Herb. IMI records for geographical unit Sierra Leone

1 specimens retrieved.

IMI number Name, associated organism Locality Collector Type status
IMI 419 associated with Sesamum indicum Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C.
IMI 435 Sierra Leone
IMI 1499 associated with Luffa acutangula Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C.
IMI 1500 associated with Trichosanthes anguina Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C.
IMI 1501 associated with Impatiens sultani Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C.
IMI 1502 associated with Asclepias curassavica Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C.
IMI 1518 associated with Corchorus clitorius Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C.
IMI 1519 associated with Rinorea liberica Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C.
IMI 1520 associated with Rinorea liberica Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C.
IMI 3069 on leaf, old of Sporobolus pyramidalis Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C.
IMI 391a associated with Cassipourea glabra Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C.
IMI 4009 associated with Oplismenus burmannii Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C.
IMI 4119 associated with Meliola psychotriae Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1937-04-02
IMI 4163 associated with Panicum strictissimum Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C.
IMI 431b associated with Parinari macrophylla Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C.
IMI 4342 associated with Spondias mombin Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1935-09-22
IMI 4343 associated with Spondias mombin Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1936-11-28
IMI 4368 associated with Streptogyne gerontogaea Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1940-01-26
IMI 4407 associated with Rubiaceae Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1939-04-02
IMI 4421 associated with Scoparia dulcis Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1938-02-17 Paratype of Schiffnerula scopariae Hansf.
IMI 4422 associated with Scoparia dulcis Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1936-11-27 Paratype of Schiffnerula scopariae Hansf.
IMI 4423 associated with Scoparia dulcis Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1939-10-20 Paratype of Schiffnerula scopariae Hansf.
IMI 4426 associated with Solanum melongena Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1936-12-04 Paratype of Schiffnerula solani Hansf.
IMI 4427 associated with Solanum melongena Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1936-12-11 Paratype of Schiffnerula solani Hansf.
IMI 4439 associated with Solanum melongena Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. (M 1185A) 1936-12-19
IMI 4440 associated with Solanum melongena Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1936-11-27 Paratype of Schiffnerula solani Hansf.
IMI 4441 associated with Solanum melongena Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. (M 1186A) 1936-12-19
IMI 4442 associated with Solanum melongena Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1937-01-28 Paratype of Schiffnerula solani Hansf.
IMI 4443 associated with Solanum melongena Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1936-11-24
IMI 4455 associated with Solanum melongena Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. (M 1187A) 1936-12-20
IMI 4459 associated with Melochia melissaefolia Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1939-11-05
IMI 4461 associated with Lippia adoensis Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1939-01-26
IMI 4466 associated with Cissus caesia Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1936-12-16
IMI 4501 associated with Panicum brevifolium Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1939-10-19
IMI 5372 associated with Homalium dolichophyllum Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C.
IMI 5377 associated with Panicum repens Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C.
IMI 5378 associated with Andropogon gabonensis Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C.
IMI 5404 associated with Uapaca guineensis Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C.
IMI 5405 Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C.
IMI 5407 associated with Ficus platyphylla Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C.
IMI 5432 associated with Teclea grandifolia Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C.
IMI 5633 associated with Elaeis guineensis Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1934-02-14 ex type coll.
IMI 6096 associated with Phaseolus lunatus Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1935-09
IMI 6176 on leaf, leafspot, white leafspot of Acroceras oryzoides Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1933-12-20
IMI 6194 associated with Cinnamomum camphora Sierra Leone 1933-04-12
IMI 6713 on stick, dead of Plantae Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1935-11-20
IMI 6714 on stick, dead of Plantae Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1935-11-20
IMI 6715 on dead wood of Plantae Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1935-08
IMI 6716 on stick, dead of Plantae Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1935-09-24
IMI 6717 on stick, dead of Plantae Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1928-08-22
IMI 6718 on stick, dead of Plantae Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1935-11-20
IMI 6721 on stick, dead of Plantae Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1935-11-20
IMI 6722 on nest, mound of Isoptera Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1935-08-16
IMI 6723 on branch, dead of Plantae Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1926-12-03
IMI 6799 associated with Anthostema senegalensis Sierra Leone
IMI 6842 associated with Coffea Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C.
