Herb. IMI records for geographical unit Great Britain

1 specimens retrieved.

IMI number Name, associated organism Locality Collector Type status
IMI 288904 associated with Lycopersicon esculentum Great Britain 1984-08-02
IMI 288905 associated with Crataegus Great Britain 1984-08-29
IMI 289151 associated with Cupressus Great Britain Thomas 1984-09-28
IMI 289190 associated with Rhododendron Great Britain Humphreys-Jones, D.R. 1984-09-27
IMI 289192 associated with Rhododendron Great Britain Humphreys-Jones, D.R. 1984-09-27
IMI 289193 associated with Elaeagnus Great Britain Humphreys-Jones, D.R. 1984-09-27
IMI 289280 Great Britain Grant 1984-10-02
IMI 289281 Great Britain Grant 1984-10-02
IMI 289282 Great Britain Grant 1984-10-02
IMI 289316 Great Britain 1984-10-05
IMI 289721 associated with Leucothoe fontanesiana Great Britain Humphreys-Jones, D.R. 1984-10-09
IMI 289722 associated with Kalmia latifolia Great Britain Humphreys-Jones, D.R. 1984-10-09
IMI 289735 associated with Oenothera Great Britain McKeown 1984-10-12
IMI 289742 associated with Ulex Great Britain Fisher 1984-10-14
IMI 289751 associated with Pinus sylvestris Great Britain Gregory 1984-10-12
IMI 290246 associated with Pyrus aucuparia Great Britain Godson, T.D. 1984-10-25
IMI 290419 Great Britain Grant 1984-10-29
IMI 290472 on nail of Homo sapiens Great Britain Campbell, C.K. 1984-11-06
IMI 290485 associated with Taxus baccata Great Britain Reffold, T.C. 1984-08-29
IMI 290503 associated with Oxalis corymbosa Great Britain 1984-10-14
IMI 290515 associated with Mentha spicata Great Britain 1983-10-16
IMI 290524 associated with Gastera repens Great Britain 1984-11-07
IMI 290534 associated with Stromatinia cepivora Great Britain Coley-Smith, J.R. 1984
IMI 290535 associated with Eusenica (worms) Great Britain Williams 1984-11-09
IMI 290547 associated with Rubus idaeus Great Britain Thomas 1984-10-04
IMI 290548 associated with Rubus idaeus Great Britain Thomas 1984-10-04
IMI 290646 associated with Ipomoea batatas Great Britain Waller 1984-09
IMI 290647 associated with Ipomoea batatas Great Britain Waller 1984-09-17
IMI 290717 associated with Vitis vinifera Great Britain Smith 1984-11-06
IMI 290830 Great Britain
IMI 290831 Great Britain
IMI 291090 associated with rainbow trout Great Britain Dixon 1984-11-30
IMI 291100 associated with Solanum capsicastrum Great Britain Anon. [MAFF] 1984-11-26
IMI 291131 Great Britain 1984-12-05
IMI 291139 associated with Daucus carota Great Britain 1984-11
IMI 291145 on/isolated from wine bottle cork of Quercus suber Great Britain Ayres 1984-11-29
IMI 291172 Great Britain 1984-12-06
IMI 291173 Great Britain 1984-12-06
IMI 291267 Great Britain 1984-11
IMI 291374 Great Britain 1984-12-13
IMI 291375 Great Britain 1984-12-13
IMI 291401 Great Britain Clark 1984-08-26
IMI 291402 associated with Tulipa Great Britain Clark 1984-09-06
IMI 291403 associated with Hordeum vulgare Great Britain Clark 1984-09-28
IMI 291414 associated with Brassica napus Great Britain Benda, C.L. 1984-11-29
IMI 291416 associated with Kalmia Great Britain 1984-11-19
IMI 291417 associated with Kalmia Great Britain 1984-11-19
IMI 291454 on/isolated from buried in soil of Fungi Great Britain Hale, M.C. 1984-12-13
IMI 291456 on/isolated from buried in soil of Fungi Great Britain Hale, M.C. 1984-12-13
IMI 291668 associated with Pyracantha Great Britain McKeown 1984-12-03
IMI 291767 Great Britain Fisher 1985-01-08
IMI 291775 Great Britain 1985-01-07
IMI 291776 Great Britain 1985-01-07
IMI 291778 Great Britain 1985-01-07
IMI 291779 Great Britain 1985-01-07
IMI 291811 associated with Fungi Great Britain 1984-12-19
IMI 291839 associated with Solanum tuberosum Great Britain Fozzard, T. 1985-01-10
IMI 291840 associated with Solanum tuberosum Great Britain Fozzard, T. 1985-01-10
IMI 291881 on/isolated from wine bottle cork of Quercus suber Great Britain Wall 1985-01
IMI 291898 associated with Corylus Great Britain 1968-05-13 ex type coll.
