Herb. IMI records for geographical unit Great Britain

13456 specimens retrieved. Results page 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27

IMI number Name, associated organism Locality Collector Type status
IMI 219135 on/isolated from on Eutypella prunastri of Prunus spinosa Great Britain
IMI 219151 associated with Quercus articulatus Great Britain
IMI 219153 associated with Quercus articulatus Great Britain
IMI 219189 associated with Acer pseudoplatanus Great Britain
IMI 219195 associated with Fagus sylvatica Great Britain
IMI 219210 associated with Ulmus Great Britain
IMI 219243 associated with Fagus Great Britain
IMI 219244 associated with Quercus Great Britain
IMI 219245 associated with Fraxinus excelsior Great Britain
IMI 219246 associated with Fraxinus excelsior Great Britain
IMI 219250 associated with Ulmus Great Britain
IMI 219252 associated with Fagus Great Britain
IMI 219253 associated with Rubus fruticosus Great Britain
IMI 219254 associated with Rubus fruticosus Great Britain
IMI 219255 on bark of Fraxinus excelsior Great Britain
IMI 219257 associated with Odontia Great Britain
IMI 219259 associated with Quercus conglomerata Great Britain
IMI 219270 associated with Urtica Great Britain
IMI 219305 associated with Hedera Great Britain
IMI 219313 associated with Salix Great Britain
IMI 219314 associated with Carex glauca Great Britain
IMI 219325 associated with Aesculus Great Britain
IMI 219329 associated with Epilobium Great Britain
IMI 219331 associated with Fraxinus Great Britain
IMI 219337 associated with Quercus Great Britain
IMI 219340 associated with Pyrus aucuparia Great Britain
IMI 219341 associated with Ilex Great Britain
IMI 219342 associated with Fraxinus Great Britain
IMI 219343 associated with Acer or Aesculus Great Britain
IMI 219344 associated with Quercus Great Britain
IMI 219345 associated with Sambucus Great Britain
IMI 219376 associated with Fagus Great Britain
IMI 219395 associated with Alnus Great Britain
IMI 219402 associated with Fraxinus Great Britain
IMI 219415 associated with Crataegus Great Britain
IMI 219416 associated with Salix Great Britain
IMI 219417 associated with Malus pumila Great Britain
IMI 219426 associated with Ligustrum vulgare Great Britain Rilstone, F.
IMI 219428 associated with Buddleja variabilis Great Britain Rilstone, F.
IMI 219435 associated with Veronica Great Britain
IMI 219494 associated with Acer pseudoplatanus Great Britain
IMI 219496 associated with Fraxinus Great Britain
IMI 222868 associated with Narcissus Great Britain Dickens, J.S.W. 1977-11-01
IMI 222869 associated with Narcissus Great Britain Dickens, J.S.W. 1977-11-01
IMI 222870 associated with Narcissus Great Britain Dickens, J.S.W. 1977-11-01
IMI 222871 associated with Narcissus Great Britain Dickens, J.S.W. 1977-11-01
IMI 222872 associated with Narcissus Great Britain Dickens, J.S.W. 1977-11-01
IMI 222873 associated with Narcissus Great Britain Dickens, J.S.W. 1977-11-01
IMI 222874 associated with Narcissus Great Britain Dickens, J.S.W. 1977-11-01
IMI 222875 associated with Narcissus Great Britain Dickens, J.S.W. 1977-11-01
IMI 222876 associated with Narcissus Great Britain Dickens, J.S.W. 1977-11-01
IMI 222877 associated with Narcissus Great Britain Dickens, J.S.W. 1977-11-01
IMI 222878 associated with Narcissus Great Britain Dickens, J.S.W. 1977-11-01
IMI 222879 associated with Narcissus Great Britain Dickens, J.S.W. 1977-11-01
IMI 222880 associated with Narcissus Great Britain Dickens, J.S.W. 1977-11-01
IMI 222881 associated with Narcissus Great Britain Dickens, J.S.W. 1977-11-01
IMI 222911 associated with Brassica rapa Great Britain 1977
IMI 222982 on manufactured product, painted beech box of Fagus Great Britain Barry, S. 1977-11-02
IMI 222991 on/isolated from manufactured product, painted beech box of Fagus Great Britain Barry, S. 1977-11-02
IMI 223079 associated with Brassica oleracea Great Britain Sandbrook, R. 1977-11-08
IMI 223179 associated with Lycopersicon esculentum Great Britain Newton, P. 1977-10-28
IMI 223180 associated with Lycopersicon esculentum Great Britain Newton, P. 1977-10-28
IMI 223218 associated with Prunus Great Britain Green, F.J. 1977-10-14
IMI 223220 on/isolated from compost, mushroom compost of Agaricus Great Britain Nichols [Mrs] 1977-11-16
IMI 223221 on/isolated from bark of Acer pseudoplatanus Great Britain Bevercombe, G.P. 1977-11-15