IMI 6944 associated with Echinochloa pyramidalis Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1946-04-27
IMI 6950 associated with Panicum repens Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1946-04-27
IMI 6951 associated with Cyperus imbricatus Sierra Leone 1946-04-27
IMI 6955 associated with Ipomoea Sierra Leone
IMI 6956 associated with Wallichia disticha Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1939-01-09
IMI 6957 associated with Lophira alata Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1939-01-26
IMI 7139 associated with Asterina Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1936-11-07
IMI 7322 on/isolated from leaf of Vetiveria zizanioides Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1938-12
IMI 7358 on leaf, old of Cinnamomum verum Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1928-12-23
IMI 7359 associated with Cinnamomum zeylanicum Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1935-07-04
IMI 7413 associated with Trichopteryx nigritiana Sierra Leone 1936-12-03
IMI 7414 associated with Trichopteryx nigritiana Sierra Leone 1928-01-02
IMI 7415 associated with Trichopteryx nigritiana Sierra Leone 1931-04-17
IMI 7652 associated with Anadelphia leptocoma Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1937-12-06
IMI 7661 associated with Anisophyllea laurina Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1936-11-27
IMI 7663 associated with Homalium dolichophyllum Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1939-01-30
IMI 7664 associated with Homalium letestui Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1939-04-11
IMI 7695 associated with Acanthus montanus Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1939-04-03 Holotype of Pseudocercospora acanthi Deighton 1987
IMI 7715 Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1937-12-07
IMI 7717 on leaf, leafspot of Xylopia aethiopica Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1934-01-28 Holotype of Pseudocercospora aethiopicae Deighton 1976
IMI 7721 on leaf of Callichilia subsessilis Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1928-12-24
IMI 7731 associated with Rhaphidophora africana Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1936-03-20
IMI 7732 associated with Anchomanes difformis Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1939-07-16
IMI 7733 associated with Anchomanes difformis Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1939-07-27
IMI 7735 associated with Cercestis Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1934-04-25 Holotype of Cladosporium cercestidis Deighton 1990
IMI 7736 associated with Anchomanes difformis Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1928-07-13
IMI 7737 associated with Anchomanes difformis Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1936-04-06
IMI 7738 associated with Arum Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1936-02-19
IMI 7739 on leaf of Cercestis Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1929-01-11
IMI 7786 associated with Gynandropsis speciosa Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1939-01-20
IMI 7787 associated with Gynandropsis speciosa Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1939-01-19
IMI 7852 associated with Clitandra Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1939-02-07
IMI 7894 associated with Gynura cernua Sierra Leone 1935-02-14
IMI 7899 associated with Tagetes erecta Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1935-10-31
IMI 7907 associated with Ipomoea batatas Sierra Leone 1928-01-05
IMI 7908 associated with Ipomoea setifera Sierra Leone 1935-01-27
IMI 7909 associated with Ipomoea purpurea Sierra Leone 1934-01-28
IMI 7962 associated with Bridelia micrantha Sierra Leone 1933-11-30
IMI 7970 associated with Macaranga huraefolia Sierra Leone 1936-11-07 Holotype of Pseudocercospora macarangicola Deighton 1976
IMI 7995 associated with Mareya spicata Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1936-03-31
IMI 8034 associated with Harungana madagascariensis Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1938-12-07
IMI 8041 on leaf, leafspot of Hyptis brevipes Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1933-11-03
IMI 8044 associated with Allium cepa Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1936-03-11
IMI 8045 associated with Allium cepa Sierra Leone Glanvilli, R.R. 1929-02-08
IMI 8046 associated with Allium cepa Sierra Leone Glanvilli, R.R. 1929-02-08
IMI 8070 associated with Baphia polygalacea Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1933-01-18
IMI 8071 associated with Bauhinia acuminata Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1939-01-11
IMI 8072 on fruit of Bauhinia acuminata Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1935-06
IMI 8198 associated with Dialium dinklagei Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1937-02-02
IMI 8199 associated with Dialium dinklagei Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1938-11-04
IMI 8251 associated with Phaseolus Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1929-12-14
IMI 8324 Sierra Leone
IMI 8325 Sierra Leone
IMI 8353 associated with Psidium guajava Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1937-02-16
IMI 8354 associated with Psidium guajava Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1937-02-25
IMI 8357 associated with Bougainvillea spectabilis Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1940-01-10
IMI 8363 associated with Averrhoa carambola Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1939-01-03
IMI 8436 associated with Cardiospermum halicacabum Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1934-04-19
IMI 8440 on leaf of Dodonaea viscosa Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1931-01-10
IMI 8457 on leaf of Scytopetalum tieghemii Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1928-12-03
IMI 8498 associated with Solanum melongena Sierra Leone 1936-12-04
IMI 8526 associated with Christiana africana Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1939-01-27
IMI 8538 associated with Triumfetta rhomboidea Sierra Leone 1939-02-07
IMI 8539 associated with Nicotiana rustica Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1932-12
IMI 8540 associated with Trema guinensis Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1936-12-11
IMI 8541 associated with Trema guinensis Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1937-09-17
IMI 8554 on leaf, leafspot of Pouzolzia guineensis Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C.