IMI 291951 Great Britain 1982-08-09
IMI 291991 associated with Asparagus Great Britain
IMI 292034 Great Britain 1984-10-23
IMI 292067 associated with Poaceae Great Britain Rigby 1985-01-07
IMI 292104 isolated from basidioma, decaying of Basidiomycetes Great Britain 1984-11
IMI 292130 associated with Lycopersicon esculentum Great Britain 1985-01-03
IMI 292132 associated with Chamaecyparis pisifera Great Britain 1985-01
IMI 292135 associated with Hebe Great Britain 1985-01-25
IMI 29221b associated with Salix Great Britain
IMI 292331 associated with Malus pumila Great Britain Smith 1984-12
IMI 292371 associated with Laburnum Great Britain Smith 1985-02-05
IMI 292551 Great Britain 1985-02-05
IMI 292552 Great Britain 1985-02-05
IMI 292553 Great Britain 1985-02-05
IMI 292561 associated with Bromus catharticus Great Britain Lewis 1985-02-12
IMI 292769 Great Britain Hall 1985-02-11
IMI 292780 Great Britain 1985-12-12
IMI 292816 associated with Lycopersicon esculentum Great Britain Godson, T.D. 1985-01-10
IMI 292817 associated with Lycopersicon esculentum Great Britain Godson, T.D. 1985-01-10
IMI 292820 associated with Lycopersicon esculentum Great Britain Godson, T.D. 1985-01-10
IMI 292823 associated with Lycopersicon esculentum Great Britain Godson, T.D. 1985-01-10
IMI 292825 associated with Lycopersicon esculentum Great Britain Godson, T.D. 1985-01-10
IMI 292880 associated with Erica Great Britain 1985-02-13
IMI 292881 associated with Lycopersicon esculentum Great Britain 1985-02-06
IMI 292882 associated with Chrysanthemum Great Britain 1985-02-06
IMI 293072 associated with Solanum tuberosum Great Britain Dashwood 1984-09
IMI 293073 associated with Solanum tuberosum Great Britain Dashwood 1984-09
IMI 293076 associated with Solanum tuberosum Great Britain Dashwood 1984-09
IMI 293077 associated with Solanum tuberosum Great Britain Dashwood 1984-09
IMI 293085 associated with Solanum tuberosum Great Britain Dashwood 1984-09
IMI 293086 associated with Solanum tuberosum Great Britain Dashwood 1984-09
IMI 293088 associated with Solanum tuberosum Great Britain Dashwood 1984-09
IMI 293089 associated with Solanum tuberosum Great Britain Dashwood 1984-09
IMI 293091 associated with Solanum tuberosum Great Britain Dashwood 1984-09
IMI 293095 associated with Solanum tuberosum Great Britain Dashwood 1984-09
IMI 293113 associated with Brassica oleracea var. gemmifera Great Britain 1984-10-12
IMI 293114 associated with Brassica oleracea var. gemmifera Great Britain 1984-10-12
IMI 293138 associated with Cercopithecidae Great Britain 1985-02-28
IMI 293139 associated with Cercopithecidae Great Britain 1985-02-28
IMI 293140 associated with Cercopithecidae Great Britain 1985-02-28
IMI 293230 associated with Abies Great Britain Godson, T.D. (PC 84/5266) 1984-11-20
IMI 293231 associated with Pyrus communis Great Britain Godson, T.D. (PC 84/5124) 1984-10-25
IMI 29324b on periderm of Fagus sylvatica Great Britain Hughes, S.J. 1948-06-13
IMI 293329 associated with Juniperus Great Britain Reffold, T.C. (8.6.4 (84)) 1984-06-08
IMI 293332 associated with Fagus sylvatica Great Britain Reffold, T.C. (14.2.2Ai(85)) 1985-02-14
IMI 29334b on wood of Fagus sylvatica Great Britain Hughes, S.J. 1948-06-13
IMI 29339a on bark of Betula Great Britain 1948-06-13
IMI 293454 Great Britain Cook 1985-03-12
IMI 29345b associated with Fagus sylvatica Great Britain 1948-06-13
IMI 293520 Great Britain 1985-03-14
IMI 293538 on/isolated from compost, rockwool of Lycopersicon esculentum Great Britain 1985-03-11
IMI 293544 on/isolated from compost, rockwool of Lycopersicon esculentum Great Britain 1985-03-11
IMI 293546 on/isolated from compost, rockwool of Lycopersicon esculentum Great Britain 1985-03-11
IMI 293547 on/isolated from compost, rockwool of Lycopersicon esculentum Great Britain 1985-03-11
IMI 293548 on/isolated from compost, rockwool of Lycopersicon esculentum Great Britain 1985-03-11
IMI 293549 on/isolated from compost, rockwool of Lycopersicon esculentum Great Britain 1985-03-11
IMI 293553 on/isolated from compost, rockwool of Lycopersicon esculentum Great Britain 1985-03-11
IMI 293557 associated with Malus pumila Great Britain Anon. [MAFF] (EPP116 Unknown 1) 1985-03-18
IMI 293559 associated with Cucumis sativus Great Britain Ottway, C. (P112) 1985-03-11