IMI 223226 associated with Erica carnea Great Britain Sellar, P.W. 1977
IMI 223227 associated with Erica carnea Great Britain Sellar, P.W. 1977
IMI 223282 on/isolated from straw of Triticum aestivum Great Britain Prew, R.D. 1977-11-18
IMI 223357 on cone, scale of Pinus sylvestris Great Britain Minter, D.W. 1977-10-23
IMI 223438 associated with Silene acuba pedunculata Great Britain Humphreys-Jones, D.R. 1977-11-21
IMI 223439 associated with Lythrum Great Britain Humphreys-Jones, D.R. 1977-11-21
IMI 223452 Great Britain Jones, S. 1977-11-18
IMI 223463 on/isolated from twig of Fraxinus Great Britain Evans, R.E. 1974-11
IMI 223467 on/isolated from root of Chrysanthemum Great Britain Cragg, I.A. 1977-11-25
IMI 223472 associated with Ammophila arenaria Great Britain Clark, M.C. 1971-11-21
IMI 223569 associated with Betula Great Britain Skarmoutsos, H. 1977-12-01
IMI 223571 associated with Betula Great Britain Skarmoutsos, H. 1977-12-01
IMI 223573 associated with Betula Great Britain Skarmoutsos, H. 1977-12-01
IMI 223575 associated with Betula Great Britain Skarmoutsos, H. 1977-12-01
IMI 223577 associated with Betula Great Britain Skarmoutsos, H. 1977-12-01
IMI 223578 associated with Betula Great Britain Skarmoutsos, H. 1977-12-01
IMI 223579 associated with Betula Great Britain Skarmoutsos, H. 1977-12-01
IMI 223581 associated with Betula Great Britain Skarmoutsos, H. 1977-12-01
IMI 223584 associated with Betula Great Britain Skarmoutsos, H. 1977-12-01
IMI 223597 associated with Chamaedorea elegans Great Britain Hardwick, N.V. 1977-11-08
IMI 223819 associated with Petroselinum sativum Great Britain Jones, D.W. 1977-11-28
IMI 223854 Great Britain Pittis, J. 1977-11-21
IMI 223973 associated with Senecio Great Britain Sandbrook, R. 1977-12-08
IMI 223988 associated with Malus pumila Great Britain Griffin, M. 1977-12-23
IMI 224080 associated with Senecio grandifolius Great Britain Henson, N. 1977-12-23
IMI 224119 associated with Tipula paludosa Great Britain Evans, R.E. 1976-09
IMI 224120 associated with Diptera Great Britain Evans, R.E. 1971-09
IMI 224121 on cocoon of Lepidoptera Great Britain Evans, R.E. 1973-09-17
IMI 224122 associated with harvest spider Great Britain Evans, R.E. 1971-11
IMI 224314 associated with Koelreuteria paniculata Great Britain Dyko, B.J. 1978-01-18
IMI 224362 associated with Beta vulgaris Great Britain Hims, M.J. 1978-01-20
IMI 224363 associated with Beta vulgaris Great Britain Hims, M.J. 1978-01-20
IMI 224407 on stem of Rosa Great Britain Nichols, H. 1978-01-24
IMI 224443 on seed, stored of Hordeum sativum Great Britain Niles, E.V. 1978-01-24
IMI 224492 on nose, swab of Equus caballus Great Britain Archer, M. 1978-01-19
IMI 224616 on seed of Cordyline Great Britain Hims, M.J. 1978-01-25
IMI 224640 Great Britain MacDonald, S. 1978-01-24
IMI 224641 Great Britain MacDonald, S. 1978-01-24
IMI 224677 associated with Solanum tuberosum Great Britain Hopkins, J.F.C. 1978-01-13
IMI 224704 associated with Skimmia japonica Great Britain Humphreys-Jones, D.R. 1978-01-31
IMI 224836 associated with Prunus lusitanica Great Britain Gladders, P. 1978-02-02
IMI 224840 on/isolated from seed of Triticum Great Britain Seiler, D.A.L. 1978-02-01
IMI 224926 associated with Fagus sylvatica Great Britain Mercer, P. [Dr] 1977-08-12
IMI 224927 associated with Fagus sylvatica Great Britain Mercer, P. [Dr] 1977-08-12
IMI 224928 associated with Fagus sylvatica Great Britain Mercer, P. [Dr] 1977-11-04
IMI 224929 associated with Fagus sylvatica Great Britain Mercer, P. [Dr] 1977-08-12
IMI 224930 associated with Fagus sylvatica Great Britain Mercer, P. [Dr] 1977-11-04
IMI 224936 associated with Fagus sylvatica Great Britain Mercer, P. [Dr] 1977-11-04
IMI 224940 associated with Fagus sylvatica Great Britain Mercer, P. [Dr] 1977-11-07
IMI 224943 associated with Fagus sylvatica Great Britain Mercer, P. [Dr] 1977-11-07
IMI 224944 associated with Fagus sylvatica Great Britain Mercer, P. [Dr] 1977-11-07
IMI 225057 on/isolated from seed of Triticum Great Britain 1978-02-13
IMI 225233 associated with Salix repens Great Britain Barrett, D.K. 1978-01-10
IMI 225234 associated with Salix repens Great Britain Barrett, D.K. 1978-01-10
IMI 225249 Great Britain Burgin, P.J. 1977-09-21
IMI 225252 Great Britain Burgin, P.J. 1977-09-21
IMI 225323 associated with Lactuca sativa Great Britain Martigani, M.
IMI 225324 associated with Lycopersicon esculentum Great Britain Martigani, M.