IMI 8556 associated with Clerodendron scandens Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1928-12-27
IMI 8558 associated with Clerodendron fragrans Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1934-12-05
IMI 8559 associated with Clerodendron volubile Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1939-01-28
IMI 8560 associated with Clerodendron scandens Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1934-12-11
IMI 8561 associated with Clerodendron scandens Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1935-06-27
IMI 8562 associated with Clerodendron scandens Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1935-08-06
IMI 8563 associated with Clerodendron scandens Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1936-12-05
IMI 8565 associated with Clerodendron fallax Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1933-11-04
IMI 8566 associated with Clerodendron paniculatum Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1933-11-13
IMI 8569 associated with Gmelina arborea Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1938-12-08
IMI 8572 associated with Rinorea liberica Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1939-01-13
IMI 8595 associated with Tiliacora Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1940-01-24
IMI 8656 associated with Berlinia heudelotiana Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1939-02-01
IMI 8657 associated with Schiffnerula Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1939-04-02
IMI 8658 Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C.
IMI 8660 associated with Cinnamomum zeylanicum Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1940-10-28
IMI 8663 associated with Xanthosoma sagittifolium Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1944-01-07
IMI 8665 on leaf, leafspot of Elaeis guineensis Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1943-08-27
IMI 8698 on dead bark of Rhizophora racemosa Sierra Leone 1939-08-10
IMI 8793 associated with Sida rhombifolia Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1939-12-11
IMI 8819 on fruit of Periploca nigrescens Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1934-12
IMI 8820 associated with Hippocratea velutina Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1936-08-19
IMI 8826 associated with Borassus aethiopium Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1939-11-22
IMI 8829 on leaf of Tamarindus indica Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1933-01-10
IMI 8830 associated with Tamarindus indica Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1938-02-18
IMI 8932 Sierra Leone 1945-03-07
IMI 928a associated with Lippia adoensis Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1945-02-04
IMI 928b associated with Lippia adoensis Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1945-02-04 Holotype of Domingoella deightonii Hansf. 1949
IMI 930a associated with Combretum mooreanum Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1945-03-11
IMI 932b associated with Adenia lobata Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C.
IMI 10141 associated with Terminalia catappa Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1922-01-23
IMI 11317 associated with Vetiveria nigritana Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C.
IMI 1138b associated with Solanum melongena Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C.
IMI 1139b Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C.
IMI 1140b associated with Melanthera brownei Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C.
IMI 1142a associated with Solanum duplosinuatum Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C.
IMI 1142b associated with Solanum duplosinuatum Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C.
IMI 1142c associated with Solanum duplosinuatum Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C.
IMI 1157b associated with Tetracera alnifolia Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1936
IMI 12415 associated with Insecta Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1939-08-10
IMI 12417 associated with Hypselodelphys violacea Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1939-12-30
IMI 12418 associated with Dialium guineense Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1939-02-02
IMI 12427 associated with Hydrangea opuloides Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1941-06-09
IMI 14126 associated with Sorghum bicolor Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1927-12-28
IMI 14127 associated with Zea mays Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1929-12-15
IMI 14153 on root of Cola nitida Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1934-04-25
IMI 14174 associated with butrash millet Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1929-12-07
IMI 14181 associated with Paspalum scrobiculatum Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1933-10-30
IMI 15493 Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C.
IMI 16063 Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C.