IMI 293571 associated with Alstroemeria Great Britain Humphreys-Jones, D.R. (B/36) 1985-03-18
IMI 293572 associated with Lilium Great Britain Humphreys-Jones, D.R. (B/39) 1985-03-19
IMI 293577 on/isolated from root of Lycopersicon esculentum Great Britain 1985-03
IMI 293628 on seed of Lupinus Great Britain 1985-03-22
IMI 293700 associated with Rhododendron ponticum Great Britain 1985-02-15
IMI 293703 associated with Solanum tuberosum Great Britain Fozzard, T. (P98/85C) 1985-03-12
IMI 293740 Great Britain 1985-03
IMI 293747 associated with Gypsophila Great Britain Groves, S. 1985-03-27
IMI 293748 associated with Gypsophila Great Britain Groves, S.(281) 1985-03-27
IMI 293883 Great Britain 1985-03-28
IMI 293903 associated with Taxus baccata Great Britain Reffold, T.C. (15.2.2A(85)) 1985-02-15
IMI 293904 associated with Chamaecyparis lawsoniana Great Britain Reffold, T.C. (1.3.1(85)) 1985-03-01
IMI 293906 associated with Prunus avium Great Britain Reffold, T.C. (8.3.2(85)) 1985-03-08
IMI 293913 associated with Lycopersicon esculentum Great Britain 1985-03-15
IMI 294042 associated with Castanea sativa Great Britain 1985-03-21
IMI 294054 Great Britain 1985-04-15
IMI 29414a on leaf, dead of Festuca rubra Great Britain Dennis, R.W.G. 1948-06-20
IMI 294177 associated with Mercurialis perennis Great Britain Francis
IMI 294219 associated with Brassica oleracea var. gemmifera Great Britain 1985-04-11
IMI 294220 associated with Brassica oleracea var. gemmifera Great Britain 1985-04-11
IMI 294267 associated with Lycopersicon esculentum Great Britain 1985-04-19
IMI 294552 on/isolated from soil, sandy loam of Isotomidae Great Britain 1985-04-19
IMI 294553 on/isolated from soil, sandy loam of Isotomidae Great Britain 1985-04-19
IMI 294554 on/isolated from soil, sandy loam of Isotomidae Great Britain 1985-04-19
IMI 294574 on/isolated from rotting wood of Plantae Great Britain 1985-04-29
IMI 294675 Great Britain 1985-04-30
IMI 294677 Great Britain 1985-04-30
IMI 294729 associated with Hebe Great Britain Benda, C.L. (PP 61/85) 1985-04-02
IMI 294731 associated with Pyrus communis Great Britain 1985-02-19
IMI 294732 associated with Malus pumila Great Britain 1985-01-29
IMI 294739 Great Britain 1985-08-02
IMI 294746 Great Britain 1985-08-02
IMI 294788 associated with Salix repens Great Britain Jong, O. (A) 1985-05-02
IMI 294789 associated with Salix repens Great Britain Jong, O. (B) 1985-05-02
IMI 294898 associated with Lycopersicon esculentum Great Britain 1985
IMI 29490b on periderm of Betula Great Britain Hughes, S.J. 1948-06-27
IMI 29498a associated with Carbonea sativa Great Britain Hughes, S.J.
IMI 295037 associated with Poaceae Great Britain Niles, E.V. (494/4F) 1985-05-16
IMI 295038 associated with Poaceae Great Britain Niles, E.V. (496/2B) 1985-05-16
IMI 295040 associated with Poaceae Great Britain Niles, E.V. (454/1I) 1985-05-16
IMI 295045 associated with Poaceae Great Britain Niles, E.V. (494/2F) 1985-05-16
IMI 295046 on/isolated from straw of Plantae Great Britain Niles, E.V. (456/1B) 1985-05-16
IMI 295055 associated with Prunus spinosa Great Britain Bramley, W.G. (C/77/4) 1975-04-02
IMI 295056 associated with Quercus Great Britain Bramley, W.G. (C/77/5) 1975-04-19
IMI 295057 associated with Corylus Great Britain Bramley, W.G. (C/77/6) 1973-11-25
IMI 295060 associated with Corylus Great Britain Bramley, W.G. (C/77/9) 1975-11-02
IMI 295062 on/isolated from wood of Plantae Great Britain Bramley, W.G. (C/77/12) 1975-10-26
IMI 295063 on leaf of Plantae Great Britain Bramley, W.G. (C/77/13) 1976-10
IMI 295211 associated with Humulus lupulus Great Britain 1985-04-19
IMI 295220 associated with Maranta Great Britain 1985-05-09
IMI 295227 associated with Acer campestre Great Britain Minter, D.W. 1985-05-16
IMI 295233 associated with Fatsia japonica Great Britain Humphreys-Jones, D.R. (B93) 1985-05-22
IMI 295234 associated with Brassica napus Great Britain Coulter, J.P. (67(1)) 1985-05-22
IMI 295235 associated with Brassica napus Great Britain Coulter, J.P. (67(2)) 1985-05-22
IMI 295249 associated with Rosa canina Great Britain Kirk, P.M. (1648) 1985-05-12
IMI 295252 associated with Arctostaphylos uva-ursi Great Britain Kirk, P.M. (1651) 1985-05-12
IMI 295253 associated with Arctostaphylos uva-ursi Great Britain Kirk, P.M. (1652) 1985-05-12