IMI 225482 Great Britain 1978-02-07
IMI 225636 associated with Cirsium arvense Great Britain Bayliss, E.J. 1978-02-25
IMI 225746 Great Britain Montague, D.R. 1978-03
IMI 225747 associated with Rubus fruticosus Great Britain Clark, M.C. 1978-01-30
IMI 225805 on/isolated from leaf of Daucus carota Great Britain Wall, C. 1978-03-01
IMI 225812 on leaf of Daucus carota Great Britain Wall, C. 1978-03-01
IMI 225855 associated with Prunus laurocerasus Great Britain Jones, O.W. 1978-03-06
IMI 225874 associated with Pinus sylvestris Great Britain Watson, A.R. 1969-08
IMI 226075 Great Britain 1978-03-17
IMI 226120 Great Britain 1978-03-17
IMI 226121 Great Britain 1978-03-17
IMI 226230 associated with Hibiscus esculentus Great Britain Jones, D.W. 1978-03-21
IMI 226445 associated with Brassica Great Britain 1978-03-31
IMI 226612 Great Britain Scoth, A.J. 1978-03-14
IMI 226711 associated with Dieffenbachia Great Britain Hims, M.J. 1978-04-05
IMI 226718 associated with Bambusa Great Britain Nathariels, N. 1978-04-02
IMI 226719 associated with Betula Great Britain Sutton, B.C. 1978-04-02
IMI 226720 on bark of Ulmus Great Britain Thomas, G. 1978-04-02
IMI 226721 associated with Urtica dioica Great Britain Thomas, G. 1978-04-02
IMI 226722 on cupule of Quercus Great Britain Sutton, B.C. 1978-04-01
IMI 226835 on/isolated from twig, dead of Plantae Great Britain Booth, C. 1977-10
IMI 226843 Great Britain Scholefield, S.M. 1978-04-13
IMI 226858 associated with Phragmites communis Great Britain Webster, J. 1958-05-17
IMI 227126 associated with Rhododendron Great Britain Simkin, M.B. 1978-04-18
IMI 227160 associated with Rosmarinus officinalis Great Britain Gladders, P. 1978-04-19
IMI 227164 associated with Viburnum davidii Great Britain Humphreys-Jones, D.R. 1978-04-18
IMI 227165 associated with Aucuba japonica Great Britain Humphreys-Jones, D.R. 1978-04-18
IMI 227166 associated with Arbutus unedo Great Britain Humphreys-Jones, D.R. 1978-04-18
IMI 227257 associated with Lactuca sativa Great Britain Jones, O.W. 1978-03-21
IMI 227270 associated with Fuchsia Great Britain McGann, E.M. 1978-04
IMI 227275 associated with Crataegus Great Britain Lucas, M.T. 1958-05-05
IMI 227374 on stem of Rosa Great Britain Cook, R.T.A. 1978-04-28
IMI 227389 associated with Phragmites australis Great Britain 1977-09-15
IMI 227401 associated with Dactylis glomerata Great Britain 1978-02-17
IMI 227570 on/isolated from oil sample from ship's tanks of Palmae Great Britain Chooi, S.Y. 1978-04-08
IMI 227668 on bark of Ulmus campestris Great Britain Webber, J. 1978-04-18
IMI 227669 on/isolated from bark of Ulmus campestris Great Britain Webber, J. 1978-04-25
IMI 227673 associated with Triticum Great Britain Cook, R.J. 1978-05-08
IMI 227681 associated with Mycetophilidae Great Britain Hutson, A.M. [Dr] 1978-05-08
IMI 227746 Great Britain Dix, N.J. 1978-05-10
IMI 227752 Great Britain Epton, H.A.S. [Dr] 1978-05-12
IMI 227753 Great Britain Epton, H.A.S. [Dr] 1978-05-12
IMI 227831 associated with Sequoia sempervirens Great Britain Blunt, J.P. 1978-04-24
IMI 227921 associated with Malus pumila Great Britain Upstone, M.E. 1978-05-19
IMI 227923 Great Britain Thorpe, M.A. 1978-05-08
IMI 227924 Great Britain Thorpe, M.A. 1978-05-08
IMI 227925 Great Britain Thorpe, M.A. 1978-05-08
IMI 227937 Great Britain Sherwood, R.F. 1978-04-28
IMI 227938 Great Britain Sherwood, R.F. 1978-04-28
IMI 228225 associated with Acer pseudoplatanus Great Britain Bevercombe, G.P. 1978-04-28
IMI 228341 on bark of Ulmus glabra Great Britain Hedger, J. 1978-06-01
IMI 228399 associated with Allium canadense Great Britain Scholefield, S.M. 1978-06-01
IMI 228423 on wood of Quercus Great Britain Minter, D.W. 1978-02
IMI 228437 associated with Ranunculus Great Britain Waterhouse, G.M. 1978-05-21
IMI 228448 associated with Homo sapiens Great Britain Mackenzie, D.W.R. 1978-06-06
IMI 228664 on/isolated from stem, lesion of Alnus cordata Great Britain Evans, S.G. 1978-06-08
IMI 228665 on stem, lesion of Alnus cordata Great Britain Evans, S.G. 1978-06-08
IMI 229035 associated with Lavandula Great Britain Gladders, P. 1978-06-15
IMI 229164 on stem of Juncus effusus Great Britain Hering, T.F. 1978-05-20
IMI 229165 Great Britain Griffin, M.J. 1978-06-23
IMI 229181 on root of Hamamelis Great Britain Simkin, M.B. 1978-02-26
IMI 229198 on/isolated from leaf of Plantago major Great Britain Hawksworth, D.L. 1977-11-27
IMI 229200 associated with Betula Great Britain Hawksworth, D.L. 1978-04-29
IMI 229202 associated with Nematoda Great Britain Bunden, J.L. 1978-06-26
IMI 229274 associated with Ribes grossularia Great Britain Wright, R.G. 1978-06-27
IMI 229275 associated with Ribes grossularia Great Britain Wright, R.G. 1978-06-27
