Herb. IMI records for geographical unit Great Britain

1 specimens retrieved.

IMI number Name, associated organism Locality Collector Type status
IMI 206721 associated with Rubus fruticosus Great Britain Francis, S.M. 1976-08-19
IMI 206794 associated with Rhododendron ponticum Great Britain Watling, R. 1976-09-13
IMI 207148 associated with Triticum Great Britain Clark, M.R.M. 1976-09-27
IMI 207179 associated with Forficula Great Britain 1973-01-18
IMI 207266 associated with Peperomia Great Britain Nichols, M. 1976-09-29
IMI 207283 Great Britain Evans, R.E. 1976-06-14
IMI 207291 associated with Lecanora chlarotera Great Britain Dixon, N. 1976-07
IMI 207294 Great Britain Gilbert, O.L. 1976-05-02
IMI 207471 associated with Nothofagus dombeyi Great Britain Coppins, B.J. 1976-10-07
IMI 207472 on toe, nail of Homo sapiens Great Britain English, M.P. 1976-10-05
IMI 207473 on nose, swab of Equus caballus Great Britain Archer [Mrs] 1976-10-05
IMI 207482 on nose, swab of Equus caballus Great Britain Archer [Mrs] 1976-10-05
IMI 207483 on nose, swab of Equus caballus Great Britain Archer [Mrs] 1976-10-05
IMI 207487 on nose, swab of Equus caballus Great Britain Archer [Mrs] 1976-10-05
IMI 207488 on nose, swab of Equus caballus Great Britain Archer [Mrs] 1976-10-05
IMI 207522 on liver, lesion of Bos taurus Great Britain Eades, S. 1976-09-29
IMI 207544 on stem of Acer Great Britain 1976-09-23
IMI 207762 associated with Castanea sativa Great Britain 1976-10-10
IMI 208108 associated with Ribes grossularia Great Britain Hopkins, J.C.F. 1976-08-21
IMI 208146 associated with Solanaceae Great Britain Yarham, D.J. 1976-01-11
IMI 208149 associated with Vitis vinifera Great Britain
IMI 208169 on/isolated from bark of Nectria coccinea Great Britain Hedger, J. 1976-10-25
IMI 208173 associated with Ulmus procera Great Britain Hedger, J. 1976-10-25
IMI 208187 Great Britain 1929-08-28
IMI 208208 associated with Bromus erectus Great Britain Dennis, R.W.G. 1946-05-19
IMI 208209 associated with Poa Great Britain 1911-03-19
IMI 208210 associated with Molinia Great Britain 1914-09-21
IMI 208213 on leaf, dead of Agropyron junceum Great Britain Rhodes, P.G.M. 1928-07-28
IMI 208331 associated with Pyrus communis Great Britain Upstone, M.E. 1976-10-01
IMI 208332 associated with Pyrus communis Great Britain Upstone, M.E. 1976-10-01
IMI 208333 associated with Pyrus communis Great Britain Upstone, M.E. 1976-10-01
IMI 208456 associated with Homo sapiens Great Britain Gentles, J.C. 1976-11-04
IMI 208549 associated with Skimmia japonica Great Britain Shattock, R.C. 1976-11-03
IMI 208565 associated with Corylus avellana Great Britain Dennis, R.W.G. 1976-09-09
IMI 208948 associated with Nothofagus dombeyi Great Britain College, M. 1976-10
IMI 208949 associated with Nothofagus dombeyi Great Britain College, M. 1976-10
IMI 208950 associated with Nothofagus dombeyi Great Britain College, M. 1976-10
IMI 208969 associated with Pinus sylvestris Great Britain Francis, S.M. 1976-08-08
IMI 208973 on wood of Plantae Great Britain Francis, S.M. 1976-05-16
IMI 209195 associated with Lonicera Great Britain Hering, T.F. 1976-11-17
IMI 209259 associated with Rhododendron Great Britain Cook, R.J. 1976-11-23
IMI 209262 associated with Elaeagnus Great Britain Cook, R.J. 1976-11-23
IMI 209373 Great Britain 1976-10-01
IMI 209406 associated with Gramineae Great Britain 1976-11-24
IMI 209510 associated with Brassica Great Britain Roberts, E.T. 1976-11-29
IMI 209769 associated with Fagus Great Britain Mercer, P. 1976-12-06
IMI 209770 associated with Fagus Great Britain Mercer, P. 1976-12-06
IMI 209771 associated with Fagus Great Britain Mercer, P. 1976-12-06
IMI 209772 associated with Fagus Great Britain Mercer, P. 1976-12-06
IMI 209773 associated with Fagus Great Britain Mercer, P. 1976-12-06