IMI 295254 associated with Arctostaphylos uva-ursi Great Britain Kirk, P.M. (1653) 1985-05-12
IMI 295263 associated with Ilex aquifolium Great Britain Kirk, P.M. (1662) 1985-05-14
IMI 295265 associated with Juncus effusus Great Britain Kirk, P.M. (1664) 1985-05-14
IMI 295268 associated with Salix aurita Great Britain Kirk, P.M. (1667) 1985-05-15
IMI 295277 associated with Betula pubescens Great Britain Kirk, P.M. (1676) 1985-05-17
IMI 295278 associated with Betula pubescens Great Britain Kirk, P.M. (1677) 1985-05-17
IMI 295308 associated with Quercus coccinea Great Britain Reffold, T.C. (4.5.1(84)) 1984-05
IMI 295363 on/isolated from seed of Hordeum vulgare Great Britain Renmé, W.J.(5.6) 1985-05-21
IMI 295366 on/isolated from seed of Hordeum vulgare Great Britain Renmé, W.J.(6.9) 1985-05-21
IMI 295367 on/isolated from seed of Hordeum vulgare Great Britain Renmé, W.J.(610) 1985-05-21
IMI 295368 on/isolated from seed of Hordeum vulgare Great Britain Renmé, W.J.(611) 1985-05-21
IMI 295369 on/isolated from seed of Hordeum vulgare Great Britain Renmé, W.J.(615) 1985-05-21
IMI 295370 on/isolated from seed of Hordeum vulgare Great Britain Renmé, W.J.(616) 1985-05-21
IMI 295371 on/isolated from seed of Hordeum vulgare Great Britain Renmé, W.J.(617) 1985-05-21
IMI 295372 on/isolated from seed of Hordeum vulgare Great Britain Renmé, W.J.(619) 1985-05-21
IMI 295373 on/isolated from seed of Hordeum vulgare Great Britain Renmé, W.J.(620) 1985-05-21
IMI 295411 associated with Pittosporum Great Britain 1985-05-21
IMI 295455 on dead wood of Plantae Great Britain Sutton, B.C. 1985-05-28
IMI 295459 associated with Larix Great Britain Sutton, B.C. 1985-05-28
IMI 295465 associated with Fagus Great Britain Sutton, B.C. 1985-05-29
IMI 295481 associated with Pinus Great Britain Dennis, R.W.G. 1985-05-17
IMI 295509 on/isolated from wood, decayed of Plantae Great Britain Shattock, R.C. (1) 1985-06-03
IMI 295510 on/isolated from wood, decayed of Plantae Great Britain Shattock, R.C. (2) 1985-06-03
IMI 295511 on/isolated from wood, decayed of Plantae Great Britain Shattock, R.C. (3) 1985-06-03
IMI 295512 on/isolated from wood, decayed of Plantae Great Britain Shattock, R.C. (4) 1985-06-03
IMI 295656 associated with Solanum tuberosum Great Britain 1984-07
IMI 295658 associated with Solanum tuberosum Great Britain 1984-07
IMI 295659 associated with Solanum tuberosum Great Britain 1984-07
IMI 295661 associated with Solanum tuberosum Great Britain 1984-07
IMI 295662 associated with Solanum tuberosum Great Britain 1984-07
IMI 295663 associated with Solanum tuberosum Great Britain 1984-07
IMI 295666 associated with Solanum tuberosum Great Britain 1984-07
IMI 295667 associated with Solanum tuberosum Great Britain 1984-07
IMI 295668 associated with Solanum tuberosum Great Britain 1984-07
IMI 295669 associated with Solanum tuberosum Great Britain 1984-07
IMI 295679 associated with Solanum tuberosum Great Britain 1984-07
IMI 295687 associated with Prunus triloba Great Britain 1985-05-20
IMI 295691 associated with Salix tortuosa Great Britain Godson, T.D. (PC 85/2051) 1985-06-06
IMI 295727 associated with Ulex europaeus Great Britain Francis, S.M. 1985-05-13
IMI 295834 associated with Humulus lupulus Great Britain 1985-06-12
IMI 295835 associated with Humulus lupulus Great Britain 1985-06-12
IMI 295836 associated with Lolium perenne Great Britain 1985-06-20
IMI 295837 associated with Lolium perenne Great Britain 1985-06-20
IMI 295941 associated with Chamaecyparis nootkatensis Great Britain Strouts, R.G. 1985-06-20
IMI 295994 associated with Beta vulgaris Great Britain Ottway, C. (503A) 1985-06-20
IMI 295995 associated with Beta vulgaris Great Britain Ottway, C. (503B) 1985-06-20
IMI 296046 Great Britain 1985-06-13
IMI 296047 Great Britain 1985-06-13
IMI 296049 Great Britain 1985-06-13
IMI 296051 Great Britain 1985-06-13
IMI 296056 Great Britain 1985-06-13
IMI 296062 Great Britain 1985-06-13
IMI 296064 Great Britain 1985-06-13
IMI 296069 Great Britain 1985-06-13
IMI 296072 Great Britain 1985-06-13
IMI 296074 Great Britain 1985-06-13
IMI 296077 Great Britain 1985-06-13
IMI 296259 associated with Fragaria vesca Great Britain 1985-06-18
IMI 296287 associated with Myrtus communis Great Britain 1985-05-20
IMI 296337 associated with Salicornia perennis Great Britain 1985-07-11