IMI 229284 on/isolated from wood of Fagus Great Britain Mercer, P. [Dr] 1978-06-29
IMI 229286 on/isolated from wood of Fagus Great Britain Mercer, P. [Dr] 1978-06-29
IMI 229287 on/isolated from wood of Fagus Great Britain Mercer, P. [Dr] 1978-06-29
IMI 229292 on/isolated from wood of Fagus Great Britain Mercer, P. [Dr] 1978-06-29
IMI 229293 on wood of Fagus Great Britain Mercer, P. [Dr] 1978-06-29
IMI 229295 on wood of Fagus Great Britain Mercer, P. [Dr] 1978-06-29
IMI 229296 on/isolated from wood of Fagus Great Britain Mercer, P. [Dr] 1978-06-29
IMI 229301 on wood of Fagus Great Britain Mercer, P. [Dr] 1978-06-29
IMI 229303 on wood of Fagus Great Britain Mercer, P. [Dr] 1978-06-29
IMI 229508 associated with Azalea Great Britain Holborn, J.M. 1978-06-23
IMI 229531 on cone of Pinus sylvestris Great Britain Minter, D.W. 1977-04-09
IMI 229540 associated with Pinus sylvestris Great Britain Minter, D.W. 1978-03-24
IMI 229553 associated with Eucalyptus Great Britain Minter, D.W. 1978-06-23
IMI 229558 associated with Eucalyptus Great Britain Minter, D.W. 1978-06-23
IMI 229562 associated with Eucalyptus Great Britain Minter, D.W. 1978-06-23
IMI 229618 on/isolated from root, of fruit tree of Magnoliopsida Great Britain Evans, S.G. 1978-07-12
IMI 229632 associated with Acer pseudoplatanus Great Britain Bevercombe, G.P. 1978-07-10
IMI 229816 associated with Daucus carota Great Britain Bradshaw, N.J. 1978-07-18
IMI 229935 associated with Agaricus bitorquis Great Britain Burden, J. 1978-07-25
IMI 229938 Great Britain Strouts, R.G. 1978-07-12
IMI 229940 associated with Lycopersicon esculentum Great Britain Holah, J. 1978-07-11
IMI 229941 on/isolated from medium, nutrient solution of Lycopersicon esculentum Great Britain Holah, J. 1978-07-11
IMI 229942 on/isolated from medium, nutrient solution of Lycopersicon esculentum Great Britain Holah, J. 1978-07-11
IMI 229943 on/isolated from medium, nutrient solution of Lycopersicon esculentum Great Britain Holah, J. 1978-07-11
IMI 229944 on/isolated from medium, nutrient solution of Lycopersicon esculentum Great Britain Holah, J. 1978-07-11
IMI 229946 on/isolated from medium, nutrient solution of Lycopersicon esculentum Great Britain Holah, J. 1978-07-11
IMI 230036 on/isolated from leaf of Larix Great Britain Skarmoutsos, G. 1978-07-20
IMI 230186 associated with Nothofagus procera Great Britain Strouts, R.G. 1978-07-28
IMI 230188 associated with Nothofagus obliqua Great Britain Strouts, R.G. 1978-07-28
IMI 230354 associated with Fagus sylvatica Great Britain Kirk, P.M. 1978-07-30
IMI 230542 on/isolated from root of Plantae Great Britain Bradshaw, N.J. 1978-08-03
IMI 230579 associated with Lycopersicon esculentum Great Britain Holah, J. 1978-08-10
IMI 230581 associated with Lycopersicon esculentum Great Britain Holah, J. 1978-08-10
IMI 230585 associated with Lycopersicon esculentum Great Britain Holah, J. 1978-08-10
IMI 230979 associated with Ulmus Great Britain Hedger, J. 1978-08-02
IMI 230985 associated with Ulmus Great Britain Hedger, J. 1978-08-02
IMI 230987 associated with Ulmus Great Britain Hedger, J. 1978-08-02
IMI 231000 Great Britain Welldon, J.B. 1978-08-22
IMI 231001 Great Britain Welldon, J.B. 1978-08-22
IMI 231002 Great Britain Welldon, J.B. 1978-08-22
IMI 231064 on/isolated from construction material, fence post of Pinus sylvestris Great Britain Clubbe, C. 1978-08-25
IMI 231065 on construction material, fence post of Betula Great Britain Clubbe, C. 1978-08-25
IMI 231067 on construction material, fence post of Pinus sylvestris Great Britain Clubbe, C. 1978-08-25
IMI 231068 on/isolated from construction material, fence post of Pinus sylvestris Great Britain Clubbe, C. 1978-08-25
IMI 231070 on construction material, fence post of Betula Great Britain Clubbe, C. 1978-08-25
IMI 231071 on/isolated from construction material, fence post of Betula Great Britain Clubbe, C. 1978-08-25
IMI 231073 on/isolated from construction material, fence post of Pinus sylvestris Great Britain Clubbe, C. 1978-08-25
IMI 231076 on/isolated from construction material, fence post of Pinus sylvestris Great Britain Clubbe, C. 1978-08-25
IMI 231079 on/isolated from construction material, fence post of Betula Great Britain Clubbe, C. 1978-08-25
IMI 231085 on/isolated from construction material, fence post of Betula Great Britain Clubbe, C. 1978-08-25
IMI 231123 associated with Heterodera goettingiana Great Britain McBurney, T. 1978-08-22
IMI 231125 associated with Heterodera goettingiana Great Britain 1978-08-22
IMI 231335 associated with Coleoptera Great Britain Smith, G.S. 1978-08-29
IMI 231340 associated with Coleoptera Great Britain Smith, G.S. 1978-08-29
