Herb. IMI records for geographical unit Germany

1 specimens retrieved.

IMI number Name, associated organism Locality Collector Type status
IMI 20285 Septoria orchidearum associated with Listera ovata Germany 1898
IMI 100064 Septoria pastinacae associated with Laserpitium latifolium Germany Sydow, P.
IMI 20843 Septoria petroselini associated with Petroselinum sativum Germany Vertel, G. 1899-08
IMI 121948 Septoria polygoni associated with Polygonum persicaria Germany Kranz, J. 1965-09-22
IMI 13189 Septoria polygonicola on leaf, living of Polygonum lapathifolium Germany Bornmüller, J.F.N.
IMI 20312 Septoria polygonorum associated with Polygonum lapathifolium Germany Sydow, P. 1896-09
IMI 20076 Septoria quercicola associated with Quercus pedunculata Germany Ludwig, A. 1914-07-03
IMI 20075 Septoria quercina associated with Quercus robur Germany Krieger, W. 1890-10
IMI 20077 Septoria quercina associated with Quercus veriloflora Germany 1879
IMI 20024 Septoria scabiosicola associated with Succisa pratensis Germany Ludwig, A. 1920-08-22
IMI 20025 Septoria scabiosicola associated with Knautia arvensis Germany Ludwig, A. 1921-08-24
IMI 20026 Septoria scabiosicola associated with Knautia silvatica Germany Sydow 1921-08-23
IMI 402498 Septoria scabiosicola Germany Braun, U. 1996-08-06
IMI 29955 Septoria scorodoniae associated with Teucrium botrys Germany Ludwig, A. 1930-07-17
IMI 19976 Septoria senecionis associated with Senecio fuchsii Germany Sydow, H. 1908-09-01
IMI 29913 Septoria senecionis associated with Senecio Germany Petrak, F. 1939-07
IMI 19977 Septoria senecionis-silvaticae associated with Senecio sylvaticus Germany Sydow, P. 1909-08-01
IMI 20848 Septoria sii associated with Sium latifolium Germany Vertel, G. 1903-09
IMI 33410 Septoria sorbi associated with Sorbus aucuparia Germany Sydow, H. 1929-07
IMI 20174 Septoria stachydis associated with Stachys sylvatica Germany Sydow, P. 1896-08
IMI 20175 Septoria stachydis associated with Stachys sylvatica Germany Ludwig, A. 1923-08-24
IMI 20176 Septoria stachydis associated with Stachys sylvatica Germany Ludwig, A. 1914-06-25
IMI 20177 Septoria stachydis associated with Stachys palustris Germany Ludwig, A. 1919-09-17
IMI 124858 Septoria stachydis associated with Stachys sylvatica Germany Kranz, J. 1966
IMI 19923 Septoria stellariae associated with Stellaria media Germany Ludwig, A. 1920-05-19
IMI 121932 Septoria stellariae associated with Stellaria media Germany Kranz, J. 1965-09-22
IMI 121950 Septoria stellariae associated with Stellaria media Germany Kranz, J. 1965-09-22
IMI 19985 Septoria stenactidis associated with Stenactis annua Germany 1909-09
IMI 20360 Septoria tormentillae associated with Potentilla silvestris Germany Ludwig, A. 1921-08-18
IMI 20361 Septoria tormentillae associated with Potentilla silvestris Germany Ludwig, A. 1921-08-08
IMI 30093 Septoria tormentillae associated with Potentilla silvestris Germany Ludwig, A. 1926-09
IMI 20335 Septoria trientalis associated with Trientalis europaea Germany Ludwig, A. 1917-07-29
IMI 29980 Septoria ulmariae associated with Ulmaria filipendula Germany Ludwig, A. 1930-09-28
IMI 20773 Septoria urticae associated with Urtica dioica Germany Sydow, P. 1905-08
IMI 20783 Septoria violae-palustris associated with Viola canina Germany Ludwig, A. 1922-10-01
IMI 20784 Septoria violae-palustris associated with Viola palustris Germany Ludwig, A. 1922-08-12
IMI 381046 Septoriella halensis associated with Poa robusta Germany 1998-09-29 Holotype of Septoriella halensis B. Sutton & Melnik 1999
IMI 22698 Septoriella junci associated with Juncus effusus Germany Ludwig, A. 1914-04-18
IMI 369331 Serpula lacrymans on/isolated from wood of Plantae Germany
IMI 369332 Serpula lacrymans on/isolated from timber of Plantae Germany 1935
IMI 387997 Serpula lacrymans Germany
IMI 387998 Serpula lacrymans Germany
IMI 131744 Setophoma terrestris associated with Agrostis tenuis Germany Kranz, J. 1967-07
IMI 22031 Sigarispora arundinis associated with Phragmites communis Germany Petrak, F. 1938-08
IMI 16875 Sillia ferruginea associated with Corylus avellana Germany Ludwig, A. 1921-04-30
IMI 203247 Sirexcipula montana associated with Veratrum Germany Höhnel, F.R.X. von 1905-04-01 ex holotype coll. of Peckia montana
IMI 133958 Sirococcus conigenus on dead wood of Plantae Germany
IMI 299801 Sirococcus conigenus associated with Picea abies Germany 1985
IMI 33190 Sirodochiella rhodella associated with Solanum nigrum Germany Sydow, H. 1919-05
IMI 183265 Sordaria fimicola on leaf of Pinus Germany 1974-03-18
IMI 186603 Sordaria fimicola on plants of Triticum Germany C.Baker
IMI 1747 Sordaria macrospora on dung of Lepus Germany Meier, H. ex type coll.