IMI 1719c associated with Hymenocardia lyrata Sierra Leone
IMI 18425 on leaf of Gladiolus Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1935-09-11
IMI 18427 associated with Crotalaria retusa Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1935-09-14
IMI 18465 on flower of Panicum brevifolium Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1929-04-15
IMI 18466 associated with Streptogyne crinita Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1926-11-23
IMI 18472 associated with Paspalum scrobiculatum var. polystach Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1922-08
IMI 18474 associated with Anisophyllea laurina Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1928-08-02
IMI 18565 associated with Leptodermis fasciculata Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1935-05-25
IMI 18866 associated with Rhigiocarya racemifera Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1939-10-19
IMI 18867 associated with Rhigiocarya racemifera Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1939-10-18
IMI 18868 associated with Rhigiocarya racemifera Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1940-01-19
IMI 18948 associated with Popowia stenosepala Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1936-07-06
IMI 18950 Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1939-04-06
IMI 18953 associated with Carpodinus dulcis Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1939-02-01
IMI 18963 associated with Combretum mooreanum Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1940-01-28
IMI 18964 associated with Combretum platypterum Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1940-04-16
IMI 18965 associated with Combretum mooreanum Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1939-04-05
IMI 18969 associated with Quisqualis indica Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1936-11-28
IMI 18971 associated with Diospyros heudelotii Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1943-04-27
IMI 18972 associated with Maba mannii Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1939-04-17
IMI 18976 associated with Manihot utilissima Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1940-01-24
IMI 18981 associated with Phyllanthus wildemannii Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1939-02-01
IMI 18982 associated with Phyllanthus wildemannii Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1939-12-10
IMI 18983 associated with Phyllanthus wildemannii Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1939-02-01
IMI 18984 associated with Phyllanthus wildemannii var. glaber Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1939-02-01
IMI 18985 associated with Phyllanthus wildemannii var. glaber Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1939-01-27
IMI 18987 Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C.
IMI 19027 associated with Lophira alata Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1938-02-16
IMI 19030 Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C.
IMI 19037 associated with Lophira alata Sierra Leone 1939-01-28
IMI 19122 associated with Morelia senegalensis Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1943-04-20
IMI 19123 associated with Homalium Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1936-12-06
IMI 19125 associated with Chrysophyllum pruniforme Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1940-04-15
IMI 19858 associated with Mangifera indica Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C.
IMI 20195 associated with Amphimas pterocarpoides Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1935-07-06 ex type coll.
IMI 20257 associated with Dissotis paucistellata Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1935-09-23
IMI 20833 associated with Hydrocotyle asiatica Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1938-11-14
IMI 21152 associated with Panicum strictissimum Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C.
IMI 21222 associated with Cocos nucifera Sierra Leone Dave, M.J. 1925-09-21
IMI 21619 associated with Ananas sativus Sierra Leone 1922-05-28
IMI 22592 associated with Carica papaya Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1934
IMI 23442 associated with Newbouldia laevis Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1939-02-06
IMI 23617 Sierra Leone
IMI 23637 associated with Diospyros heudelotii Sierra Leone 1936-03-16
IMI 23639 associated with Diospyros thomasii Sierra Leone 1932-03-31
IMI 23640 associated with Diospyros thomasii Sierra Leone 1936-04-06
IMI 23641 associated with Diospyros thomasii Sierra Leone 1943-04-26
IMI 23642 associated with Diospyros thomasii Sierra Leone 1939-04-17
IMI 23643 associated with Diospyros heudelotii Sierra Leone 1933-11-30
IMI 23644 associated with Diospyros heudelotii Sierra Leone 1936-05-01
IMI 23856 associated with Abrus canescens Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1938-02-16
IMI 23857 associated with Abrus canescens Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1939-07-16
IMI 23858 associated with Abrus canescens Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1937-12-11
IMI 23859 associated with Aeschynomene schimperi Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1939-11-04
IMI 23860 associated with Baphia polygalacea Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1939-01-21
IMI 23861 associated with Baphia polygalacea Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1939-02-01 ex type coll.
IMI 23862 associated with Baphia nitida Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1940-01-25
IMI 23864 associated with Baphia nitida Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1939-04-08
IMI 23899 associated with Desmodium adscendens Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1945-03-10
IMI 23900 associated with Desmodium adscendens Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1939-04-06
IMI 24068 on dead bark of Gmelina arborea Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1947-12-08
IMI 24077 associated with Brassica oleracea var. botrytis Sierra Leone Shear, C.L. 1948-01-09
IMI 24078 associated with Zonocerus variegatus Sierra Leone Shear, C.L.