IMI 231341 associated with Coleoptera Great Britain Smith, G.S. 1978-08-29
IMI 231346 associated with Coleoptera Great Britain Smith, G.S. 1978-08-29
IMI 231350 associated with Coleoptera Great Britain Smith, G.S. 1978-08-29
IMI 231359 associated with Coleoptera Great Britain Smith, G.S. 1978-08-29
IMI 231361 associated with Coleoptera Great Britain Smith, G.S. 1978-08-29
IMI 231367 associated with Coleoptera Great Britain Smith, G.S. 1978-08-29
IMI 231368 associated with Coleoptera Great Britain Smith, G.S. 1978-08-29
IMI 231375 associated with Digitalis purpurea Great Britain Hawksworth, D.L. 1978-09-03
IMI 231399 associated with Lolium perenne Great Britain Bonis, A. 1978-08
IMI 231403 associated with Grossularia Great Britain Simkir, M.B. 1978-09-06
IMI 231404 associated with Lycopersicon esculentum Great Britain Holah, J. 1978-09-04
IMI 231406 associated with Lycopersicon esculentum Great Britain Holah, J. 1978-09-04
IMI 231409 associated with Lycopersicon esculentum Great Britain Holah, J. 1978-09-04
IMI 231455 associated with Phaseolus vulgaris Great Britain Musa, T.M. 1978-09-07
IMI 231457 associated with Rosmarinus officinalis Great Britain Musa, T.M. 1978-09-07
IMI 231470 associated with Arundinaria Great Britain Kirk, P.M. 1977-06-01
IMI 231504 associated with Daucus carota Great Britain Scholefiels, S.M. 1978-09-11
IMI 231505 associated with Daucus carota Great Britain Scholefiels, S.M. 1978-09-11
IMI 231509 associated with Magnolia Great Britain Mewman, P.L. 1978-09-11
IMI 231561 on rock, schistose rock of Parmelia Great Britain Hawksworth, D.L. 1978-08-17
IMI 231582 Great Britain Hawksworth, D.L. 1978-08-19
IMI 231588 associated with Ulmus Great Britain Hawksworth, D.L. 1978-08-20
IMI 231592 associated with Populus Great Britain Hawksworth, D.L. 1978-08-20
IMI 231593 Great Britain Hawksworth, D.L. 1978-08-21
IMI 231613 Great Britain Hawksworth, D.L. 1978-08-22
IMI 231615 Great Britain Hawksworth, D.L. 1978-08-22
IMI 231636 Great Britain Hawksworth, D.L. 1978-08-25
IMI 231642 Great Britain Lugg, M. 1978-09-11
IMI 231644 associated with Allium porrum Great Britain Fletcher, J.T. 1978-09-13
IMI 231650 Great Britain Price, D. 1978-09-05
IMI 231653 Great Britain Price, D. 1978-09-05
IMI 231656 associated with Fraxinus excelsior Great Britain Hawksworth, D.L. 1978-08-25
IMI 231660 associated with Solenopsora vulturiensis Great Britain Hawksworth, D.L. 1978-08-27
IMI 231678 associated with Pinus Great Britain Hawksworth, D.L. 1978-08-31
IMI 231682 Great Britain Hawksworth, D.L. 1978-09-01
IMI 231683 Great Britain Hawksworth, D.L. 1978-09-01
IMI 231685 on/isolated from leaf of Betula pendula Great Britain Hawksworth, D.L. 1978-09-01
IMI 231690 on/isolated from leaf, dead of Abies Great Britain Hawksworth, D.L. 1978-09-01
IMI 231692 on/isolated from litter of Pinus sylvestris Great Britain Hawksworth, D.L. 1978-09-01
IMI 231695 on twig, rotten of Plantae Great Britain Hawksworth, D.L. 1978-09-01
IMI 231704 on/isolated from leaf litter of Abies Great Britain Hawksworth, D.L. 1978-09-02
IMI 231721 associated with Heterodermia obscurata Great Britain Hawksworth, D.L. 1978-09-02
IMI 231728 associated with Taxus baccata Great Britain Hawksworth, D.L. 1978-09-03
IMI 231740 Great Britain Hawksworth, D.L. 1978-09-04
IMI 231741 Great Britain Hawksworth, D.L. 1978-09-04
IMI 231748 associated with Ulmus Great Britain Hawksworth, D.L. 1978-09-05
IMI 231750 associated with Oenanthe crocata Great Britain Hawksworth, D.L. 1978-09-05
IMI 231751 associated with Diptera Great Britain Hawksworth, D.L. 1978-09-05
IMI 231761 associated with Metzgeria furcata Great Britain Hawksworth, D.L. 1978-09-06
IMI 231763 on rotting wood of Picea sitchensis Great Britain Hawksworth, D.L. 1978-09-06
IMI 231764 on rotting wood of Picea sitchensis Great Britain Hawksworth, D.L. 1978-09-06
IMI 231766 on bark of Ulmus Great Britain Hawksworth, D.L. 1978-09-06
IMI 231772 on/isolated from leaf of Helleborus niger Great Britain Hawksworth, D.L. 1978-08-14
IMI 231885 associated with Pinus sylvestris Great Britain 1978-09-02
IMI 231890 associated with Fagus sylvatica Great Britain Kirk, P.M. 1978-09-02
IMI 231916 associated with Fagus sylvatica Great Britain Kirk, P.M. 1978-09-03
IMI 231923 associated with Fagus sylvatica Great Britain Kirk, P.M. 1978-09-03
IMI 231991 on/isolated from leaf of Ilex aquifolium Great Britain Kirk, P.M. 1978-09-03
IMI 231994 on/isolated from leaf of Ilex aquifolium Great Britain Kirk, P.M. 1978-09-03
IMI 232021 on leaf of Eucalyptus coccifera Great Britain Kirk, P.M. 1978-09-03
IMI 232022 on leaf of Eucalyptus coccifera Great Britain Kirk, P.M. 1978-09-03
IMI 232029 on leaf of Eucalyptus coccifera Great Britain Kirk, P.M. 1978-09-03