IMI 45375 Sorosphaerula veronicae associated with Veronica hederifolia Germany
IMI 772 Spadicoides xylogena associated with Corticium centrifugum Germany
IMI 42853 Sparassis ramosa Germany Ludwig, A.
IMI 10302 Spermosporina sagittariae associated with Sagittaria sagittifolia Germany Krieger, W. 1895-09-02
IMI 30918 Sphacelotheca hydropiperis associated with Polygonum hydropiper Germany Petrak, F.
IMI 30919 Sphacelotheca hydropiperis associated with Polygonum hydropiper Germany Ludwig, A. 1937-09
IMI 47858 Sphacelotheca hydropiperis associated with Polygonum hydropiper Germany Jaap, O.
IMI 389436 Sphacelotheca hydropiperis associated with Polygonum persicaria Germany 1988
IMI 73239 Sphaerodes fimicola associated with { dung Germany Vogel, P. 1935-11-01
IMI 368729 Sphaerographium lonicerae associated with Lonicera Germany 1991-05-03
IMI 367012 Sphaeronaemella mougeotii associated with Hedera helix Germany 1941-05
IMI 366062 Sphaerotheca epilobii associated with Epilobium palustre Germany 1950-08-19
IMI 30682 Sphaerulina berberidis associated with Berberis vulgaris Germany Petrak, F. 1939-09
IMI 19878 Sphaerulina betulae associated with Betula verrucosa Germany Ludwig, A. 1921-09-08
IMI 20005 Sphaerulina cornicola associated with Cornus sanguinea Germany Ludwig, A. 1927-08-28
IMI 131754 Sphaerulina cornicola associated with Cornus sanguinea Germany Kranz, J. 1967-09
IMI 365966 Sphaerulina cornicola on leaf of Cornus sanguinea Germany 1943-09
IMI 20356 Sphaerulina gei associated with Geum urbanum Germany Sydow 1905-04-01
IMI 29976 Sphaerulina rehmiana associated with Rosa canina Germany Ludwig, A. 1927-08-12
IMI 20388 Sphaerulina westendorpii associated with Rubus idaeus Germany Sydow, P. 1899-09
IMI 20390 Sphaerulina westendorpii associated with Rubus Germany Ludwig, A. 1922-07-21
IMI 50939 Sphaerulina westendorpii associated with Rubus idaeus Germany Sydow
IMI 121942 Sphaerulina westendorpii associated with Rubus idaeus Germany Kranz, J. 1965-09-22
IMI 229600 Sphaerulina westendorpii associated with Rubus procerus Germany Bruzzesa, E. 1978-04-05
IMI 32804 Spilopodia vogelii associated with Stenophragma thalianum Germany Vogel, P. 1937-02
IMI 22435 Spilosticta aesculi associated with Aesculus hippocastanum Germany 1929-05-20
IMI 33224 Spilosticta aesculi associated with Aesculus hippocastanum Germany 1929-05
IMI 163783 Spilosticta aesculi associated with Aesculus hippocastanum Germany Vorgel, P. 1924-05-18
IMI 33226 Spilosticta bistortae associated with Polygonum bistorta Germany 1927-09
IMI 163782 Spilosticta bistortae associated with Polygonum bistorta Germany Ludwig, A. 1921-06-26 ex type coll.