IMI 296352 associated with Acer Great Britain Benda, C.L. (PP 403B/85) 1985-06-28
IMI 296356 associated with Alnus glutinosa Great Britain Reffold, T.C. (85/132 21.6.2(85)) 1985-06-21
IMI 296415 Great Britain Madelin, M.F. (6B) 1985-07-16
IMI 296422 Great Britain Madelin, M.F. (64) 1985-07-16
IMI 296484 associated with Danae racemosa Great Britain Humphreys-Jones, D.R. (B 145) 1985-07-17
IMI 296485 associated with Buxus Great Britain Humphreys-Jones, D.R. (B 146) 1985-07-17
IMI 296527 associated with Rubus idaeus Great Britain 1985-06-24
IMI 296821 associated with Gypsophila Great Britain Godson, T.D. (PC 85/1742) 1985-05-21
IMI 296822 associated with Malus pumila Great Britain 1985-04-25
IMI 296823 associated with Malus pumila Great Britain 1985-05-17
IMI 296824 associated with Malus pumila Great Britain 1985-04-17
IMI 296830 associated with Rubus idaeus Great Britain 1985-07-25
IMI 296880 associated with Ribes nigrum Great Britain Benda, C.L. (PC 1392/85) 1985-07-26 Holotype of Hawksworthia srisailamensis Manohar., N.K. Rao, D.K. Agarwal & Kunwar 2004
IMI 296888 associated with Sambucus Great Britain Francis
IMI 296902 associated with Prunus Great Britain Humphreys-Jones, D.R. (B157) 1985-08-09
IMI 296915 associated with Lycopersicon esculentum Great Britain 1985-08-14
IMI 296939 associated with Pyracantha Great Britain Godson, T.D. (PC 85/3733) 1985-08-13
IMI 296941 associated with Rubus idaeus Great Britain Godson, T.D. (PC 85/2235) 1985-06-14
IMI 296963 associated with Cladonia Great Britain Hawksworth, D.L. (5537) 1985-08-08
IMI 297007 associated with Solanum tuberosum Great Britain 1985-08-16
IMI 297039 associated with Lathyrus odoratus Great Britain 1985-08-20
IMI 297042 associated with Basidiomycetes Great Britain 1985-08-07
IMI 297044 associated with Hibiscus Great Britain Humphreys-Jones, D.R. (B156) 1985-08-09
IMI 297276 associated with Narcissus Great Britain Oxley, S.P. (85/1945 cc110/1) 1985-08-27
IMI 297280 associated with Plantae Great Britain Oxley, S.P. (85/2311/B) 1985-08-27
IMI 297296 Great Britain 1985-08-30
IMI 297307 Great Britain Forster, T.C.(TCF/JB3) 1985-09-12
IMI 297308 Great Britain Forster, T.C.(TCF/JB-4) 1985-09-12
IMI 297310 associated with Pseudopanax Great Britain Smith, A.L. (PC 2216/85) 1985-08-07
IMI 297318 associated with Humulus Great Britain Phillips, A.N. (1249) 1985-09-05
IMI 297319 associated with Humulus Great Britain Phillips, A.N. (1250) 1985-09-05
IMI 297344 on/isolated from straw of Triticum Great Britain 1985-09-08
IMI 297360 associated with Zea mays Great Britain 1985-08-06
IMI 297453 Great Britain Sutton, B.C. 1985-09-06
IMI 297455 associated with Quercus Great Britain Sutton, B.C. 1985-09-06
IMI 297458 associated with Vaccinium Great Britain Sutton, B.C. 1985-09-06
IMI 297459 associated with Acer Great Britain Sutton, B.C. 1985-09-06
IMI 297460 associated with Ulmus glabra Great Britain Sutton, B.C. 1985-09-07
IMI 297467 on/isolated from wood, driftwood of Plantae Great Britain Sutton, B.C. 1985-09-07
IMI 297469 Great Britain Sutton, B.C. 1985-09-07
IMI 297517 associated with Sambucus nigra Great Britain 1985-04-10
IMI 297583 associated with Pyracantha Great Britain Ottway, C. (1359) 1985-09-16
IMI 297697 associated with Gypsophila Great Britain Davies 1985-09-04
IMI 297730 associated with Brassica Great Britain 1985-09-19
IMI 297731 associated with Brassica Great Britain 1985-09-19
IMI 297732 associated with Brassica Great Britain 1985-09-19
IMI 297733 associated with Xylaria longipes Great Britain Bramley, W.G. (C/85/2) 1985-07-04
IMI 297757 associated with Lupinus Great Britain 1985-09-12
IMI 297882 associated with Cytisus Great Britain Humphreys-Jones, D.R. (B206) 1985-09-24
IMI 297952 Great Britain 1982-03-10
IMI 297955 Great Britain 1982-09-08
IMI 297958 Great Britain 1982-09-16
IMI 297961 Great Britain 1982-03-10
IMI 297962 Great Britain 1981-12-16
IMI 297968 Great Britain 1982-05-28
IMI 297970 on fruit of Cucumis sativus Great Britain 1982-10-04
IMI 297972 Great Britain 1982-10-11
IMI 297981 Great Britain 1983-10-17
IMI 297985 Great Britain Austwick, P.K.C. (0565/P)
IMI 297986 Great Britain
IMI 297988 Great Britain 1985-03-01
IMI 297992 Great Britain
IMI 297993 Great Britain
IMI 297994 Great Britain 1981-12-02
IMI 297995 Great Britain 1982-04-14