IMI 232033 on leaf of Eucalyptus cordata Great Britain Kirk, P.M. 1978-09-03
IMI 232038 on wood of Quercus robur Great Britain Kirk, P.M. 1978-09-03
IMI 232040 on wood of Quercus robur Great Britain Kirk, P.M. 1978-09-04
IMI 232047 on wood of Quercus robur Great Britain Kirk, P.M. 1978-09-04
IMI 232058 associated with Quercus robur Great Britain Kirk, P.M. 1978-09-04
IMI 232069 associated with Dieffenbachia Great Britain Halstead, A. 1978-09-19
IMI 232070 associated with Dieffenbachia Great Britain Halstead, A. 1978-09-19
IMI 232107 Great Britain Watson, R.D. 1978-09
IMI 232164 Great Britain Fellows, B.J. 1978-03
IMI 232165 Great Britain Fellows, B.J. 1978-03
IMI 232166 Great Britain Fellows, B.J. 1978-03
IMI 232167 Great Britain Fellows, B.J. 1978-03
IMI 232168 Great Britain Fellows, B.J. 1978-03
IMI 232169 Great Britain Fellows, B.J. 1978-03
IMI 232170 Great Britain Fellows, B.J. 1978-03
IMI 232171 Great Britain Fellows, B.J. 1978-03
IMI 232172 Great Britain Fellows, B.J. 1978-03
IMI 232173 Great Britain Fellows, B.J. 1978-03
IMI 232174 Great Britain Fellows, B.J. 1978-03
IMI 232177 associated with Sorghum Great Britain Price, R.I. 1978-09-21
IMI 232180 associated with Insecta Great Britain Minter, D.W. 1978-09-24
IMI 232200 associated with Agropyron repens Great Britain Cragg, I.A. 1978-09-29
IMI 232201 associated with Agropyron repens Great Britain Cragg, I.A. 1978-09-29
IMI 232202 associated with Triticum Great Britain Cragg, I.A. 1978-09-29
IMI 232203 associated with Triticum Great Britain Cragg, I.A. 1978-09-29
IMI 23220b associated with Carex riparia Great Britain Ellis, E.A. 1948-02-08
IMI 232288 associated with Clematis Great Britain Humphreys-Jones, D.R. 1978-10-03
IMI 232409 associated with Lycopersicon esculentum Great Britain Whalley, A.J.S. 1978-08-22
IMI 232410 associated with rubber Great Britain Foster, L.J. 1978-10-04
IMI 232636 associated with Eucalyptus gunnii Great Britain Kirk, P.M. 1978-10-04
IMI 232639 associated with Quercus ilex Great Britain Kirk, P.M. 1978-10-04
IMI 232644 associated with Quercus ilex Great Britain Kirk, P.M. 1978-10-04
IMI 232646 associated with Cornus Great Britain Humphreys-Jones, D.R. 1978-10-05
IMI 232735 associated with Sorghum Great Britain Cook, R.J. 1978-10-10
IMI 232749 associated with Ginkgo biloba Great Britain 1978-10-09
IMI 232758 associated with Melanomma subdispersum Great Britain Kirk, P.M. 1978-10-15
IMI 232790 Great Britain Fisburne, J.R. 1978-10-12
IMI 232795 associated with Pinus sylvestris Great Britain Minter, D.W. 1978-10-01
IMI 232799 associated with Pinus sylvestris Great Britain Minter, D.W. 1978-10-09
IMI 232845 associated with Alnus Great Britain Clark, M.C. 1978-05-14
IMI 232846 on wood, decorticated of Plantae Great Britain Clark, M.C. 1978-07-03
IMI 232907 associated with Alnus glutinosa Great Britain Evans, R.E. 1978-10-08
IMI 232908 on/isolated from dead wood of Plantae Great Britain Evans, R.E. 1978-10-08
IMI 232975 associated with Lecidea scalaris Great Britain 1973-05-16
IMI 23297b Great Britain 1947-02-08
IMI 233175 associated with Narcissus Great Britain Knight, J.I. 1978-10-31
IMI 233363 associated with Narcissus Great Britain Knight, J.I. 1978-11-07
IMI 233443 Great Britain
IMI 233444 Great Britain
IMI 233445 Great Britain
IMI 233447 associated with Allium Great Britain Rogerson 1978-11-16
IMI 233464 Great Britain
IMI 233468 Great Britain
IMI 233469 Great Britain
IMI 233470 Great Britain
IMI 233471 Great Britain
IMI 233575 associated with Poaceae Great Britain Hawksworth, D.L. 1978-11-20
IMI 233592 associated with Pinus sylvestris Great Britain Minter, D.W. 1978-09-24
IMI 233627 Great Britain 1978-11-24
IMI 233708 Great Britain
IMI 233727 associated with Pastinaca sativa Great Britain 1978-11-22
IMI 233781 associated with Brassica rapa Great Britain Niles, E.V. 1978-11-21
IMI 233819 Great Britain 1978-11-22
IMI 233820 Great Britain 1978-11-22
IMI 233847 associated with Fagus sylvatica Great Britain Mercer, P. 1978-11-23
IMI 233848 associated with Fagus sylvatica Great Britain Mercer, P. 1978-11-23
IMI 233850 associated with Fagus sylvatica Great Britain Mercer, P. 1978-11-23
IMI 233854 associated with Fagus sylvatica Great Britain Mercer, P. 1978-11-23
IMI 233858 associated with Fagus sylvatica Great Britain Mercer, P. 1978-11-23
IMI 233859 associated with Fraxinus excelsior Great Britain 1978-11-23
IMI 233860 associated with Fraxinus excelsior Great Britain 1978-11-23
IMI 233863 associated with Fagus sylvatica Great Britain Mercer, P. 1978-11-23
IMI 233864 associated with Fagus sylvatica Great Britain Mercer, P. 1978-11-23
IMI 233957 Great Britain Valadan, L.R.G. 1978-11-29
IMI 233974 associated with Melanostoma scalare Great Britain Wallace, I.D.