IMI 209775 associated with Fagus Great Britain Mercer, P. 1976-12-06
IMI 209782 associated with Fagus Great Britain Mercer, P. 1976-12-06
IMI 209784 associated with Fagus Great Britain Mercer, P. 1976-12-06
IMI 209788 associated with Fagus Great Britain Mercer, P. 1976-12-06
IMI 209789 associated with Fagus Great Britain Mercer, P. 1976-12-06
IMI 209929 on leaf of Rhoeo Great Britain Nichols, M. 1976-12-13
IMI 209935 associated with Lolium temulentum Great Britain Wallbridge, A. 1976-10-14
IMI 210083 associated with Chrysanthemum Great Britain Price, R.I. 1976-12-17
IMI 210415 Great Britain Thorpe, I.G. 1976-12-20
IMI 210416 associated with Ilex aquifolium Great Britain Buczacki, S.T. 1976-12-04
IMI 21077c on leaf, dead of Carex riparia Great Britain Ellis, E.A.; Ellis, M.B. 1947-12-27
IMI 21077d on leaf, dead of Carex riparia Great Britain Ellis, E.A.; Ellis, M.B. 1947-12-27
IMI 21077g on leaf, dead of Carex riparia Great Britain Ellis, E.A.; Ellis, M.B. 1947-12-27
IMI 210859 associated with Cucurbitaceae Great Britain Buczacki, S.T. 1977-01-17
IMI 210870 associated with Picea excelsa Great Britain Diamandis, S. 1977-01-08
IMI 211208 on/isolated from leaf of Picea sitchensis Great Britain Skarmoutsos, G. 1976-12-04
IMI 211209 on/isolated from leaf of Picea sitchensis Great Britain Skarmoutsos, G. 1977-01-16
IMI 211210 on/isolated from leaf of Picea sitchensis Great Britain Skarmoutsos, G. 1977-01-16
IMI 211211 on/isolated from leaf of Picea sitchensis Great Britain Skarmoutsos, G. 1976-12-14
IMI 211212 on/isolated from leaf of Picea sitchensis Great Britain Skarmoutsos, G. 1976-12-04
IMI 211213 on/isolated from leaf of Picea sitchensis Great Britain Skarmoutsos, G. 1977-01-23
IMI 211214 on/isolated from leaf of Picea sitchensis Great Britain Skarmoutsos, G. 1977-01-16
IMI 211215 on/isolated from leaf of Pseudotsuga douglasii Great Britain Skarmoutsos, G. 1977-01-23
IMI 211216 on/isolated from leaf of Picea sitchensis Great Britain Skarmoutsos, G. 1977-01-23
IMI 211217 on/isolated from leaf of Pseudotsuga douglasii Great Britain Skarmoutsos, G. 1977-01-23
IMI 211218 on leaf of Pseudotsuga douglasii Great Britain Skarmoutsos, G. 1977-01-23
IMI 211219 on/isolated from leaf of Pseudotsuga douglasii Great Britain Skarmoutsos, G. 1977-01-23
IMI 211220 on/isolated from leaf of Pseudotsuga douglasii Great Britain Skarmoutsos, G. 1976-12-05
IMI 211221 on/isolated from leaf of Pseudotsuga douglasii Great Britain Skarmoutsos, G. 1977-01-23
IMI 211222 on/isolated from leaf of Pseudotsuga douglasii Great Britain Skarmoutsos, G. 1977-01-23
IMI 211223 on leaf of Picea sitchensis Great Britain Skarmoutsos, G. 1977-01-23
IMI 211224 on/isolated from leaf of Picea sitchensis Great Britain Skarmoutsos, G. 1976-12-04
IMI 211225 on/isolated from leaf of Picea sitchensis Great Britain Skarmoutsos, G. 1977-01-23
IMI 211226 on leaf of Pseudotsuga douglasii Great Britain Skarmoutsos, G. 1977-01-23
IMI 211227 on/isolated from leaf of Picea sitchensis Great Britain Skarmoutsos, G. 1977-01-23
IMI 211228 on/isolated from leaf of Pseudotsuga douglasii Great Britain Skarmoutsos, G. 1977-01-23
IMI 211229 on leaf of Pseudotsuga douglasii Great Britain Skarmoutsos, G. 1977-01-16
IMI 211230 on/isolated from leaf of Pseudotsuga douglasii Great Britain Skarmoutsos, G. 1977-01-23
IMI 211231 on/isolated from leaf of Pseudotsuga douglasii Great Britain Skarmoutsos, G. 1976-11-28
IMI 211233 on/isolated from leaf of Pseudotsuga douglasii Great Britain Skarmoutsos, G. 1977-01-16
IMI 211234 on/isolated from leaf of Picea sitchensis Great Britain Skarmoutsos, G. 1977-01-16
IMI 211235 on/isolated from leaf of Picea sitchensis Great Britain Skarmoutsos, G. 1977-01-16
IMI 211236 on/isolated from leaf of Picea sitchensis Great Britain Skarmoutsos, G. 1977-01-23
IMI 211237 on/isolated from leaf of Picea sitchensis Great Britain Skarmoutsos, G. 1976-12-05