IMI 24413 associated with Pancovia bijuga Sierra Leone 1948-04-16
IMI 24418 Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1948-04-19
IMI 24420 associated with Dahlia Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1948-04-28
IMI 24422 associated with Fimbristylis thonningiana Sierra Leone 1948-04-05
IMI 24957 on leaf blotch of Melanthera brownei Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1939-01-12
IMI 25010 associated with Ormocarpum sennoides subsp. cuspidum Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1939-02-06
IMI 25278 associated with Diospyros heudelotii Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1939-08-06
IMI 25478 associated with Gouania longipetala Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1936-10-30
IMI 26182 associated with Irenina Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1936-11-05
IMI 27453 associated with Pulvinaria Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1931-11
IMI 27454 associated with Psidium guajava Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1931-11
IMI 27456 associated with Pulvinaria Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1938-11-05
IMI 27458 associated with Lecanium Sierra Leone Hargreaves, E. 1929-09-23
IMI 27460 associated with Lecaniidae Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1932-11-23
IMI 27472 associated with Ophideres fullonia Sierra Leone 1934-10-31
IMI 27502 associated with Aleyrodidae Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1936-11-19
IMI 27508 associated with Saissetia nigra Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1934
IMI 27509 associated with Coccus viridis Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1936-04-02
IMI 27510 associated with Aleuromarginatus tephrosiae Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1936-07-02
IMI 27532 associated with Lepidosaphes Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1938-02-07
IMI 27533 associated with Lepidosaphes citricola Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1935-11-29
IMI 27593 associated with Manniophyton africanum Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1940-01-25
IMI 27700 on pupa of Brythis pancratii Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1935-10-05
IMI 27701 on pupa of Lepidoptera Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1938-10-13
IMI 27982 associated with Cassia occidentalis Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1935-04-14
IMI 28203 associated with Carpodinus dulcis Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1948-03-24
IMI 28204 associated with Amaralia sherbourniae Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1948-03-22
IMI 28205 associated with Trichilia lancei Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1948-03-22 Holotype of Stenella vermiculata J.L. Mulder 1982
IMI 28207 associated with Bixa orellana Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1948-03-20
IMI 28211 associated with Dalbergia heudelotii Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1948-03-16
IMI 28315 on/isolated from leaf, dead of Plantae Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1935-11-20
IMI 28406 on/isolated from stick, dead of Plantae Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1935-09-22
IMI 28526 on/isolated from twig, dead of Plantae Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1926-11-17
IMI 28768 associated with Theobroma cacao Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1929-04-12
IMI 28769 associated with Kola Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1929-04-19
IMI 28783 Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1935-10-23
IMI 28822 associated with Alchornea cordifolia Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1928-12-18
IMI 28859 Sierra Leone 1926-12-04
IMI 31237 associated with Hibiscus aspera Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C.
IMI 31259 associated with Berlinia heudelotiana Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1939-02-01
IMI 32242 Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C.
IMI 32560 associated with Vitex fosteri Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1948-11-19
IMI 32564 associated with Leptoderris Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1948-11-30
IMI 32613 associated with xxxx Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1935-01-02
IMI 33016 associated with Palmae Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1933-09
IMI 33764 associated with Streptogyne gerontogaea Sierra Leone 1939-04-02
IMI 33893 Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1947-06-03
IMI 33894 Sierra Leone 1947-02-26
IMI 33895 Sierra Leone 1947-07-25
IMI 34030 associated with Piptadenia elliotii Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1939-04-17
IMI 34031 associated with Calpocalyx sericea Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1939-12-19
IMI 34034 associated with Berlinia heudelotiana Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1939-02-01
IMI 34036 associated with Memecylon Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1939-04-14
IMI 34037 associated with Syzygium guineense Sierra Leone 1939-01-30
IMI 34039 associated with Heisteria parvifolia Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1939-01-26
IMI 34040 associated with Cuviera acutiflora Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1939-04-16
IMI 34042 associated with Rothmannia whitfieldii Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1940-01-24
IMI 34043 associated with Chrysobalanus orbicularis Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1939-03-30
IMI 34044 associated with Chrysobalanus ellipticus Sierra Leone 1939-04-15
IMI 34046 associated with Acioa scabrifolia Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1939-11-05
IMI 34048 associated with Chrysophyllum welwitschii Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1939-02-06
IMI 34049 associated with Cissus vogelii Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1939-04-04
IMI 34050 associated with Eriocoelum racemosum Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1939-04-05
IMI 34057 associated with Tetracera alnifolia Sierra Leone 1936-12-16
IMI 34061 associated with Crepis corniculata Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1937-03-08
IMI 34062 associated with Hymenocardia lyrata Sierra Leone 1936-11-04
IMI 34065 associated with Psidium guajava Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1935-11-02
IMI 34067 associated with Ochthocosmus africanus Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1937-02-04
IMI 34068 associated with Lecamone myrtifolia Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1936-11-05
IMI 34072 associated with Rinorea liberica Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1937-02-04
IMI 34075 associated with Pycnanthus kombo Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1936-11-07 Holotype of Vizella pycnanthi Sivan. 1973
IMI 34078 associated with Olax subscorpioides Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1936-12-03
IMI 34089 on dead twigs of Coffea robusta Sierra Leone 1935-09-23
IMI 34090 associated with Harungana madagascariensis Sierra Leone 1936-12-06
IMI 34091 associated with Sorghum gambicum var. celsum Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1935-11-15
IMI 34092 associated with Dalbergia Sierra Leone 1935-09-23
IMI 34093 associated with Secamone myrtifolia Sierra Leone 1936-11-05
IMI 34094 associated with Plantae Sierra Leone 1935-11-20
IMI 34101 associated with Indigofera hirsuta Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1936-12-04
IMI 34103 associated with Hibiscus esculentus Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1936-12-04
IMI 34104 associated with Cucurbita pepo Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1936-12-20
IMI 34105 associated with Lagenaria vulgaris Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1937-12-05
IMI 34107 associated with Spigelia anthelmia Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1937-05-29
IMI 34108 associated with Euphorbia hirta Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1938-01-17
IMI 34109 associated with Sida linifolia Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1937-12-06
IMI 34111 associated with Brillantaisia nitens Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1940-01-27
IMI 34112 associated with Phaylopsis parviflora Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C.
