum Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1976-06-10
IMI 204236 associated with Oryza sativa Sarawak Hock, Teo Chan 1976-06-10
IMI 204237 associated with Durio zibethinus Sarawak Hock, Teo Chan 1976-06-10
IMI 204487 Peninsular Malaysia 1976-06-10
IMI 205566 associated with Rhynchostylis Sabah Liu, P.S.W. 1976-07-15
IMI 205917 associated with Gigantochloa scortechinii Peninsular Malaysia 1976-07-28
IMI 206051 on leaf, decayed of Plantae Jawa Simmons, E.G. 1969-01-14
IMI 206798 associated with Averrhoa bilimbi Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1975-11
IMI 206803 associated with Brassica chinensis Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1976-06
IMI 206805 associated with Nicotiana tabacum Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1976-08
IMI 206809 associated with Allium cepa Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1976-08
IMI 206811 associated with Dendrobium Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1976-09
IMI 206816 associated with Mentha arvensis Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1976-09
IMI 207258 on pupa of Thosea asigna Sarawak Tiong, R.H.C. 1976-09-29
IMI 208754 associated with Lasia heterophylla Singapore
IMI 210419 associated with Agathis borneensis Sabah Liu, P.S.W. 1976-09-20
IMI 210420 associated with Achras zapota Sabah Lee, M.T. 1976-10-28
IMI 211777 associated with Manihot utilissima Peninsular Malaysia Varghese [Prof.] 1977-03-08
IMI 212767 associated with Rosa Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1977-03-30
IMI 212770 associated with Zea mays Brunei 1977-03-30
IMI 212771 associated with Durio zibethinus Brunei 1977-03-30
IMI 212774 associated with Piper betle Brunei 1977-03-30
IMI 212930 associated with Oryza sativa Sarawak Hock, Teo Chan 1977-04-13
IMI 213040 associated with Theobroma cacao Sabah Liu, P. 1977-04-18
IMI 213041 associated with Theobroma cacao Sabah Liu, P. 1977-04-18
IMI 213405 associated with Piper nigrum Sarawak 1977-04-20
IMI 213600 associated with Capsicum annuum Peninsular Malaysia 1977-04-24
IMI 213602 associated with Capsicum annuum Peninsular Malaysia 1977-04-24
IMI 213784 associated with Saissetia nigra Peninsular Malaysia 1977-05-20
IMI 213871 associated with Burmannia Peninsular Malaysia 1977-05-25
IMI 213874 associated with Burmannia Peninsular Malaysia Ariffin, N. 1977-05-25
IMI 213875 associated with Burmannia Peninsular Malaysia Ariffin, N. 1977-05-25
IMI 213881 associated with Burmannia Peninsular Malaysia Ariffin, N. 1977-05-25
IMI 213883 associated with Burmannia Peninsular Malaysia Ariffin, N. 1977-05-25
IMI 213886 associated with Burmannia Peninsular Malaysia Ariffin, N. 1977-05-25
IMI 213889 associated with Burmannia Peninsular Malaysia Ariffin, N. 1977-05-25
IMI 213890 associated with Burmannia Peninsular Malaysia Ariffin, N. 1977-05-25
IMI 213970 associated with Syzygium aromaticum Sumatera Benvatt, C.P.A. 1977-06-08
IMI 213972 associated with Syzygium aromaticum Sumatera 1977-06-08
IMI 213973 associated with Syzygium aromaticum Sumatera Benvatt, C.P.A. 1977-06-08
IMI 214104 associated with Theobroma cacao Sabah Liu, P.S.W. 1977-05-18
IMI 214105 associated with Tetragonia expansa Peninsular Malaysia Liu, P.S.W. 1976-01-10
IMI 214106 associated with Eucalyptus Sabah Liu, P.S.W. 1977-02-11
IMI 214123 associated with Cocos nucifera Sarawak Hock, Teo Chan 1977-06-13
IMI 214126 associated with Vigna unguiculata Sarawak 1977-06-13
IMI 214133 associated with Parashorea Peninsular Malaysia 1977-05
IMI 214135 associated with Parashorea Peninsular Malaysia 1977-05
IMI 214151 associated with Zinnia Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1977-06-06
IMI 214156 associated with Phaseolus vulgaris Brunei 1977-06-07
IMI 214159 associated with Heliconia indica Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1977-06-07
IMI 214160 associated with Thunbergia erecta Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1977-06-07