IMI 211239 on leaf of Pseudotsuga douglasii Great Britain Skarmoutsos, G. 1976-11-20
IMI 211240 on/isolated from leaf of Picea sitchensis Great Britain Skarmoutsos, G. 1976-12-14
IMI 211241 on leaf of Pseudotsuga douglasii Great Britain Skarmoutsos, G. 1976-12-04
IMI 211242 on/isolated from leaf of Pseudotsuga douglasii Great Britain Skarmoutsos, G. 1976-12-14
IMI 211243 on leaf of Picea sitchensis Great Britain Skarmoutsos, G. 1976-11-07
IMI 211245 on/isolated from leaf of Picea sitchensis Great Britain Skarmoutsos, G. 1976-12-14
IMI 211246 on leaf of Pseudotsuga douglasii Great Britain Skarmoutsos, G. 1976-12-05
IMI 211247 on/isolated from leaf of Pseudotsuga douglasii Great Britain Skarmoutsos, G. 1976-12-14
IMI 211248 on/isolated from leaf of Picea sitchensis Great Britain Skarmoutsos, G. 1976-12-14
IMI 211251 on/isolated from leaf of Picea sitchensis Great Britain Skarmoutsos, G. 1976-12-05
IMI 211253 on/isolated from leaf of Picea sitchensis Great Britain Skarmoutsos, G. 1976-12-05
IMI 211315 Great Britain Nilsson, T. 1977-01-31
IMI 211463 Great Britain Thorpe, I.G. 1977-02-16
IMI 21149b on leaf, dead of Cladium mariscus Great Britain Ellis, E.A.; Ellis, M.B. 1947-12-27
IMI 211582 associated with Cactaceae Great Britain Henson, N. 1977-02-25
IMI 211603 associated with Rhoeo discolor Great Britain Humphreys-Jones, D.R. 1977-02-23
IMI 211623 associated with Rhododendron Great Britain Smith, P.M. 1977-03-01
IMI 211631 associated with Chamaecyparis pisifera Great Britain Smith, P.M. 1977-03-01
IMI 211637 associated with Prunus laurocerasus Great Britain Smith, P.M. 1977-03-01
IMI 211699 associated with Cordyline australis Great Britain Coppins, B.J. 1977-03-04
IMI 211700 Great Britain Hawksworth, D.L. 1977-03-02
IMI 211706 associated with Lecanora rupicola Great Britain Hawksworth, D.L. 1977-03-02
IMI 211709 associated with Betula Great Britain Hawksworth, D.L. 1977-03-02
IMI 211816 associated with Rosmarinus officinalis Great Britain Jones, O.W. 1977-03-02
IMI 211890 associated with Fagus sylvatica Great Britain Mercer, P. 1977-02-10
IMI 211893 associated with Fagus sylvatica Great Britain Mercer, P. 1977-02-10
IMI 211903 associated with Fagus sylvatica Great Britain Mercer, P. 1977-02-10
IMI 211906 associated with Fagus sylvatica Great Britain Mercer, P. 1977-02-10
IMI 211927 associated with Juniperus Great Britain Gladders, P. 1977-03-14
IMI 212084 associated with Skimmia japonica Great Britain Shattock, R.C. 1977-02-28
IMI 212139 associated with Rubus fruticosus Great Britain Clark, M. 1977-03-13
IMI 212222 Great Britain Sellar, P.W. 1977-02-21
IMI 21223a associated with Carex pendula Great Britain Ellis, E.A. 1941-06-05
IMI 21223b associated with Carex pendula Great Britain Ellis, E.A. 1941-06-05
IMI 212317 associated with Saxifraga Great Britain Humphreys-Jones, D.R. 1977-03-28
IMI 212659 associated with Fragaria vesca Great Britain Upstone, M.E. 1977-04-04
IMI 212665 associated with Skimmia Great Britain Shattock, R.C. 1977-03-10
IMI 212691 on bark of Betula Great Britain Hawksworth, D.L. 1977-04-03
IMI 212733 associated with Pyrus communis Great Britain Evans, S.G. 1977-04-05
IMI 212734 Great Britain Sandbrook, R. 1977-04-04
IMI 212753 associated with Lathyrus odoratus Great Britain Sandbrook, R. 1977-03-25
IMI 212853 associated with Betula Great Britain Hopkins, J.C.F. 1977-04-11
IMI 212890 Great Britain Butler, G. [Dr] 1977-01
IMI 212979 on branch, dead of Pinus Great Britain Clark, M.C. 1977-03-24
IMI 213023 Great Britain Taylor, P. 1977-04-20
IMI 213042 Great Britain Dallyn, M. 1977-04-26
IMI 213087 associated with Acer Great Britain 1977-04-21
IMI 213177 associated with Viburnum virginaledavidii Great Britain Humphreys-Jones, D.R. 1977-05-03
IMI 213528 associated with Mucor caninus Great Britain 1852-01-31 ex syntype coll.