IMI 366806 Spilosticta bistortae on leaf of Polygonum bistorta Germany 1948-08-25
IMI 30493 Splanchnonema foedans associated with Ulmus Germany Petrak, F. 1939-07
IMI 22908 Splanchnonema loricatum associated with Fagus sylvatica Germany Petrak, F. 1939-04
IMI 23762 Sporendonema casei Germany
IMI 379655 Sporidesmiella hyalosperma on dead stem of Arundinaria nitida Germany 1998-09-23
IMI 11864 Sporidesmium coronatum associated with Philadelphus coronarius Germany Fuckel, K.W.G.L. ex type coll.
IMI 68398 Sporidesmium fusiforme on dead wood of Plantae Germany presumed ex type coll. of Sporidesmium fusiforme
IMI 365971 Sporidesmium heteromerum on leaf of Juncus filiformis Germany 1939-06-25
IMI 94181 Sporidesmium vogelianum associated with Celtis occidentalis Germany Vogel, P. 1923-06-04 ex type coll.
IMI 44431 Sporisorium andropogonis associated with Andropogon ischaemum Germany
IMI 22433 Sporormiella intermedia Germany Ade, A. 1931-05
IMI 24123 Sporormiella minima on dung of Bos taurus Germany Ludwig, A.
IMI 1405 Stachybotrys chartarum Germany Sydow
IMI 27825 Stachybotrys chartarum Germany 1854
IMI 103254 Stachybotrys chartarum associated with Chartam putridan Germany ex type coll. of Memnonium sphaerospermum
IMI 33630 Stagonospora atriplicis associated with Atriplex littoralis Germany Ludwig, A. 1927-08
IMI 50753 Stagonospora atriplicis associated with Atriplex oblongifolia Germany Sydow, H.
IMI 30679 Stagonospora calystegiae associated with Convolvulus sepium Germany Petrak, F. 1937-08
IMI 33355 Stagonospora calystegiae associated with Convolvulus sepium Germany Ludwig, A. 1926-07
IMI 30390 Stagonospora elegans associated with Phragmites communis Germany Petrak, F. 1943-05
IMI 30014 Stagonospora fragariae associated with Fragaria vesca Germany Ludwig, A. 1927-08
IMI 124869 Stagonospora graminella associated with Festuca ovina Germany Kranz, J. 1966
IMI 131747b Stagonospora graminella associated with Agropyron repens Germany Kranz, J. 1967-07
IMI 131784a Stagonospora graminella associated with Poa trivialis Germany Kraur, J. 1967-09
IMI 33636 Stagonospora jaapii associated with Carex stellulata Germany Ludwig, A. 1923-10
IMI 50951 Stagonospora jaapii associated with Carex acuta Germany Ludwig, A.
IMI 366808 Stagonospora meliloti on leaf of Melilotus alba Germany 1935-05-26
IMI 20761 Stagonospora physalina associated with Physalis alkekengi Germany 1907-09-25
IMI 20762 Stagonospora physalina associated with Physalis alkekengi Germany 1907-09-25
IMI 22748 Stagonospora suaedae associated with Suaeda maritima Germany Sydow 1911-08-20
IMI 31133 Stagonospora subseriata associated with Molinia caerulea Germany Ludwig, A. 1939-06-25
IMI 33638 Stagonospora subseriata associated with Molinia caerulea Germany Sydow, H. 1919-06
IMI 30686 Stagonospora thalictri associated with Thalictrum flexuosum Germany Petrak, F. 1940-09
IMI 300497 Stagonospora typhoidearum associated with Sparganium ramosum Germany ex isotype coll.
IMI 16744 Stagonosporopsis cucurbitacearum associated with Cucumis sativus Germany Vogel, P. 1908-12-18
IMI 30437 Stagonosporopsis cucurbitacearum associated with Sambucus ebulus Germany Petrak, F. 1940-05
IMI 5342 Stamnaria persoonii associated with Equisetum limosum Germany Sydow
IMI 33643 Stamnaria persoonii associated with Equisetum arvense Germany Sydow, H. 1918-07
IMI 12633 Stegocintractia luzulae on ovary, living of Luzula pilosa Germany
IMI 90105 Stemphylium dendriticum on wood; artefact, construction material, wood in cooling tower of Plantae Germany Liese, W. [Dr] 1961-09-30
IMI 124415 Stemphylium sarciniforme associated with Trifolium pratense Germany Kranz, J.