IMI 214650 on branch of Eugenia caryophylla Philippines Gibson, I.A.S. 1977-06
IMI 214651 on branch of Eugenia caryophylla Philippines Gibson, I.A.S. 1977-06
IMI 214652 on leaf of Alnus japonica Philippines Gibson, I.A.S. 1977-06-23
IMI 214653 on leaf of Pterocarpus indicus Philippines Gibson, I.A.S. 1977-06-15
IMI 214654 on leaf of Pinus kesiya Philippines Gibson, I.A.S. 1977-06-23
IMI 214655 on leaf of Pinus kesiya Philippines Gibson, I.A.S. 1977-06-23
IMI 214656 on leaf of Pinus kesiya Philippines Gibson, I.A.S. 1977-06-24
IMI 214657 on seedling of Pinus kesiya Philippines Gibson, I.A.S. 1977-06-26
IMI 214659 associated with Chamaecyparis pisifer-fragariae Philippines Gibson, I.A.S. 1977-06
IMI 214660 on leaf of Pinus merkusii Philippines Sumatra, W. 1977-07-10
IMI 215106 Jawa Hedger, J. 1977-07-27
IMI 215109 Jawa Hedger, J. 1977-07-27
IMI 215408 Peninsular Malaysia 1977-08-02
IMI 215492 on/isolated from seed of Magnoliophyta Peninsular Malaysia Abdullah, H. 1977-08-06
IMI 215499 on/isolated from seed of Magnoliophyta Peninsular Malaysia Abdullah, H. 1977-08-06
IMI 215747 associated with Cajanus cajan Sabah Olom, O. 1977-08-17
IMI 215753 associated with Theobroma cacao Sabah Olom, O. 1977-08-17
IMI 215755 associated with Theobroma cacao Sabah Olom, O. 1977-08-17
IMI 216586 associated with Cocos nucifera Peninsular Malaysia Tai Luang Huan 1977-09-06
IMI 222954 associated with Cocos nucifera Sumatera Turner, P.D.
IMI 222955 associated with Cocos nucifera Sumatera Turner, P.D.
IMI 222958 associated with Cocos nucifera Sumatera Turner, P.D.
IMI 223458 associated with Capsicum annuum Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1977-11-16
IMI 223497 associated with Dendrobium Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1977-11-16
IMI 223501 associated with Spinacia oleracea Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1977-11-16
IMI 223502 associated with Persea americana Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1977-11-17
IMI 223505 associated with Anthurium Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1977-11-16
IMI 223506 associated with Citrus nobilis Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1977-11-16
IMI 223508 associated with Oryza sativa Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1977-11-16
IMI 223545 associated with Solanum tuberosum Sabah 1977-11-23
IMI 223546 associated with Solanum tuberosum Sabah 1977-11-23
IMI 223552 associated with Theobroma cacao Sabah 1977-11-23
IMI 223681 associated with Eugenia caryophyllata Sumatera Bennett, C.P.A. 1977-08-02
IMI 224007 associated with Pinus Sabah 1977-12-14
IMI 224010 associated with Durio zibethinus Sabah 1977-12-14
IMI 224025 associated with Solanum tuberosum Sabah 1977-12-14
IMI 225432 associated with Theobroma cacao Sabah 1978-02-15
IMI 225433 associated with Theobroma cacao Sabah 1978-02-15
IMI 226322 associated with Plantae Peninsular Malaysia 1978-03-21
IMI 226323 associated with Plantae Peninsular Malaysia 1978-03-21
IMI 226324 associated with Glycine max Peninsular Malaysia 1978-03-21
IMI 226325 associated with Glycine max Peninsular Malaysia 1978-03-21
IMI 226326 associated with Glycine max Peninsular Malaysia 1978-03-21
IMI 226327 associated with Glycine max Peninsular Malaysia 1978-03-21
IMI 226328 associated with Glycine max Peninsular Malaysia 1978-03-21
IMI 226329 associated with Glycine max Peninsular Malaysia 1978-03-21
IMI 226330 associated with Glycine max Peninsular Malaysia 1978-03-21
IMI 226331 associated with Glycine max Peninsular Malaysia 1978-03-21
IMI 226332 associated with Glycine max Peninsular Malaysia 1978-03-21
IMI 226333 associated with Glycine max Peninsular Malaysia 1978-03-21
IMI 226334 associated with Glycine max Peninsular Malaysia 1978-03-21
IMI 226335 associated with Glycine max Peninsular Malaysia 1978-03-21