IMI 213587 associated with Ribes nigrum Great Britain Jones, O.W. 1977-04-29
IMI 213618 associated with Cerastium Great Britain Dennis, R.W.G. 1977-03
IMI 213828 associated with Salix repens Great Britain Barrett, D.K. 1977-05-23
IMI 213830 associated with Salix repens Great Britain Barrett, D.K. 1977-05-23
IMI 213831 associated with Salix repens Great Britain Barrett, D.K. 1977-05-23
IMI 213832 associated with Salix repens Great Britain Barrett, D.K. 1977-05-23
IMI 213833 associated with Salix repens Great Britain Barrett, D.K. 1977-05-23
IMI 213836 associated with Salix repens Great Britain Barrett, D.K. 1977-05-23
IMI 213840 associated with Brassica oleracea Great Britain Hims, M.J. 1977-05-20
IMI 213868 associated with Malus pumila Great Britain Cockram, J.R. 1977-06-01
IMI 213869 associated with Malus pumila Great Britain Cockram, J.R. 1977-06-01
IMI 214078 associated with Fagus sylvatica Great Britain Mercer, P. 1977-06-13
IMI 214088 associated with Fagus sylvatica Great Britain Mercer, P. 1977-06-13
IMI 214092 associated with Fagus sylvatica Great Britain Mercer, P. 1977-06-13
IMI 214102 associated with Rubus Great Britain Francis, S.M. 1977-06-06
IMI 214117 Great Britain 1977-06
IMI 214132 on/isolated from seed of Cannabis sativa Great Britain Price, D. 1977-06-19
IMI 214145 on stem of Skimmia Great Britain Humphreys-Jones, D.R. 1977-06-20
IMI 214197 Great Britain 1977-04-21
IMI 214264 associated with Myrica gale Great Britain 1977-05-22
IMI 214388 on reservoir, empty, brick lined of Muscopsida Great Britain Henson, N. 1977-05-05
IMI 214389 Great Britain Gadd, G.M. 1977-05
IMI 214462 associated with Betula pendula Great Britain Kirk, P.M. 1976-03-20
IMI 214470 associated with Sorbus aria Great Britain Smith, P.M. 1977-06-24
IMI 214530 on/isolated from root of Lycopersicon esculentum Great Britain Griffin, M.J. 1977-06-22
IMI 214531 on/isolated from root of Lycopersicon esculentum Great Britain Griffin, M.J. 1977-06-22
IMI 214532 associated with Lycopersicon esculentum Great Britain Griffin, M.J. 1977-06-22
IMI 214561 associated with Sorbus torminalis Great Britain Dennis, R.W.G. 1977-06-26
IMI 214565 associated with Homo sapiens Great Britain Anon. [LSHTM]
IMI 214566 associated with Homo sapiens Great Britain Mackenzie, D.W.R.
IMI 214570 Great Britain Taylor, P. 1977-07-01
IMI 214590 associated with Sorbus Great Britain 1977-06-30
IMI 214592 associated with Urtica dioica Great Britain Hering, T.F. 1977-03-12
IMI 214674 Great Britain Dobson, F.S. 1977-06
IMI 214676 associated with Fagus Great Britain Reid, D.A. 1977-07-14
IMI 214677 associated with Fagus Great Britain Reid, D.A. 1977-07-14
IMI 214679 on/isolated from stem, rotting of Lycopersicon esculentum Great Britain Griffin, M.J. 1977-07-13
IMI 214680 on/isolated from stem, lesion of Beta vulgaris Great Britain Griffin, M.J. 1977-07-13
IMI 214716 on fruit of Malus Great Britain Hopkins, J.C.F. 1977-03-22
IMI 214735 associated with Triticum Great Britain Sandwrook, R. 1977-07-01
IMI 214736 associated with Triticum Great Britain Sandwrook, R. 1977-07-01
IMI 214758 Great Britain 1977-07-13
IMI 214833 on litter of Pseudotsuga douglasii Great Britain Skarmoutsos, G. 1977-03-31
IMI 214836 on litter of Picea sitchensis Great Britain Skarmoutsos, G. 1977-03-31
IMI 214838 on litter of Pseudotsuga douglasii Great Britain Skarmoutsos, G. 1977-01-18
IMI 214843 on/isolated from leaf of Picea sitchensis Great Britain Skarmoutsos, G. 1977-01-31
IMI 214846 on/isolated from leaf of Picea sitchensis Great Britain Skarmoutsos, G. 1977-01-08
IMI 214847 associated with Picea sitchensis Great Britain Skarmoutsos, G. 1976-10-08
IMI 214848 on/isolated from leaf of Pseudotsuga douglasii Great Britain Skarmoutsos, G. 1977-03-05
IMI 214854 associated with Pseudotsuga douglasii Great Britain Skarmoutsos, G. 1977-03-31
IMI 214855 associated with Pseudotsuga douglasii Great Britain Skarmoutsos, G. 1977-03-04
IMI 214856 on leaf of Picea sitchensis Great Britain Skarmoutsos, G. 1977-04-06
IMI 214857 on/isolated from leaf of Pseudotsuga douglasii Great Britain Skarmoutsos, G. 1977-05-09
IMI 214858 on/isolated from leaf of Pseudotsuga douglasii Great Britain Skarmoutsos, G. 1977-05-09
IMI 214859 associated with Pseudotsuga douglasii Great Britain Skarmoutsos, G. 1977-05-09