IMI 297996 Great Britain 1982-05-11
IMI 297997 Great Britain 1983-02-03
IMI 297998 associated with Cucurbita pepo Great Britain 1983-10-28
IMI 297999 Great Britain 1984-09-20
IMI 298000 Great Britain 1985-01-28
IMI 298001 Great Britain 1985-01-28
IMI 298002 Great Britain 1982-09-09
IMI 298003 Great Britain 1982-10-19
IMI 298004 Great Britain 1982-06-16
IMI 298005 associated with Citrus limon Great Britain 1983-08-19
IMI 298006 Great Britain 1984-07-05
IMI 298007 Great Britain 1984-07-05
IMI 298008 Great Britain 1985-09-20
IMI 298109 associated with Linum usitatissimum Great Britain Caton, S. (PC 85/3841-2) 1985-08-12
IMI 298113 associated with Salicornia perennis Great Britain 1985-04
IMI 298156 associated with Rosmarinus officinalis Great Britain Humphreys-Jones, D.R. (B211) 1985-10
IMI 298157 Great Britain Bowles 1985-09-11
IMI 298158 Great Britain Bowles 1985-09-11
IMI 298159 Great Britain Bowles 1985-09-11
IMI 298160 Great Britain Bowles 1985-09-11
IMI 298161 Great Britain Bowles 1985-09-11
IMI 298162 Great Britain Bowles 1985-09-11
IMI 298163 Great Britain Bowles 1985-09-11
IMI 298164 Great Britain Bowles 1985-09-11
IMI 298166 Great Britain Bowles 1985-09-11
IMI 298168 Great Britain Bowles 1985-09-11
IMI 298169 Great Britain Bowles 1985-09-11
IMI 298170 Great Britain Bowles 1985-09-11
IMI 298204 associated with Globodera rostochiensis Great Britain 1985-10-01
IMI 298205 on/isolated from pupa of Delia floralis Great Britain 1985-10-01
IMI 298206 associated with Papilionaceae Great Britain 1985-10-01
IMI 298208 associated with Heterodera avenae Great Britain 1985-10-01
IMI 298209 associated with Heterodera avenae Great Britain 1985-10-01
IMI 298212 associated with Heterodera avenae Great Britain 1985-10-01
IMI 298342 associated with Prunus laurocerasus Great Britain Humphreys-Jones, D.R. 1985-10-09
IMI 298379 associated with Salix caprea pendula Great Britain Humphreys-Jones, D.R. 1985-10-09
IMI 298380 isolated from pipe tobacco of Nicotiana tabacum Great Britain 1985-10-03
IMI 298388 Great Britain
IMI 298389 Great Britain
IMI 298394 Great Britain Ainsworth 1985-10-15
IMI 298396 Great Britain Ainsworth 1985-10-15
IMI 298431 Great Britain Cook 1985-10
IMI 298473 Great Britain Jones 1985-08
IMI 298474 Great Britain Jones 1985-08
IMI 298691 associated with Weigela Great Britain Smith, A.L. 1985-09-09
IMI 298692 associated with Thunbergia Great Britain Smith, A.L. 1985-09-09
IMI 298702 Great Britain
IMI 298729 associated with Sparganium ramosum Great Britain 1913-09-25 ex holotype coll.
IMI 298768 Great Britain 1985-10-21
IMI 298769 Great Britain 1985-10-21
IMI 298774 associated with Ulmus Great Britain 1985-10-25
IMI 298776 associated with Ulmus Great Britain 1985-10-25
IMI 298786 associated with Cornus Great Britain 1985-10-25
IMI 298791 Great Britain
IMI 298807 Great Britain
IMI 298950 associated with Heterodera schachtii Great Britain Crump 1985-07-19
IMI 298952 associated with Heterodera schachtii Great Britain Crump 1985-07-19
IMI 298954 associated with Heterodera schachtii Great Britain Crump 1985-07-19
IMI 298955 associated with Heterodera schachtii Great Britain Crump 1985-07-19
IMI 298971 associated with Elaeagnus Great Britain Hims 1985-11-06
IMI 299085 associated with Phlox douglassii Great Britain Carter, M. 1985-11-05
IMI 299101 associated with Acer pseudoplatanus Great Britain Livermore 1985-11
IMI 299102 associated with Pinus sylvestris Great Britain Livermore 1985-11
IMI 299109 associated with Malus pumila Great Britain Jones 1985-11-06
IMI 299110 associated with Malus pumila Great Britain Jones 1985-11-06
IMI 299234 associated with Brassica napus Great Britain 1985-10-30
IMI 299258 associated with Cladium mariscus Great Britain 1985-10-11
IMI 299265 associated with Rubus Great Britain Clark 1985-07-17
IMI 299275 associated with Prunus domestica Great Britain 1985-10-09
IMI 299286 associated with Cupressus lawsoniana Great Britain 1985-09-13
IMI 299287 associated with Crataegus Great Britain 1985-09-20
IMI 299288 associated with Alnus Great Britain 1985-09-20
IMI 299289 associated with Hirneola auricula-judae Great Britain 1985-10-18
IMI 299290 associated with Picea abies Great Britain 1985-10-18
IMI 299291 associated with Taxus Great Britain 1985-10-22
IMI 299292 associated with Cyclamen Great Britain 1985-11-18