IMI 226336 associated with Glycine max Peninsular Malaysia 1978-03-21
IMI 226337 associated with Glycine max Peninsular Malaysia 1978-03-21
IMI 226338 associated with Glycine max Peninsular Malaysia 1978-03-21
IMI 226339 associated with Glycine max Peninsular Malaysia 1978-03-21
IMI 226340 associated with Glycine max Peninsular Malaysia 1978-03-21
IMI 226341 associated with Glycine max Peninsular Malaysia 1978-03-21
IMI 226342 associated with Glycine max Peninsular Malaysia 1978-03-21
IMI 226343 associated with Glycine max Peninsular Malaysia 1978-03-21
IMI 226344 associated with Glycine max Peninsular Malaysia 1978-03-21
IMI 226345 associated with Glycine max Peninsular Malaysia 1978-03-21
IMI 226346 associated with Glycine max Peninsular Malaysia 1978-03-21
IMI 226347 associated with Glycine max Peninsular Malaysia 1978-03-21
IMI 226348 associated with Glycine max Peninsular Malaysia 1978-03-21
IMI 226349 associated with Glycine max Peninsular Malaysia 1978-03-21
IMI 226350 associated with Glycine max Peninsular Malaysia 1978-03-21
IMI 226452 associated with Allium cepa Sarawak Hock, Teo Chan 1978-03-20
IMI 227942 associated with Dahlia variabilis Brunei 1977-07-11
IMI 227943 associated with Dracaena Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1978-03-01
IMI 227946 associated with Chrysanthemum hortorum Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1978-04-01
IMI 227947 associated with Anthurium clarinervium Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1978-04-04
IMI 227948 associated with Nephelium lappaceum Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1978-03-01
IMI 227949 associated with Brassica oleracea var. botrytis Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1978-04-18
IMI 227950 associated with Piper nigrum Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1978-03-04
IMI 227951 associated with Ananas comosus Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1974-03-05
IMI 227952 associated with Glycine max Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1978-04-14
IMI 227953 associated with Hevea brasiliensis Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1978-04-18
IMI 227956 associated with Alocasia Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1978-04-18
IMI 227957 associated with Mangifera indica Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1978-04-21
IMI 227958 associated with Dahlia variabilis Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1978-04-18
IMI 227959 associated with Piper nigrum Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1978-04-14
IMI 227962 associated with Brassica oleracea var. bullata Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1978-04-15
IMI 227964 associated with Vanda Brunei 1978-04-04
IMI 228902 associated with Anacardium occidentale Peninsular Malaysia 1978-06-01
IMI 228903 associated with Anacardium occidentale Peninsular Malaysia 1978-06-01
IMI 228912 associated with Glycine max Peninsular Malaysia 1978-06-01
IMI 228915 associated with Glycine max Peninsular Malaysia 1978-06-01
IMI 228916 associated with Glycine max Peninsular Malaysia 1978-06-01
IMI 228917 associated with Glycine max Peninsular Malaysia 1978-06-01
IMI 228918 associated with Glycine max Peninsular Malaysia 1978-06-01
IMI 228928 associated with Phaseolus mungo Peninsular Malaysia 1978-06-01
IMI 228931 associated with Phaseolus vulgaris Peninsular Malaysia 1978-06-01
IMI 228934 associated with Phaseolus vulgaris Peninsular Malaysia 1978-06-01
IMI 228938 associated with Phaseolus vulgaris Peninsular Malaysia 1978-06-01
IMI 228964 on/isolated from plant material, decomposing of Plantae Peninsular Malaysia Azizah Hashim 1978-06-05
IMI 228965 on/isolated from plant material, decomposing of Plantae Peninsular Malaysia Azizah Hashim 1978-06-05
IMI 228999 on/isolated from plant tissue, decomposing of Plantae Peninsular Malaysia Azizah Hashim 1978-06-05
IMI 230019 Peninsular Malaysia Hashin, A. 1978-07-11