IMI 214861 on/isolated from manufactured product, paper, letter of Picea sitchensis Great Britain Skarmoutsos, G. 1977-03-31
IMI 214862 on leaf of Pseudotsuga douglasii Great Britain Skarmoutsos, G. 1977-05-09
IMI 214864 on/isolated from manufactured product, paper, letter of Picea sitchensis Great Britain Skarmoutsos, G. 1977-05-26
IMI 214865 on/isolated from manufactured product, paper, letter of Picea sitchensis Great Britain Skarmoutsos, G. 1977-05-26
IMI 214868 on/isolated from manufactured product, paper, letter of Picea sitchensis Great Britain Skarmoutsos, G. 1977-03-31
IMI 214891 associated with Kolkwitzia amabilis Great Britain Humphreys-Jones, D.R. 1977-07-25
IMI 215193 on construction material, wall of Muscopsida Great Britain Hawksworth, D.L. 1977-07-26
IMI 215194 on construction material, wall of Muscopsida Great Britain Hawksworth, D.L. 1977-07-26
IMI 215196 on construction material, wall of Muscopsida Great Britain Hawksworth, D.L. 1977-07-26
IMI 215197 on construction material, wall of Muscopsida Great Britain Hawksworth, D.L. 1977-07-26
IMI 215204 associated with Parmelia laevigata Great Britain Hawksworth, D.L. 1977-07-29
IMI 215205 Great Britain Hawksworth, D.L. 1977-07-29
IMI 215206 associated with Stachys palustris Great Britain Hawksworth, D.L. 1977-07-30
IMI 215207 associated with Acer pseudoplatanus Great Britain Hawksworth, D.L. 1977-07-30
IMI 215208 associated with Pelvetia canaliculata Great Britain Hawksworth, D.L. 1977-07-30
IMI 215215 Great Britain Hawksworth, D.L. 1977-07-31
IMI 215224 on/isolated from rock, granite of Stereocaulon evolutum Great Britain Hawksworth, D.L. 1977-08-01
IMI 215230 Great Britain Gradd, G.M. 1977-08-01
IMI 215232 Great Britain Manchanda, R. 1977-08-08
IMI 215262 associated with Raphanus sativus Great Britain Early, M.P. 1977-07-21
IMI 215395 on food, processed pea of Pisum sativum Great Britain Thussell, A.J. 1977-08-08
IMI 215575 associated with Homo sapiens Great Britain Warnock, D.W. 1977-08-16
IMI 215596 associated with Sorbus aucuparia Great Britain 1977-08-18
IMI 215598 associated with Elaeis guineensis Great Britain Foster, L.J. 1977-08-18
IMI 215609 associated with Homo sapiens Great Britain Mackenzie, D.W.R.
IMI 215612 Great Britain Taylor, P. 1977-08-18
IMI 215613 Great Britain 1977-08-18
IMI 215879 associated with Acer pseudoplatanus Great Britain Strouts, R.G. 1977-05-31
IMI 215880 associated with Acer pseudoplatanus Great Britain Strouts, R.G. 1977-08-26
IMI 215927 associated with Ribes sanguineum Great Britain Nichols, M. 1977-09-05
IMI 215947 associated with Scindapsus aureus Great Britain Humphreys-Jones, D.R. 1977-09-05
IMI 215948 associated with Elaeagnus ebbingei Great Britain 1977-09-05
IMI 215954 associated with Brassica napus Great Britain Cockram, J.R. 1977-09-05
IMI 215966 associated with Chrysanthemum Great Britain 1977-08-26
IMI 215974 associated with Rubus idaeus Great Britain Clark, M.R.M. 1977-08-26
IMI 216026 associated with Stephanotis floribunda Great Britain 1977-09-07
IMI 216028 associated with Rubus idaeus Great Britain Carter, M.A. 1977-08-12
IMI 216029 Great Britain Carter, M.A. 1977-08-12
IMI 216309 on wood of Plantae Great Britain Kirk, P.M. 1977-09-03
IMI 216320 Great Britain 1977-09-07
IMI 216336 associated with Silene dioica Great Britain 1977-09-19
IMI 216340 associated with Funcus rulm Great Britain Descals, E. 1976-05-17
IMI 216341 on twig of Coniferae Great Britain Descals, E. 1974-09-08
IMI 216344 on twig of Magnoliopsida Great Britain 1974-09-08
IMI 216345 Great Britain Descals, E. 1975-09
IMI 216355 on cupule of Castanea Great Britain Webster, J. 1974-09-08
IMI 216555 Great Britain 1977-07-27
IMI 216575 Great Britain 1977-07-28
IMI 216576 Great Britain 1977-07-25
IMI 216688 Great Britain Hill, S.T. 1977-09-26
IMI 216720 on/isolated from twig of Tilia vulgaris Great Britain Degelius, G. 1967-06-08
IMI 216748 Great Britain Clark, M.C. 1977-07-04
IMI 216749 associated with Carex pendula Great Britain Clark, M.C. 1977-08-08
IMI 216769 on bark of Betula Great Britain Hawksworth, D.L. 1977-02-27
IMI 216776 on/isolated from leaf of Populus Great Britain Hawksworth, D.L. 1977-09-17
IMI 216791 associated with Araucaria araucana Great Britain Humphreys-Jones, D.R. 1977-09-28
IMI 217187 Great Britain Archer [Mrs] 1977-10-11