IMI 1120 Stemphylium vesicarium associated with Dipsacus sylvestris Germany Ludwig, A.
IMI 25272 Stemphylium vesicarium associated with Allium cepa Germany Vogel
IMI 37754 Stemphylium vesicarium associated with Pisum sativum Germany
IMI 37762 Stemphylium vesicarium associated with Allium cepa Germany Thümen, F.K.A.E.J. de
IMI 50864 Stemphylium vesicarium associated with Allium cepa Germany Vogel
IMI 68292 Stemphylium vesicarium associated with Allium Germany ex type coll. of Helminthosporium vesicarium
IMI 68342 Stephanoma strigosum Germany ex co-type coll. of Stephanoma strigosum
IMI 68343 Stephanoma strigosum Germany ex co-type coll. of Stephanoma strigosum
IMI 42881 Stereum hirsutum on stump of Plantae Germany Eichler, G.A.
IMI 42882 Stereum hirsutum Germany Ludwig, A.
IMI 42883 Stereum hirsutum Germany Ludwig, A.
IMI 42885 Stereum hirsutum Germany Ludwig, A.
IMI 344727 Stereum hirsutum Germany 1977-03-26
IMI 23322 Stictis arundinacea associated with Sesleria coerulea Germany Ade, A.
IMI 30687 Stictochorella populi-nigrae associated with Populus nigra Germany Petrak, F. 1939-09
IMI 12251 Stigmatula astragali on leaf, living of Astragalus cicer Germany Bornmüller, J.F.N.
IMI 30671 Stigmella dryina associated with Quercus robur Germany Petrak, F. 1940-10
IMI 45468 Stigmella effigurata on leaf of Quercus Germany
IMI 387165 Stigmidium fuscatae associated with Acarospora fuscata Germany 1996
IMI 94542 Stigmidium microspilum associated with Graphis scripta Germany 1936-04
IMI 364747 Stigmidium microspilum associated with Graphis scripta Germany 1936-04-26
IMI 16454 Stigmina carpophila associated with Prunus domestica Germany Zimmermann, A.W.P.
IMI 16455 Stigmina carpophila associated with Prunus avium Germany Winter
IMI 75051 Stigmina carpophila associated with Prunus laurocerasus Germany Weiss, J.E. 1903-12
IMI 375875 Stigmina carpophila on/isolated from fruit of Prunus Germany 1997-06
IMI 387143 Stigmina carpophila associated with Prunus laurocerasus Germany 1995
IMI 75053 Stigmina hartigiana associated with Acer campestre Germany Vogel, P. 1905-05-24 ex type coll.
IMI 5913 Stigmina pulvinata associated with Ulmus Germany Kunze
IMI 5914 Stigmina pulvinata associated with Ulmus Germany Kunze
IMI 42065 Stigmina pulvinata on branch, dry of Ulmus campestris Germany Fuckel, K.W.G.L.
IMI 68254 Stigmina pulvinata associated with Ulmus Germany presumed ex type coll. of Coryneum pulvinatum
IMI 179084 Stigmina pulvinata associated with Carpinus Germany Patrak
IMI 180530 Stigmina pulvinata Germany Winter, G. 1872-01-18
IMI 180532 Stigmina pulvinata associated with Tilia Germany
IMI 30576 Stomiopeltis pinastri associated with Pinus austriaca Germany Petrak, F. 1939-04
IMI 30688 Stomiopeltis pinastri associated with Pinus nigra Germany Petrak, F. 1941-03
IMI 31126 Stomiopeltis pinastri associated with Pinus nigra Germany Petrak, F. 1941-03
IMI 160769 Striaticonidium cinctum associated with xxxx Germany Frakel
IMI 29936 Stromatoseptoria castaneicola associated with Castanea vesca Germany Rechinger, K.
IMI 68038 Strossmayeria atriseda on trunk of Fagus Germany ex type coll. of Helminthosporium nodosum
IMI 68027 Strossmayeria bakeriana on wood of Corylus avellana Germany
IMI 69876 Strossmayeria bakeriana associated with Salix Germany ex type coll.