IMI 234032 Great Britain Shattock, R.C. 1978-12-03
IMI 234033 Great Britain Shattock, R.C. 1978-12-03
IMI 234034 Great Britain Shattock, R.C. 1978-12-03
IMI 234035 Great Britain Shattock, R.C. 1978-12-03
IMI 234084 Great Britain Price, K. 1977-07-19
IMI 234087 Great Britain Price, K. 1978-07-19
IMI 234101 associated with Apium graveolens Great Britain Livesey, C. 1978-12-11
IMI 234185 associated with Allium cepa Great Britain Jones, O.W. 1978-12-14
IMI 234236 Great Britain Descals, E. 1977-05-05
IMI 234237 Great Britain Descals, E. 1977-05-05
IMI 234238 Great Britain Descals, E. 1977-05-05
IMI 234239 Great Britain Descals, E. 1977-05-05
IMI 234240 Great Britain Descals, E. 1977-05-05
IMI 234241 Great Britain Descals, E.
IMI 234242 associated with Clavariopsis Great Britain Descals, E.
IMI 234244 Great Britain Descals, E.
IMI 234245 Great Britain Descals, E.
IMI 234246 Great Britain Descals, E. 1976-05
IMI 234247 Great Britain Descals, E.
IMI 234281 on stem of Medicago sativa Great Britain Parry, D.W. 1978-12-11
IMI 234282 on stem of Medicago sativa Great Britain Parry, D.W. 1978-12-11
IMI 234283 on stem of Medicago sativa Great Britain Parry, D.W. 1978-12-11
IMI 234284 on stem of Medicago sativa Great Britain Parry, D.W. 1978-12-11
IMI 234285 on stem of Medicago sativa Great Britain Pegg, G.F. 1978-12-11
IMI 234286 on stem of Medicago sativa Great Britain Parry, D.W. 1978-12-11
IMI 234287 on stem of Medicago sativa Great Britain Parry, D.W. 1978-12-11
IMI 234288 on stem of Medicago sativa Great Britain Parry, D.W. 1978-12-11
IMI 234326 associated with Dieffenbachia Great Britain Scholefield, S.M. 1978-12-28
IMI 234328 associated with Sterculia lanceolata Great Britain Scholefield, S.M. 1978-10-04
IMI 234453 associated with Pieris napi Great Britain Cooke, M. 1978-12-19
IMI 234497 associated with Fraxinus excelsior Great Britain Boa, E.R. 1979-01-03
IMI 234498 associated with Fraxinus excelsior Great Britain Boa, E.R. 1979-01-03
IMI 234500 associated with Fraxinus excelsior Great Britain Boa, E.R. 1979-01-03
IMI 234505 associated with Fraxinus excelsior Great Britain Boa, E.R. 1979-01-03
IMI 234521 associated with Sorbus aucuparia Great Britain Minter, D.W. 1978-05-07
IMI 234641 on/isolated from leaf of Helianthus annuus Great Britain Bremner, E. 1979-01-11
IMI 234739 associated with Eucalyptus coccifera Great Britain Kirk, P.M. 1978-09-03
IMI 234886 Great Britain Descals, E. 1979-01-12
IMI 235047 associated with Malus pumila Great Britain Cockram, J.R. 1979-01-25
IMI 235068 associated with Equus caballus Great Britain MacDonald, S. 1979-01-26
IMI 235069 associated with Equus caballus Great Britain MacDonald, S. 1979-01-26
IMI 235070 associated with Equus caballus Great Britain MacDonald, S. 1979-01-26
IMI 235071 associated with Equus caballus Great Britain MacDonald, S. 1979-01-26
IMI 235072 associated with Equus caballus Great Britain MacDonald, S. 1979-01-26
IMI 23523b associated with Fagus sylvatica Great Britain Hughes, S.J. 1948-02-15
IMI 235369 associated with Howea forsteriana Great Britain Smith, A.L. 1979-02-13
IMI 235493 associated with Pinus sylvestris Great Britain Minter, D.W. 1977-06
IMI 235494 associated with Pinus sylvestris Great Britain Minter, D.W. 1978-03-24
IMI 235553 associated with Chrysanthemum Great Britain Thorpe, I.G. 1979-02-19
IMI 235598 on hay of Poaceae Great Britain Lacey, J. 1979-02-14
IMI 235713 associated with Acanthus Great Britain Amono, K. 1978-08-09
IMI 235714 associated with Acaena magellanica Great Britain Amono, K. 1978-09-16
IMI 235716 associated with Achillea macuna Great Britain Amono, K. 1978-09-13
IMI 235717 associated with Achillea ligustica Great Britain Amono, K. 1978-09-13
IMI 235718 associated with Ajuga genevensis Great Britain Amono, K. 1978-09-10
IMI 235719 associated with Ajuga reptans atropurpurea Great Britain Amono, K. 1978-09-10
IMI 235720 associated with Alchemilla erythropoda Great Britain Amono, K. 1978-09-14
IMI 235721 associated with Alchemilla murbeckiana Great Britain Amono, K. 1978-08-17
IMI 235722 associated with Ampelopsis brevipedunculata f. citrulloides Great Britain Amono, K. 1978-09-13
IMI 235723 associated with Anthriscus sylvestris Great Britain Amono, K. 1978-07-30
IMI 235724 associated with Anthyllis vulneraria Great Britain Amono, K. 1978-08-17
IMI 235725 associated with Aquilegia pyrenaica Great Britain Amono, K. 1978-09-14
IMI 235726 associated with Aquilegia vulgaris Great Britain Amono, K. 1978-09-13
IMI 235727 associated with Arctium minus Great Britain Amono, K. 1978-07-30