IMI 299294 associated with Campanula Great Britain 1985-10-06
IMI 299300 Great Britain
IMI 299338 Great Britain 1985-11-18
IMI 299340 associated with Zea mays Great Britain Anon. [ADAS] 1985-09-26
IMI 299354 associated with Chaenotheca brunneola Great Britain Coppins, B.J. 1984-05-21
IMI 299357 associated with Viola tricolor Great Britain Jones 1985-11-20
IMI 299392 associated with Allium porrum Great Britain Humphreys-Jones, D.R. 1985-11-25
IMI 299438 associated with Pteris aquilina Great Britain Boyd, D.A. 1921-07-18
IMI 299445 associated with Pteris aquilina Great Britain 1955-11
IMI 299539 associated with python Great Britain 1985-12-04
IMI 299732 associated with Fagus Great Britain 1984-10-06
IMI 299800 on wood, driftwood of Plantae Great Britain Coppins, B.J. 1977-05-21
IMI 299802 associated with Carex riparia Great Britain Ellis 1982-07-05
IMI 299845 Great Britain
IMI 299846 Great Britain
IMI 299847 Great Britain
IMI 299848 Great Britain
IMI 299887 Great Britain
IMI 299915 associated with Laurus nobilis Great Britain Cook 1985-12-13
IMI 300464 Great Britain 1986-01-14
IMI 300466 Great Britain 1986-01-14
IMI 300533 Great Britain 1986-01-17
IMI 300747 Great Britain Jones 1985-12-13
IMI 300868 associated with Poaceae Great Britain Niles, E.V. 1985-11
IMI 300873 associated with Poaceae Great Britain Niles, E.V. 1985-11
IMI 300882 associated with Gramineae Great Britain 1985-11
IMI 300883 associated with Gramineae Great Britain 1985-11
IMI 300889 associated with Gramineae Great Britain 1985-11
IMI 300900 on/isolated from plant, decaying of Plantae Great Britain Fisher 1986-01-28
IMI 300927 associated with Arbutus andrachnoides Great Britain Chapman 1986-01-30
IMI 300928 associated with Gaultheria shallon Great Britain Chapman 1986-01-30
IMI 300961 Great Britain
IMI 300968 Great Britain 1986-01-31
IMI 300997 associated with Cortaderia Great Britain Jackson 1985-12-10
IMI 301040 isolated from leaf, litter of Plantae Great Britain Fisher 1985-03
IMI 301042 on wood, burnt of Plantae Great Britain Fisher 1985-11
IMI 301044 on wood, burnt of Plantae Great Britain 1985-08
IMI 301097 Great Britain 1982-02-07
IMI 301105 associated with Malus pumila Great Britain Benie 1986-01-14
IMI 301136 associated with Homo sapiens Great Britain Clayton 1986-02-11
IMI 301141 associated with Lycopersicon esculentum Great Britain Benda, C.L. 1986-01-23
IMI 301142 associated with Ilex aquifolium Great Britain Reffold, T.C. 1985-12-06
IMI 301145 associated with Eucalyptus Great Britain Reffold, T.C. 1982-01-28
IMI 301146 associated with Picea sitchensis Great Britain Reffold, T.C. 1985-10-17
IMI 301300 Great Britain Dix, N.J. 1986-02-18
IMI 302008 associated with Theobroma cacao Great Britain 1985-12
IMI 302042 associated with Vaccinium Great Britain Smith 1986-01-13
IMI 302117 associated with Dendroctonus micans Great Britain Gibbs, J.N. 1985-12
IMI 302118 associated with Dendroctonus micans Great Britain Gibbs, J.N. 1985-12
IMI 302123 associated with Malus pumila Great Britain Benie 1986-01
IMI 302176 Great Britain James 1986-02-19
IMI 302209 associated with Ulmus campestris Great Britain Redfern, D.B. 1986-02-27
IMI 302278 on/isolated from straw of Triticum aestivum Great Britain Bowen 1985-07
IMI 302281 on/isolated from straw of Triticum aestivum Great Britain Bowen 1985-11
IMI 302282 on/isolated from straw of Triticum aestivum Great Britain Bowen 1985-11
IMI 302283 on/isolated from straw of Triticum aestivum Great Britain Bowen 1985-11
IMI 302285 isolated from straw of Triticum aestivum Great Britain Bowen 1985-11
IMI 302290 on/isolated from straw of Triticum aestivum Great Britain Bowen 1985-07
IMI 302291 on/isolated from straw of Triticum aestivum Great Britain Bowen 1985-07
IMI 302292 on straw of Triticum aestivum Great Britain Bowen 1985-11
IMI 302304 associated with Thymus Great Britain McKeown 1986-02-06
IMI 302394 on wood, decaying of Plantae Great Britain Fisher 1983-09
IMI 302517 associated with Fagus Great Britain 1985-11-16 Holotype of Ceratosphaeria fragilis Wilberf. 1987
IMI 302775 Great Britain Gostock, R. 1986-02-06
IMI 302808 associated with Picea sitchensis Great Britain Reffold, T.C. 1985-10-17
IMI 302862 on/isolated from dung of Oryctolagus cuniculus Great Britain Yeates, C.S.V. 1985-12-12