IMI 74281 Stylonectria carpini associated with Carpinus Germany
IMI 112497 Stylonectria purtonii associated with Fagus sylvatica Germany W. Gerlach 1957
IMI 246161 Submersisphaeria vasicola on wood of Salix Germany Kirschstein, W. 1904-06-12 ex type coll.
IMI 366633 Suillellus luridus associated with Tilia cordata Germany 1993-08-08
IMI 366647 Suillus granulatus isolated from fruit body of Picea abies Germany 1993-06-12
IMI 21644 Sydowia polyspora associated with Picea excelsa Germany Ludwig, A. 1923-05-28
IMI 236865 Sydowia polyspora associated with Pinus sylvestris Germany Flowers, R.N. 1979-03-27
IMI 239712 Sydowia polyspora on plant of Pinus sylvestris Germany Butin, H. 1958-05-10
IMI 269217 Sydowia polyspora Germany Butin, H. 1960
IMI 362340 Sydowia polyspora associated with Juniperus communis Germany 1994-03-06
IMI 13537 Sydowiella fenestrans associated with Epilobium angustifolium Germany 1921-05-16
IMI 13538 Sydowiella fenestrans associated with Epilobium angustifolium Germany 1921-05-19
IMI 13539 Sydowiella fenestrans associated with Epilobium angustifolium Germany 1921-06-07
IMI 13540 Sydowiella fenestrans associated with Epilobium angustifolium Germany 1921-07-05
IMI 13541 Sydowiella fenestrans associated with Epilobium angustifolium Germany 1921-06-17
IMI 63217 Syncephalis cornu Germany Borris, H.
IMI 28163 Synchytrium anemones on leaf of Anemone nemorosa Germany Sydow, P. 1907-05-09
IMI 32866 Synchytrium anemones associated with Anemone nemorosa Germany Sydow
IMI 371624 Synchytrium anemones associated with Anemone nemorosa Germany 1927-04-23
IMI 11639 Synchytrium aureum on leaf of Prunella vulgaris Germany
IMI 32867 Synchytrium aureum associated with Serratula tinctoria Germany Sydow
IMI 28179 Synchytrium mercurialis associated with Mercurialis perennis Germany Ludwig, A. 1921-05-16
IMI 29896 Synchytrium mercurialis associated with Mercurialis perennis Germany Petrak, F. 1939-07
IMI 344996 Synchytrium mercurialis on leaf of Mercurialis perennis Germany 1985-05-10
IMI 11689 Synchytrium pilificum on stem; leaf of Potentilla tormentilla Germany Zopf, W.
IMI 28185 Synchytrium taraxaci associated with Taraxacum officinale Germany Ludwig, A. 1923-06-03
IMI 28186 Synchytrium taraxaci associated with Taraxacum officinale Germany Ludwig, A. 1921-06-17
IMI 29897 Synchytrium taraxaci associated with Taraxacum officinale Germany Hupke, H. 1937-07-05
IMI 368730 Synchytrium taraxaci on leaf of Taraxacum officinale Germany 1990-06-05
IMI 28154 Syzygites megalocarpus Germany Sydow, P. 1909-10
IMI 4335 Taeniolella faginea Germany Fuckel, K.W.G.L. ex type coll. of Torula faginea Fuckel
IMI 29089 Taeniolella plantaginis associated with Plantago media Germany 1898-10
IMI 29090 Taeniolella plantaginis associated with Plantago media Germany Fuckel, K.W.G.L.
IMI 29092 Taeniolella plantaginis associated with Plantago media Germany Ludwig, A. 1912-11-06
IMI 704 Taeniolella stilbospora associated with Salix incana Germany
IMI 15660 Taeniolella stilbospora associated with Salix caprea Germany 1939-05-18
IMI 34212 Taeniolella stilbospora associated with Salix incana Germany 1894-10
IMI 29120 Taeniolina centaurii associated with Erythraea centaurium Germany Fuckel, K.W.G.L.