IMI 230022 Peninsular Malaysia Hashin, A. 1978-07-11
IMI 230024 Peninsular Malaysia Hashin, A. 1978-07-11
IMI 230025 Peninsular Malaysia Hashin, A. 1978-07-11
IMI 230029 Peninsular Malaysia Hashin, A. 1978-07-11
IMI 230031 Peninsular Malaysia Hashin, A. 1978-07-11
IMI 230032 Peninsular Malaysia Hashin, A. 1978-07-11
IMI 230033 Peninsular Malaysia Hashin, A. 1978-07-11
IMI 230206 associated with Mangifera indica Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1978-04-20
IMI 230209 associated with Vigna unguiculata Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1978-05-20
IMI 230210 associated with Orchidaceae Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1978-05-20
IMI 230220 associated with Ipomoea batatas Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1978-07-10
IMI 230226 associated with Piper betle Sumatera Bennett, C.P.A. 1978-07-18
IMI 231216 on/isolated from root, decomposing of Plantae Peninsular Malaysia 1978-08-21
IMI 231217 on root, decomposing of Plantae Peninsular Malaysia 1978-08-21
IMI 231218 on/isolated from root, decomposing of Plantae Peninsular Malaysia 1978-08-21
IMI 231219 on/isolated from root, decomposing of Plantae Peninsular Malaysia 1978-08-21
IMI 231958 associated with Camellia sinensis Sabah 1978-09-13
IMI 231964 associated with Elaeis guineensis Sabah 1978-09-13
IMI 231974 associated with Pinus caribaea Sabah 1978-07-12
IMI 231976 associated with Carica papaya Sabah 1978-08-02
IMI 232162 associated with Theobroma cacao Sarawak Hock, Teo Chan 1978-09-19
IMI 232217 associated with Centrosema pubescens Peninsular Malaysia Hashim, A. 1978-09-25
IMI 232224 associated with Centrosema pubescens Peninsular Malaysia Hashim, A. 1978-09-25
IMI 232232 associated with Centrosema pubescens Peninsular Malaysia Hashim, A. 1978-09-25
IMI 232234 associated with Centrosema pubescens Peninsular Malaysia Hashim, A. 1978-09-25
IMI 232290 associated with Theobroma cacao Sarawak Ahmad, M.H. 1978-09-18
IMI 232736 Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1978-10-05
IMI 232858 on/isolated from leaf of Plumeria acuminata Peninsular Malaysia Minter, D.W. 1971-09-28
IMI 232914 on/isolated from seed, milled of Oryza sativa Peninsular Malaysia Hassan, N.M. 1978-09-14
IMI 232961 associated with Orchidaceae Peninsular Malaysia Lin, T.M. 1978-10-21
IMI 233276 associated with Brassica oleracea var. capitata Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1978-10-01
IMI 233284 associated with Lycopersicon esculentum Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1978-09-14
IMI 233286 associated with Citrus maxima Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1978-10-12
IMI 233288 associated with Colocasia esculenta Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1978-10-12
IMI 233457 Peninsular Malaysia
IMI 233458 Peninsular Malaysia
IMI 233503 associated with Glycine max Peninsular Malaysia Zainun, W. 1978-11-08
IMI 233695 associated with Aranda Sabah Puthan 1978-11-14
IMI 23586b associated with Ipomoea pes-caprae Philippines Robinson, C.B. 1913-11-07
IMI 236082 associated with Hevea Peninsular Malaysia Zainuddin, R.N. 1979-03-05
IMI 236083 associated with Hevea Peninsular Malaysia Zainuddin, R.N. 1979-03-05
IMI 236084 associated with Hevea Peninsular Malaysia Zainuddin, R.N. 1979-03-05
IMI 236203 associated with Averrhoa carambola Peninsular Malaysia Lim Weng Hee 1979-03-05
IMI 236204 associated with Ananas comosus Peninsular Malaysia Lim Weng Hee 1979-03-05
IMI 236205 associated with Ananas comosus Peninsular Malaysia 1979-03-05
IMI 236207 associated with Ananas comosus Peninsular Malaysia Lim Weng Hee 1979-03-05
IMI 236552 associated with Dianella Sabah Clemens, M.S. 1931-10-27
IMI 236657 associated with Equus caballus Peninsular Malaysia 1971-03-18
IMI 236812 associated with Shorea compressa Sabah 1979-03-19
IMI 236814 associated with Cinnamomum Sabah 1979-03-19