IMI 217188 Great Britain Archer [Mrs] 1977-10-11
IMI 217189 Great Britain Archer [Mrs] 1977-10-11
IMI 217190 Great Britain 1977-10-11
IMI 217193 Great Britain 1977-10-11
IMI 217196 Great Britain Archer [Mrs] 1977-10-11
IMI 217198 Great Britain Archer [Mrs] 1977-10-11
IMI 217201 Great Britain Archer [Mrs] 1977-10-11
IMI 217251 Great Britain Clark, W.S. 1977-10-11
IMI 217274 on twig, dead, attached of Carpinus betulus Great Britain Hawksworth, D.L. 1977-10-08
IMI 217275 on twig, fallen of Carpinus Great Britain Hawksworth, D.L. 1977-10-08
IMI 217277 on/isolated from twig, on grownd of Quercus robur Great Britain Hawksworth, D.L. 1977-10-04
IMI 217348 associated with Fagus Great Britain Mercer, P. [Dr] 1977-10-14
IMI 217349 associated with Fagus Great Britain Mercer, P. [Dr] 1977-10-14
IMI 217354 associated with Fagus Great Britain Mercer, P. [Dr] 1977-10-14
IMI 217355 associated with Fagus Great Britain Mercer, P. [Dr] 1977-10-14
IMI 217361 associated with Fagus Great Britain Mercer, P. [Dr] 1977-10-14
IMI 217364 associated with Fagus Great Britain Mercer, P. [Dr] 1977-10-14
IMI 217373 on/isolated from seedling of Beta vulgaris Great Britain Mukhopadhyay, A.N. [Dr] 1977-10-13
IMI 217374 on/isolated from seedling of Beta vulgaris Great Britain Mukhopadhyay, A.N. [Dr] 1977-10-13
IMI 217375 on/isolated from seedling of Beta vulgaris Great Britain Mukhopadhyay, A.N. [Dr] 1977-10-13
IMI 217389 on bark of Rhododendron Great Britain Reid, D.A. 1977-06-18
IMI 217401 associated with Reynoutria japonica Great Britain Hawksworth, D.L. 1977-10-13
IMI 217403 on dung of rabbit Great Britain Hawksworth, D.L. 1977-10-13
IMI 217405 associated with Endymion non-scriptus Great Britain 1977-10-13
IMI 217406 associated with Cirsium acaule Great Britain 1977-10-13
IMI 217417 associated with Hygrophorus Great Britain Hawksworth, D.L. 1977-10-16
IMI 217418 associated with Cordyceps ophioglossoides Great Britain 1977-10-16
IMI 217419 on living leaf of Taraxacum Great Britain 1977-10-16
IMI 217424 associated with Ammophila Great Britain 1977-10-17
IMI 217559 associated with Chimonanthus praecox Great Britain Humphreys-Jones, D.R. 1977-10-20
IMI 217607 associated with Betula Great Britain Chesters, C.G.
IMI 217608 associated with Quercus Great Britain C.G.Chester
IMI 217735 associated with Fraxinus Great Britain Chesters, C.G.
IMI 217742 associated with Corylus Great Britain Chesters, C.G.
IMI 217785 on Diatrype eres of Sambucus Great Britain Chesters, C.G.
IMI 217786 associated with Fagus sylvatica Great Britain Chesters, C.G.
IMI 217787 associated with Corylus Great Britain Chesters, C.G.
IMI 217788 associated with Corylus Great Britain Chesters, C.G.
IMI 217790 associated with Sambucus Great Britain Chesters, C.G.
IMI 217791 on decayed wood of Plantae Great Britain Chesters, C.G.
IMI 217806 associated with Urtica dioica Great Britain
IMI 217814 associated with Tilia Great Britain Chesters, C.G.
IMI 217815 associated with Fraxinus Great Britain Chesters, C.G.
IMI 217822 associated with Ulmus Great Britain Chesters, C.G.
IMI 217823 Great Britain Chesters, C.G.
IMI 217887 associated with Ulmus Great Britain Chesters, C.G.
IMI 217888 associated with Ilex Great Britain T.Petch
IMI 217889 associated with Ulmus Great Britain Chesters, C.G.
IMI 217913 associated with Alnus Great Britain Chesters, C.G.
IMI 217917 associated with Acer pseudoplatanus Great Britain Chesters, C.G.
IMI 217926 associated with Quercus Great Britain Chesters, C.G.
IMI 217933 associated with Valeriana officinalis Great Britain Chesters, C.G.
IMI 217951 associated with Sorbus aucuparia Great Britain Chesters, C.G.
IMI 217952 associated with Sorbus aucuparia Great Britain Chesters, C.G.
IMI 217953 associated with Cornus Great Britain Chesters, C.G.
IMI 217954 associated with Ligustrum vulgare Great Britain Chesters, C.G.
IMI 217958 associated with Alnus Great Britain Chesters, C.G.
IMI 217960 on Diatrypella favacea of Alnus Great Britain Chesters, C.G.
IMI 217964 associated with Fraxinus Great Britain Chesters, C.G.
IMI 217967 associated with Sambucus Great Britain Chesters, C.G.
IMI 217972 associated with Fraxinus Great Britain Chesters, C.G.
IMI 217973 associated with Acer Great Britain Chesters, C.G.
IMI 217974 associated with Corylus Great Britain Chesters, C.G.