IMI 34114 associated with Sida linifolia Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1936-12-03
IMI 34115 associated with Vigna sinensis Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1936-12-02
IMI 34116 associated with Sida linifolia Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1936-12-19
IMI 34117 associated with Vigna sinensis Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1936-12-12
IMI 34118 associated with Phaylopsis parviflora Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1936-12-12
IMI 34119 associated with Phyllanthus amarus Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1936-12-15
IMI 34120 associated with Zea mays Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1929-12-15
IMI 34121 associated with Gliricidia maculata Sierra Leone 1935-11
IMI 34122 associated with Oryza sativa Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1935-09-28
IMI 34123 associated with Gliricidia maculata Sierra Leone 1935-11
IMI 34124 associated with Clerodendron buchholzii Sierra Leone 1937-02-09
IMI 34125 associated with Gliricidia maculata Sierra Leone 1935-11
IMI 34133 associated with Olyra latifolia Sierra Leone 1932-02-12
IMI 34137 associated with Leptochloa filiformis Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1935-08-06
IMI 34144 associated with Sorghum saccharatum Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1929-12-15
IMI 34146 on trunk, dead of eww{orang Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1923-11-14
IMI 34151 associated with Sporobolus patulus Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1921-12-25
IMI 34154 associated with Hugonia planchonii Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1936-04-13
IMI 34155 on leaf, leafspot of Pterocarpus indicus Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1928-10-30
IMI 34158 associated with Dissotis theifolia Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1935-02-13
IMI 34159 on leaf, leafspot of Pachylobus trimerus Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1928-12-03
IMI 34160 on leaf, leafspot of Pachylobus trimerus Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1929-04-20
IMI 34165 associated with Thevetia neriifolia Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1935-10-21
IMI 34166 associated with Thevetia neriifolia Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1935-12-21
IMI 34167 associated with Sorghum margaritiferum Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1934-12-17
IMI 34174 associated with Zea mays Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1943-09-03
IMI 34310 associated with Euphorbia hirta Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C.
IMI 34316 associated with Phyllanthus amarus Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C.
IMI 34317 associated with Albizia zygia Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C.
IMI 34323 associated with Crotalaria retusa Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C.
IMI 34324 associated with Crotalaria retusa Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C.
IMI 34339 on plant, dead of Terminalia ivorensis Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C.
IMI 34346 on branch, dead, fallen of Plantae Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C.
IMI 34347 associated with Coffea stenophylla Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C.
IMI 34371 associated with Elephantopus spicatus Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C.
IMI 34444 associated with Alchornea cordifolia Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1928-12-18
IMI 34640 associated with sweet orange Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C.
IMI 35007 on leaf of Citrus paradisi Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C.
IMI 35678 on/isolated from branch, dead of Hymenostegia emarginata Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1949-05-25
IMI 35687 on bark, dead of Chlorophora excelsa Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1949-05-25
IMI 35692 associated with Acacia farnesiana Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1949-04-24
IMI 35694 associated with Phyllanthus discoides Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C.