IMI 236818 associated with Theobroma cacao Sabah 1979-03-19
IMI 236823 associated with Piper nigrum Sabah 1979-03-19
IMI 236827 associated with Stylosanthes gracilis Sabah 1979-03-19
IMI 236830 associated with Stylosanthes gracilis Sabah 1979-03-19
IMI 236836 associated with Cocos nucifera Sabah 1979-03-19
IMI 236837 associated with Cocos nucifera Sabah 1979-03-19
IMI 236838 associated with Cocos nucifera Sabah 1979-03-19
IMI 237422 associated with Bambusa Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1979-02-22
IMI 237426 associated with Colocasia esculenta Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1979-02-15
IMI 237428 associated with Nephelium lappaceum Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1979-02-15
IMI 237446 associated with Vigna sesquipedalis Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1979-02-18
IMI 237447 associated with Phaseolus aureus Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1979-02-21
IMI 237449 associated with Philodendron Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1979-02-18
IMI 237456 associated with Bambusa Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1979-02-18
IMI 237577 associated with Mangifera Sarawak Hock, Teo Chan 1979-03-28
IMI 237580 associated with Oryza sativa Sarawak Hock, Teo Chan 1979-03-28
IMI 239611 associated with Durio zibethinus Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1979-06-12
IMI 239612 associated with Citrus sinensis Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1979-06-12
IMI 239614 associated with Citrus sinensis Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1979-06-12
IMI 239617 associated with Alocasia Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1979-05-15
IMI 239621 associated with Basella rubra Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1979-06-04
IMI 239622 associated with Actinidia chinensis Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1979-04-25
IMI 239625 associated with Maranta Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1979-05-04
IMI 239629 associated with Actinidia chinensis Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1979-06-06
IMI 240026 on plant of Theobroma cacao Sabah Wong, P.H. 1979-07-04
IMI 240030 on plant of Capsicum annuum Sabah Wong, P.H. 1979-07-04
IMI 240036 on plant of Elaeis guineensis Sabah Wong, P.H. 1979-07-04
IMI 240406 on leaf of Pinus caribaea Sabah Wormald, T.J. 1979-07-31
IMI 242026 associated with Calamus eya Sabah Wong, P.H. 1979-10-02
IMI 242034 associated with Capsicum annuum var. longum Sabah Wong, P.H. 1979-10-02
IMI 242035 associated with Piper nigrum Sabah Wong, P.H. 1979-10-02
IMI 242037 associated with Piper nigrum Sabah Wong, P.H. 1979-10-02
IMI 242056 associated with Momordica charantia Sabah Wong, P.H. 1979-10-02
IMI 242057 associated with Cucumis sativus Sabah Wong, P.H. 1979-10-02
IMI 242080 associated with Piper nigrum Sarawak Kueh Tiong Kheng 1979-03-17
IMI 242081 associated with Piper nigrum Sarawak Kueh Tiong Kheng 1979-03-17
IMI 242082 associated with Piper nigrum Sarawak Kueh Tiong Kheng 1979-03-19
IMI 242083 associated with Piper nigrum Sarawak Kueh Tiong Kheng 1979-03-19
IMI 243074 associated with Allium cepa Sabah Wong, P.H. 1979-10-30
IMI 243087 associated with Malus hybrid Sabah Wong, P.H. 1979-10-30
IMI 243405 associated with Pennisetum purpureum Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1979-09-10
IMI 243406 associated with Citrus limon Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1979-09-10
IMI 243407 associated with Alocasia Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1979-09-10
IMI 243408 associated with Piper nigrum Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1979-09-10
IMI 243409 associated with Basella rubra Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1979-11-10
IMI 243410 associated with Citrus maxima Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1979-11-10