IMI 235728 associated with Artemisia absinthium Great Britain Amono, K. 1978-08-11
IMI 235729 associated with Artemisia verlotorum Great Britain Amono, K. 1978-08-11
IMI 235730 associated with Artemisia vulgaris Great Britain Amono, K. 1978-07-30
IMI 235731 associated with Artemisia Great Britain Amono, K. 1978-08-11
IMI 235732 associated with Aster corymbosus Great Britain Amono, K. 1978-09-12
IMI 235742 Great Britain 1979-01
IMI 235743 Great Britain Friman, R. 1979-01
IMI 235744 on food, silage, grass silage of Poaceae Great Britain Friman, R. 1979-01
IMI 235784 associated with Erithacus rubecula Great Britain MacDonald, S. 1979-02-28
IMI 235785 associated with Erithacus rubecula Great Britain MacDonald, S. 1979-02-28
IMI 235786 associated with Erithacus rubecula Great Britain MacDonald, S. 1979-02-28
IMI 235787 associated with Erithacus rubecula Great Britain MacDonald, S. 1979-02-28
IMI 235788 associated with Erithacus rubecula Great Britain MacDonald, S. 1979-02-28
IMI 235928 associated with Hordeum vulgare Great Britain Thomas, A.H. 1979-03-07
IMI 236025 associated with Solanum tuberosum Great Britain Livesey, C. 1979-02-26
IMI 236041 associated with Pinus caribaea Great Britain Rees, A.A. 1979-03-01
IMI 236045 associated with Pinus oocarpa Great Britain Rees, A.A. 1979-02-07
IMI 236052 on/isolated from hay, mouldy of Poaceae Great Britain Razek, F.A. 1979-03-07
IMI 236053 on/isolated from hay, mouldy of Poaceae Great Britain Razek, F.A. 1979-03-07
IMI 236054 on/isolated from hay, mouldy of Poaceae Great Britain Razek, F.A. 1979-03-07
IMI 236056 on/isolated from hay, mouldy of Poaceae Great Britain Razek, F.A. 1979-03-07
IMI 236057 on/isolated from hay, mouldy of Poaceae Great Britain Razek, F.A. 1979-03-07
IMI 236058 on/isolated from hay, mouldy of Poaceae Great Britain Razek, F.A. 1979-03-07
IMI 236060 on/isolated from hay, mouldy of Poaceae Great Britain Razek, F.A. 1979-03-07
IMI 236062 on/isolated from hay, mouldy of Poaceae Great Britain Razek, F.A. 1979-03-07
IMI 236063 on/isolated from hay, mouldy of Poaceae Great Britain Razek, F.A. 1979-03-07
IMI 236065 on/isolated from hay, mouldy of Poaceae Great Britain Razek, F.A. 1979-03-07
IMI 236069 on/isolated from hay, mouldy of Poaceae Great Britain Razek, F.A. 1979-03-07
IMI 236072 on/isolated from hay, mouldy of Poaceae Great Britain Razek, F.A. 1979-03-07
IMI 236073 on/isolated from hay, mouldy of Poaceae Great Britain Razek, F.A. 1979-03-07
IMI 236074 on/isolated from hay, mouldy of Poaceae Great Britain Razek, F.A. 1979-03-07
IMI 236075 on/isolated from hay, mouldy of Poaceae Great Britain Razek, F.A. 1979-03-07
IMI 236137 associated with Felis cattus Great Britain Campbell, C.K. 1979-03
IMI 236211 associated with Citrus decumana Great Britain Thorpe, A.G. 1979-03-16
IMI 236230 associated with Betula Great Britain Gladders, P. 1979-03-13
IMI 23624b on rotten wood of Plantae Great Britain Hughes, S.J. 1948-02-15
IMI 236342 associated with Lupinus Great Britain Salleh, B.B. 1979-03-19
IMI 236343 associated with Lupinus Great Britain Salleh, B.B. 1979-03-19
IMI 236344 associated with Lupinus Great Britain Salleh, B.B. 1979-03-19
IMI 236347 associated with Lupinus Great Britain Salleh, B.B. 1979-03-19
IMI 236348 associated with Lupinus Great Britain Salleh, B.B. 1979-03-19
IMI 236349 associated with Lupinus Great Britain Salleh, B.B. 1979-03-19
IMI 23634b associated with Fagus sylvatica Great Britain Hughes, S.J. 1948-02-15
IMI 236358 associated with {abus cv Blanca Great Britain Salleh, B.B. 1979-03-19
IMI 23636a associated with Fagus sylvatica Great Britain 1948-02-15
IMI 236370 Great Britain Warren, C.T. 1979-03-19
IMI 236372 associated with Prunus laurocerasus Great Britain Locke, T. 1979-03-19
IMI 236373 associated with Prunus laurocerasus Great Britain Locke, T. 1979-03-19
IMI 236374 associated with Aster grandiflorus Great Britain Amano, K. 1978-08-13
IMI 236375 associated with Aster laevis Great Britain Amano, K. 1978-09-13
IMI 236376 associated with Aster novaeangliae var. roseus Great Britain Amano, K. 1978-08-13
IMI 236377 associated with Aster novi-belgii Great Britain Amano, K. 1978-08-13
IMI 236378 associated with Aster pilosus var. demotus Great Britain Amano, K. 1978-08-09
IMI 236379 associated with Aster plealtus Great Britain Amano, K. 1978-08-13
IMI 236380 associated with Aster ptarmicoides Great Britain Amano, K. 1978-08-09
IMI 236381 associated with Aster simplex Great Britain Amano, K. 1978-08-13

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