IMI 302871 on/isolated from straw, buried in soil of Poaceae Great Britain Magan, N. 1986-02-14
IMI 303054 associated with Lycopersicon esculentum Great Britain Benda, C.L. 1986-03-13
IMI 303061 on food, orange juice of orange Great Britain Wood, R.C. 1986-03-28
IMI 303116 associated with Bradysia paupera Great Britain Calvert, A.D. 1986-03-21
IMI 303117 associated with Bradysia paupera Great Britain Calvert, A.D. 1986-03-21
IMI 303147 associated with Malus pumila Great Britain 1986-02-27
IMI 303227 Great Britain Cannon, P.F. 1986-03-11
IMI 303229 Great Britain Akhtar, M.E. 1983-12-18
IMI 303528 associated with Chrysanthemum Great Britain Dobson, S.C. 1986-03-13
IMI 303529 associated with Lactuca sativa Great Britain Asmby, P. 1986-03-21
IMI 303590 associated with Brassica oleracea Great Britain Davis, J.M. [Dr] 1986-04-15
IMI 303591 associated with Brassica oleracea Great Britain Davis, J.M. [Dr]
IMI 303592 associated with Malus pumila Great Britain Berrie, A.M. 1986-02
IMI 303593 associated with Malus pumila Great Britain Berrie, A.M. 1986-02
IMI 303669 Great Britain 1986-04
IMI 303715 on twig, fallen, young of Fraxinus excelsior Great Britain Griffiths, G.S. 1985
IMI 303716 on twig, fallen, young of Fraxinus excelsior Great Britain Griffiths, G.S. 1985
IMI 303717 on twig, fallen, young of Fraxinus excelsior Great Britain Griffiths, G.S. 1985
IMI 303718 on twig, fallen, young of Fraxinus excelsior Great Britain Griffiths, G.S. 1985
IMI 303785 on/isolated from straw of Poaceae Great Britain Niles, E.V. 1986-03-18
IMI 303797 associated with Poaceae Great Britain Niles, E.V. 1986-02-19
IMI 303798 associated with Poaceae Great Britain Niles, E.V. 1986-12-04
IMI 303800 on/isolated from straw of Poaceae Great Britain Niles, E.V. 1986-03-19
IMI 303804 on/isolated from straw of Poaceae Great Britain Niles, E.V. 1986-04-09
IMI 303805 associated with Poaceae Great Britain Niles, E.V. 1986-03-05
IMI 303806 associated with Poaceae Great Britain Niles, E.V. 1986-03-21
IMI 303810 on/isolated from straw of Poaceae Great Britain Niles, E.V. 1986-03-02
IMI 303818 on/isolated from root, rot of Panax pseudo-ginseng Great Britain 1986
IMI 303821 on/isolated from soil, from ginseng field of Panax pseudo-ginseng Great Britain 1986
IMI 303855 associated with Picea sitchensis Great Britain Campbell, C. 1986-04-23
IMI 303906 isolated from root of Orchidaceae Great Britain Currah, R. 1986-04
IMI 304106 on twig, dead of Pinus sylvestris Great Britain Minter, D.W. 1985-05-25
IMI 304109 on stem, dead of Epilobium Great Britain Clark, M.C. 1985-05
IMI 304126 associated with Pinus strobus Great Britain Minter, D.W. 1982-10-17
IMI 304128 on petiole of Acer pseudoplatanus Great Britain Clark, M.C. 1985-05-26
IMI 304129 associated with Coriolus Great Britain Spooner, B.M. 1985-09-06
IMI 304133 on larva of Insecta Great Britain Roberts, P.J. 1985-05-05
IMI 304134 on plant, dead of Carex flacca Great Britain Roberts, P.J. 1981-08-18
IMI 304135 on leaf, dead of Elymus arenarius Great Britain Roberts, P.J. 1981-11-17
IMI 304136 Great Britain Roberts, P.J. 1985-08-17
IMI 304137 associated with Fagus sylvatica Great Britain Roberts, P.J. 1985-05-25
IMI 304138 Great Britain Roberts, P.J. 1985-05-04
IMI 304139 associated with Cedrus Great Britain Roberts, P.J. 1985-01-27
IMI 304200 associated with Daucus carota Great Britain Stamps [Dr] 1986-03-17
IMI 304303 associated with Typha Great Britain
IMI 304322 associated with Typha latifolia Great Britain 1912-04-03
IMI 304325 associated with Typha latifolia Great Britain 1912-05-25
IMI 304328 associated with Typha latifolia Great Britain 1912-05-25
IMI 304333 associated with Typha angustifolia Great Britain 1936-03-06
IMI 304355 on/isolated from rockwool slab of Lycopersicon esculentum Great Britain McKeown, B.M. 1986-04-12
IMI 304358 on/isolated from rockwool slab of Lycopersicon esculentum Great Britain McKeown, B.M. 1986-04-12
IMI 304373 associated with Corylus Great Britain Jones, M.K. [Dr] 1985-12
IMI 304374 associated with Corylus Great Britain Jones, M.K. [Dr] 1985-12
IMI 304375 associated with Corylus Great Britain Jones, M.K. [Dr] 1985-12
IMI 304376 associated with Corylus Great Britain Jones, M.K. [Dr] 1985-12
IMI 304520 associated with Salix Great Britain 1986-05
IMI 304521 associated with Salix Great Britain 1986-05