IMI 243411 associated with Carica papaya Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1979-10-04
IMI 243412 associated with Orchidaceae Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1979-10-14
IMI 243413 associated with Cereus Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1979-09-04
IMI 243415 associated with Plumeria acutifolia Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1979-04-04
IMI 243416 associated with Durio zibethinus Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1979-11-08
IMI 243417 associated with Citrus sinensis Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1979-11-14
IMI 243419 associated with Mussaenda glabra Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1979-11-11
IMI 243420 associated with Citrus sinensis Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1979-11-14
IMI 243421 associated with Pterocarpus indicus Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1979-11-14
IMI 244924 associated with Agaricus Peninsular Malaysia 1979-12-15
IMI 244925 associated with Agaricus Peninsular Malaysia 1979-12-15
IMI 245026 associated with Actinidia chinensis Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1980-01-04
IMI 245030 associated with Lansium domesticum Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1980-01-05
IMI 245031 associated with Dracaena Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1980-01-26
IMI 245199 associated with Coleus blumei Sarawak Kueh Tiong Kheng 1980-01-09
IMI 245221 on waste product, palm oil mills waste of Elaeis guineensis Peninsular Malaysia Palaniappan, S. 1980-02-01
IMI 245235 on waste product, palm oil mills waste of Elaeis guineensis Peninsular Malaysia Palaniappan, S. 1980-02-01
IMI 245981 associated with Artocarpus champeden Sarawak Kueh, T.K. 1980-02-13
IMI 245982 associated with Canarium odontophyllum Sarawak Kueh, T.K. 1980-02-13
IMI 246032 associated with Citrus nobilis Brunei Peregrine, W.T.H. 1980-01-05
IMI 246151 associated with Elaeis guineensis Sabah Brown, D.A. 1980-03-13
IMI 246152 associated with Elaeis guineensis Sabah Brown, D.A. 1980-03-13
IMI 246153 associated with Elaeis guineensis Sabah Brown, D.A. 1980-03-13
IMI 246156 associated with Elaeis guineensis Sabah Brown, D.A. 1980-03-13
IMI 24689b associated with Allium cepa Peninsular Malaysia Johnston, A. 1947-12-21
IMI 24690b associated with Allium porrum Peninsular Malaysia Johnston, A. 1947-12-21
IMI 247057 associated with Brassica Peninsular Malaysia Nik, W.Z. 1980-03-19
IMI 247058 associated with Magnoliopsida Peninsular Malaysia Nik, W.Z. 1980-03-19
IMI 24712a associated with Lilium candidum Peninsular Malaysia Johnston, A. 1947-02-17
IMI 24712b associated with Lilium candidum Peninsular Malaysia Johnston, A. 1947-02-17
IMI 24733b associated with Cymbopogon citratus Peninsular Malaysia Johnston, A. 1947-10
IMI 24736b associated with Eugenia caryophyllata Peninsular Malaysia Johnston, A. 1947-10-23
IMI 247443 associated with Coleus blumei Sarawak Kueh, T.K. 1980-01-09
IMI 248111 associated with Theobroma cacao Sabah 1980-04-23
IMI 248114 associated with Theobroma cacao Sabah 1980-04-23
IMI 248116 associated with Coffea robusta Sabah 1980-04-23
IMI 248131 associated with jelutong Sabah 1980-04-23
IMI 248136 associated with Nephelium longana Sabah 1980-04-23
IMI 248139 associated with Elaeis guineensis Sabah 1980-04-23
IMI 24899a associated with Theobroma cacao Peninsular Malaysia Johnston, A.
IMI 24919a associated with Eugenia malaccensis Peninsular Malaysia Johnston, A.
IMI 251120 Peninsular Malaysia Abdul Manap Ahmad [Dr] 1980-08-26
IMI 251121 Peninsular Malaysia Abdul Manap Ahmad [Dr] 1980-08-26
IMI 251125 Peninsular Malaysia Abdul Manap Ahmad [Dr] 1980-08-26
IMI 251127 Peninsular Malaysia Abdul Manap Ahmad [Dr] 1980-08-26
IMI 252741 Peninsular Malaysia 1980-10-14
IMI 252742 Peninsular Malaysia 1980-10-14
IMI 252745 Peninsular Malaysia 1980-10-14