IMI 218049 associated with Acer pseudoplatanus Great Britain G.C.Chestes
IMI 218050 associated with Acer pseudoplatanus Great Britain G.C.Chestes
IMI 218245 associated with Fagus Great Britain J.W.H
IMI 218248 associated with Fagus Great Britain C.G.C
IMI 218249 associated with Fagus Great Britain C.G.C
IMI 218256 associated with Fraxinus excelsior Great Britain C.G.C
IMI 218261 on Diatrype stigma of Fagus Great Britain C.G.C
IMI 218344 associated with Ulmus Great Britain
IMI 218353 associated with Quercus Great Britain
IMI 218354 associated with Quercus Great Britain
IMI 218356 associated with Acer pseudoplatanus Great Britain
IMI 218389 associated with Alnus Great Britain
IMI 218392 associated with Acer Great Britain
IMI 218394 on on Prunus of Eutypella Great Britain
IMI 218401 associated with Rosa Great Britain
IMI 218411 associated with Prunus Great Britain
IMI 218418 associated with Acer Great Britain
IMI 218424 on Diatrype stigma of Acer Great Britain
IMI 218426 associated with Hedera Great Britain
IMI 218432 associated with Alnus Great Britain
IMI 218433 associated with Fraxinus Great Britain
IMI 218435 associated with Alnus Great Britain
IMI 218438 associated with Acer Great Britain
IMI 218446 associated with Fraxinus Great Britain
IMI 218447 associated with Fraxinus Great Britain
IMI 218449 associated with Fraxinus Great Britain
IMI 218450 associated with Quercus Great Britain
IMI 218451 associated with Quercus Great Britain
IMI 218452 associated with Alnus Great Britain
IMI 218454 on on Pseudovalsa of Betula Great Britain
IMI 218455 on on Pseudovalsa of Betula Great Britain
IMI 218456 on on Pseudovalsa of Betula Great Britain
IMI 218460 associated with Rosa Great Britain
IMI 218467 on on Eutypa flavovirens of Corylus Great Britain
IMI 218468 associated with Betula Great Britain
IMI 218470 associated with Ulmus campestris Great Britain
IMI 218471 associated with Acer pseudoplatanus Great Britain
IMI 218485 associated with Acer Great Britain
IMI 218486 on twigs of Plantae Great Britain
IMI 218487 associated with Fraxinus Great Britain
IMI 218489 associated with Ulmus Great Britain
IMI 218495 associated with Fraxinus Great Britain
IMI 218496 associated with Fraxinus Great Britain
IMI 218498 associated with Betula Great Britain
IMI 218499 associated with Betula Great Britain
IMI 218500 associated with Betula Great Britain
IMI 218501 associated with Betula Great Britain
IMI 218502 associated with Betula Great Britain
IMI 218503 associated with Betula Great Britain
IMI 218504 associated with Betula Great Britain
IMI 218505 associated with Betula Great Britain
IMI 218511 associated with Alnus Great Britain
IMI 218512 associated with Alnus Great Britain
IMI 218513 associated with Alnus Great Britain
IMI 218514 associated with Alnus Great Britain
IMI 218515 associated with Alnus Great Britain
IMI 218516 associated with Alnus Great Britain
IMI 218517 associated with Alnus Great Britain
IMI 218518 associated with Alnus Great Britain
IMI 218520 associated with Prunus laurocerasus Great Britain
IMI 218521 associated with Prunus laurocerasus Great Britain
IMI 218525 associated with Prunus laurocerasus Great Britain
IMI 218531 associated with Fagus sylvatica Great Britain
IMI 218539 associated with Ulmus Great Britain
IMI 218597 on decayed of Fraxinus Great Britain
IMI 218598 associated with Fraxinus Great Britain
IMI 218613 Great Britain
IMI 218614 associated with Taxus Great Britain
IMI 218615 associated with Salix Great Britain
IMI 218616 associated with Salix Great Britain
IMI 218618 associated with Salix Great Britain
IMI 218619 associated with Salix Great Britain
IMI 218622 associated with Prunus laurocerasus Great Britain
IMI 218623 associated with Prunus laurocerasus Great Britain
IMI 218626 Great Britain W.G.Branley
IMI 218633 associated with Fraxinus Great Britain
IMI 218636 associated with Fraxinus Great Britain
IMI 218637 associated with Cornus alba Great Britain
IMI 218640 Great Britain
IMI 218641 Great Britain
IMI 218642 Great Britain
IMI 218643 Great Britain
IMI 218644 Great Britain
IMI 218647 associated with Pseudotsuga taxifolia Great Britain
IMI 218648 associated with Acer pseudoplatanus Great Britain
IMI 218649 associated with Acer Great Britain
IMI 218650 Great Britain
IMI 218654 associated with Hedera Great Britain
IMI 218655 associated with Hedera Great Britain
IMI 218656 associated with Hedera Great Britain
IMI 218674 associated with Sequoia sempervirens Great Britain
IMI 218689 associated with Ulmus Great Britain
IMI 218690 associated with Acer Great Britain
IMI 218691 associated with Ulmus campestris Great Britain
IMI 218725 on cryptospora xx of Alnus Great Britain
IMI 218737 associated with Corylus avellana Great Britain