IMI 35696 Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1949-05-27
IMI 35697 on/isolated from trunk of Phyllanthus discoides Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1949-05-28
IMI 35698 Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1949-05-24
IMI 35699 Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1949-05-24
IMI 35700 associated with Chlorophora excelsa Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1949-05-25
IMI 35701 on trunk of Raphia vinifera Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1949-05-24
IMI 35702 associated with Raphia vinifera Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1949-05-24
IMI 35703 on/isolated from root of Poaceae Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1949-05-19
IMI 35704 on/isolated from root of Poaceae Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1949-05-24
IMI 36360 associated with Elaeis guineensis Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1949-08-12
IMI 36367 associated with Elaeis guineensis Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1949-08-12
IMI 36370 associated with Elaeis guineensis Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1949-08-12
IMI 36379 associated with Dichrostachys glomerata Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1949-08-12
IMI 36382 on stem, dead of Randia macrantha Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1949-08-12
IMI 36383 on branch, dead of Ficus mucuso Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1949-08-12
IMI 36391 associated with Jatropha gossypifolia Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1949-08-12
IMI 36392 on branch, dead of Persea americana Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1949-08-12
IMI 36403 Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1949-08-12
IMI 36412 associated with Persea americana Sierra Leone 1949-08-12
IMI 36414 on branch, dead of Amphimas pterocarpoides Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1949-08-12
IMI 36416 associated with Elaeis guineensis Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1949-08-12
IMI 36417 associated with Elaeis guineensis Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1949-08-12
IMI 36423 on branch, dead of Chlorophora excelsa Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1949-08-12
IMI 36429 associated with Alchornea cordifolia Sierra Leone 1949-08-12
IMI 36431 associated with Alchornea cordifolia Sierra Leone 1949-08-12
IMI 36432 Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1949-08-12
IMI 36434 Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1949-08-12
IMI 36437 associated with Hura crepitans Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1949-08-12
IMI 36442 associated with Annona muricata Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1949-08-12
IMI 36443 associated with Annona muricata Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1949-08-12
IMI 36446 associated with Annona muricata Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1949-08-12
IMI 36448 on plant, dead of Annona muricata Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1949-08-12
IMI 36450 on plant, dead of Bridelia micrantha Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1949-08-12
IMI 36453 Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1949-08-12
IMI 36591 on bulb of Allium cepa Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C.
IMI 36718 associated with Phlox drummondii Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C.
IMI 36992 on branch of Cissus afzelii Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C.
IMI 37124 associated with Chasmopodium caudatum Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1938-02-16
IMI 37275 associated with Sphenoclea zeylanica Sierra Leone 1949-02-16
IMI 37277 associated with Erigeron floribundus Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1949-07-23
IMI 37278 associated with Erigeron floribundus Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1949-07-23
IMI 37280 Sierra Leone
IMI 37282 on plant of Cassia occidentalis Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1949-07-05
IMI 37283 associated with Cassia occidentalis Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1949-07-04
IMI 37285 associated with Tetragonia expansa Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1949-06-08
IMI 37286 associated with Bauhinia acuminata Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1949-06
IMI 37344 associated with Persea americana Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C.
IMI 37350 associated with Persea americana Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1949-06
IMI 37351 associated with Persea americana Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1949-06
IMI 37359 associated with Myrianthus libericus Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1949-06-27
IMI 37363 associated with Anthostema senegalensis Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1949-07-03
IMI 37370 on plant of Elaeis guineensis Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1949-07-05
IMI 37371 on plant of Persea Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1949-07-06
IMI 37373 associated with Elaeis guineensis Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1949-07-04
IMI 37376 on wood of Plantae Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1949-07-06
IMI 37377 on wood of Plantae Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1949-07-06
IMI 37378 associated with Scytopetalum tieghemii Sierra Leone 1949-07-06
IMI 37379 associated with Terminalia ivorensis Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1949-07-06
IMI 37387 associated with Trichilia heudelotii Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1949-07-07
IMI 37389 associated with Mangifera indica Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1949-07-07
IMI 37395 associated with Panicum laxum Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1949-07-09
IMI 37398 associated with Mangifera indica Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1949-07-09
IMI 37399 associated with Scytopetalum tieghemii Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1949-07-06
IMI 37400 on plant of Dialium dinklagei Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1949-07-02
IMI 37418 associated with Phyllanthus sublanatus Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1949-05-27
IMI 37430 associated with Dialium guineense Sierra Leone Jordan, H.O. 1949-07-12
IMI 37439 on trunk of Chlorophora excelsa Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1949-07-16
IMI 37449 associated with Albizia gummifera Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1949-07-15
IMI 37450 associated with Stilbaceae Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1949-07-15