IMI 218738 associated with Cornus alba Great Britain
IMI 218739 associated with Alnus Great Britain
IMI 218742 associated with Betula alba Great Britain Chesters, C.G.C. 1934-11-11
IMI 218743 associated with Betula Great Britain Chesters, C.G.C. 1937-09-24
IMI 218744 associated with Betula Great Britain Chesters, C.G.C. 1937-09-24
IMI 218748 on rotten wood of Plantae Great Britain
IMI 218749 on rotten wood of Plantae Great Britain
IMI 218750 on rotten wood of Plantae Great Britain
IMI 218751 on rotten wood of Plantae Great Britain
IMI 218752 on rotten wood of Plantae Great Britain
IMI 218753 on rotten wood of Plantae Great Britain
IMI 218754 on rotten wood of Plantae Great Britain
IMI 218755 on rotten wood of Plantae Great Britain
IMI 218756 on rotten wood of Quercus Great Britain
IMI 218757 associated with Quercus Great Britain
IMI 218758 associated with Quercus Great Britain
IMI 218759 associated with Fraxinus Great Britain
IMI 218760 associated with Fraxinus Great Britain
IMI 218761 associated with Fraxinus Great Britain
IMI 218762 associated with Fraxinus Great Britain
IMI 218763 associated with Pinus sylvestris Great Britain
IMI 218764 associated with Pinus sylvestris Great Britain
IMI 218765 associated with Pinus sylvestris Great Britain
IMI 218766 associated with Pinus sylvestris Great Britain
IMI 218767 associated with Alnus Great Britain
IMI 218770 on/isolated from on Hypoxylor howeanum of Quercus Great Britain
IMI 218771 associated with Corylus Great Britain
IMI 218773 on stump of Quercus Great Britain
IMI 218774 on stump of Quercus Great Britain
IMI 218775 associated with Polyporus betulinus Great Britain
IMI 218777 associated with Rubus fruticosus Great Britain
IMI 218778 associated with Rubus fruticosus Great Britain
IMI 218794 associated with Corylus Great Britain
IMI 218804 associated with Quercus Great Britain
IMI 218805 Great Britain
IMI 218811 associated with Ulmus hollandica Great Britain F.Rilstone
IMI 218824 associated with Crataegus Great Britain F.Rilstone
IMI 218825 associated with Arctium Great Britain F.Rilstone
IMI 218832 associated with Rosa Great Britain
IMI 218833 associated with Rubus Great Britain
IMI 218834 associated with Rhododendron Great Britain
IMI 218835 associated with Rhododendron Great Britain
IMI 218883 Great Britain
IMI 218890 associated with Quercus Great Britain
IMI 218904 associated with Alnus glutinosa Great Britain F.Rilstone
IMI 218907 associated with Acer pseudoplatanus Great Britain F.Rilstone
IMI 218911 associated with Fraxinus excelsior Great Britain F.Rilstone
IMI 218912 associated with Ulmus Great Britain F.Rilstone
IMI 218954 associated with Rosa canina Great Britain
IMI 218955 associated with Acer pseudoplatanus Great Britain
IMI 218956 associated with Crataegus Great Britain
IMI 218957 associated with Crataegus Great Britain
IMI 218958 on ornamental of Prunus amygdalus Great Britain
IMI 218959 associated with Malus pumila Great Britain
IMI 218960 associated with Salix Great Britain
IMI 218961 associated with laurel Great Britain
IMI 218962 associated with Quercus Great Britain
IMI 218963 associated with Populus Great Britain
IMI 218964 associated with Malus pumila Great Britain
IMI 218967 associated with Malus pumila Great Britain
IMI 218969 associated with Malus pumila Great Britain
IMI 218970 associated with Malus pumila Great Britain
IMI 218971 associated with Salix Great Britain
IMI 218972 associated with Malus pumila Great Britain
IMI 218974 associated with Aesculus hippocastanum Great Britain
IMI 218975 associated with Prunus amygdalus Great Britain
IMI 218976 associated with Rosa Great Britain
IMI 218977 associated with Crataegus Great Britain
IMI 218978 associated with Crataegus Great Britain
IMI 218981 associated with Salix Great Britain
IMI 218983 associated with Corylus avellana Great Britain
IMI 218987 associated with Alnus glutinosa Great Britain
IMI 218992 associated with Crataegus Great Britain
IMI 218994 associated with Crataegus Great Britain
IMI 219019 associated with Ulex Great Britain
IMI 219027 associated with Juncus communis Great Britain
IMI 219035 associated with Ilex Great Britain
IMI 219067 associated with Bartsia odontites Great Britain
IMI 219079 associated with Humulus lupulus Great Britain
IMI 219083 associated with Carex paniculata Great Britain
IMI 219091 on xxxx of xxxx Great Britain xxxx
IMI 219123 associated with Sambucus nigra Great Britain
IMI 219131 on/isolated from on Eutypella prunastri of Prunus spinosa Great Britain
IMI 219132 on/isolated from on Eutypella prunastri of Prunus spinosa Great Britain
IMI 219133 on/isolated from on Eutypella prunastri of Prunus spinosa Great Britain
IMI 219134 on/isolated from on Eutypella prunastri of Prunus spinosa Great Britain