IMI 37452 associated with Albizia gummifera Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1949-07-15
IMI 37453 associated with Elaeis guineensis Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1949-07-15
IMI 37461 associated with Millettia rhodantha Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1949-07-15
IMI 37465 associated with Cassia siamea Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1949-07-19
IMI 37470 on leaf, rachis of Elaeis guineensis Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1949-07-19
IMI 37472 Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1949-07-11
IMI 37479 Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1949-07-18
IMI 37480 associated with Samanea dinklagei Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1949-07-22
IMI 37482 on leaf, rachis of Elaeis guineensis Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1949-07-22
IMI 37483 Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1949-07-20
IMI 37484 Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1949-07-22
IMI 37485 Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1949-07-22
IMI 37486 on soil, ground of Vigna Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1949-07-23
IMI 37488 on dead larva of Lepidoptera Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1949-07-24
IMI 37491 associated with Anisophyllea laurina Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1949-07-26
IMI 37492 associated with Chlorophora regia Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1949-07-26
IMI 37494 associated with Chlorophora regia Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1949-07-26
IMI 37495 associated with Chlorophora regia Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1949-08-02
IMI 37496 associated with Chlorophora excelsa Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1949-07-26
IMI 37500 on/isolated from stem, dead of Clerodendron buchholzii Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1949-07-26
IMI 37501 on/isolated from stem, dead of Clerodendron buchholzii Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1949-07-26
IMI 37502 on stem, dead of Clerodendron buchholzii Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1949-07-26
IMI 37506 associated with Ochthocosmus africanus Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1949-07-27
IMI 37507 associated with Ochthocosmus africanus Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1949-07-27
IMI 37509 associated with Vismia leonensis Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1949-07-27
IMI 37515 associated with Albizia gummifera Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1949-07-28
IMI 37518 on leaf, rachis of Elaeis guineensis Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1949-07-29
IMI 37522 associated with Enterolobium cyclocarpum Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1949-07-30
IMI 37524 associated with Enterolobium cyclocarpum Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1949-07-30
IMI 37525 on/isolated from root of Trichilia heudelotii Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1949-07-30
IMI 37531 on plant of Pithecellobium unguis-cati Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1949-08-01
IMI 37534 associated with Bambusa arundinacea Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1949-08-02
IMI 37539 on plant of Carludovica insignis Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1949-08-04
IMI 37541 associated with Persea americana Sierra Leone 1949-08-04
IMI 37543 associated with Leptoderris fasciculata Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1949-08-04
IMI 37547 on/isolated from dead wood of Macaranga huraefolia Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1949-08-05
IMI 37549 on dead wood of Macaranga huraefolia Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1949-08-05
IMI 37551 associated with Cinnamomum zeylanicum Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1949-07-29
IMI 37552 associated with Bambusa arundinacea Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1949-07-29
IMI 37553 associated with Lysidice rhodostegia Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1949-08-03
IMI 37554 associated with Bignonia magnifica Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1949-08-03
IMI 37557 associated with Bambusa arundinacea Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1949-08-06
IMI 37560 associated with Bambusa arundinacea Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1949-08-06 ex type coll. of Anthostomella bambusicola Deighton
IMI 37562 associated with Amphimas pterocarpoides Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1949-08-07
IMI 37568 on twig, dead of Cajanus cajan Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1949-08-12
IMI 37569 on twig, dead of Cajanus cajan Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1949-08-12
IMI 37576 on plant, rotten of Elaeis guineensis Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C.
IMI 37579 on stem, rotten of Carica papaya Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C.
IMI 37580 associated with Adenanthera pavonina Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C.
IMI 37581 associated with Elaeis guineensis Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C.
IMI 38056 on stick, dead of Plantae Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C.
IMI 38192 on branch, dead of Ochthocosmus africanus Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C. 1949-07-27
IMI 38194 Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C.
IMI 38196 on branch, dead of Rauwolfia vomitoria Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C.
IMI 38197 on branch, dead of Rauwolfia vomitoria Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C.
IMI 38198 on branch, dead of Rauwolfia vomitoria Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C.
IMI 38200 on branch, dead of Rauwolfia vomitoria Sierra Leone
IMI 38201 on branch, dead of Rauwolfia vomitoria Sierra Leone
IMI 38206 associated with Elaeis guineensis Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C.
IMI 38207 associated with Elaeis guineensis Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C.
IMI 38209 Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C.
IMI 38210 Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C.
IMI 38211 associated with Elaeis guineensis Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C.
IMI 38212 associated with Elaeis guineensis Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C.
IMI 38213 associated with Rosellinia Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C.
IMI 38214 associated with Elaeis guineensis Sierra Leone Deighton, F.C.