IMI 29121 Taeniolina centaurii on leaf, living; leaf, dead of Erythraea linariaefolia Germany Sydow, P. 1899-06-15
IMI 183262 Talaromyces flavus Germany 1974-03-18
IMI 235774 Talaromyces islandicus Germany Pantke, M. 1979-01-25
IMI 350731 Talaromyces islandicus on/isolated from leaf litter of Coniferae Germany
IMI 354471 Talaromyces pinophilus associated with Pinus sylvestris Germany 1989-03-03
IMI 235779 Talaromyces variabilis Germany Pantke, M. 1979-01-25
IMI 30081 Taphrina betulina associated with Betula verrucosa Germany Ludwig, A. 1925-05
IMI 33939 Taphrina betulina associated with Betula pubescens Germany Ludwig, A. 1927-06
IMI 39657 Taphrina betulina associated with Betula pubescens Germany Ludwig, A.
IMI 39658 Taphrina betulina associated with Betula pubescens Germany
IMI 39799 Taphrina betulina associated with Betula verrucosa Germany Ludwig, A.
IMI 346454 Taphrina betulina on leaf of Betula pubescens Germany 1926-05-26
IMI 12055 Taphrina carpini on leaf of Carpinus betulus Germany Magnus, P.W.
IMI 39665 Taphrina cerasi associated with Prunus avium Germany Ludwig, A.
IMI 50956 Taphrina cerasi associated with Prunus avium Germany Fahrendorff, E.
IMI 50957 Taphrina johansonii associated with Populus tremula Germany Ludwig, A.
IMI 33936 Taphrina populina associated with Populus canadensis Germany Vogel, P. 1926-09
IMI 39653 Taphrina populina associated with Populus nigra Germany Ludwig, A.
IMI 50955 Taphrina populina associated with Populus nigra Germany
IMI 12929 Taphrina pruni on fruit of Prunus domestica Germany Strasser, P.
IMI 368767 Taphrina pruni associated with Prunus spinosa Germany 1990-05-28
IMI 39790 Taphrina sadebeckii associated with Alnus glutinosa Germany Ludwig, A.
IMI 39791 Taphrina sadebeckii associated with Alnus glutinosa Germany Ludwig, A.
IMI 39792 Taphrina sadebeckii associated with Alnus glutinosa Germany Ludwig, A.
IMI 39795 Taphrina tosquinetii associated with Alnus glutinosa Germany Ludwig, A.
IMI 39796 Taphrina tosquinetii associated with Alnus glutinosa Germany Ludwig, A.
IMI 39797 Taphrina tosquinetii associated with Alnus glutinosa Germany Ludwig, A.
IMI 30633 Taphrina wiesneri associated with Prunus fruticosa Germany 1939-05
IMI 28800 Tapinella panuoides Germany Ludwig, A. 1921-10-09
IMI 375688 Tapinella panuoides associated with Picea Germany
IMI 368792 Tarzetta cupularis Germany 1992-09-30
IMI 46226 Tausonia pullulans Germany Anon. [CBS]
IMI 46227 Tausonia pullulans associated with Aesculus Germany Anon. [CBS]
IMI 369035 Teichosporella dura on wood of Quercus Germany 1867
IMI 176740 Testudina terrestris associated with Pinus sylvestris Germany 1965-10
IMI 379657 Tetraploa aristata on dead culm of Arundinaria nitida Germany 1998-09-23
IMI 30286 Thecaphora melandrii associated with Melandrium album Germany Hupke, H. 1937-06
IMI 47331 Thecaphora melandrii associated with Melandrium album Germany Hupke, H. ex type coll.
IMI 30288 Thecaphora saponariae associated with Saponaria officinalis Germany Ludwig, A. 1930-07
IMI 47328 Thecaphora saponariae associated with Cerastium arvense Germany Bubák, F.
IMI 253608 Thecaphora saponariae associated with Saponaria officinalis Germany Scholz, H. 1979-09-06
IMI 47352 Thecaphora seminis-convolvuli associated with Convolvulus arvensis Germany Kunze, J.
IMI 253610 Thecaphora seminis-convolvuli associated with Convolvulus arvensis Germany Scholz, H. 1979-10-13
IMI 47796 Thecaphora thlaspeos associated with Arabis hirsuta Germany Ludwig, A.
IMI 47825 Thecaphora trailii associated with Cirsium heterophyllum Germany Wagner
IMI 30392 Thelebolus stercoreus Germany Petrak, F. 1940-11
IMI 387014 Thelephora atra associated with Picea abies Germany 1996
IMI 369354 Thelocarpon coccosporum Germany 1912
IMI 52663 Thelonectria mammoidea on trunk, rotten of Plantae Germany
IMI 113896 Thelonectria olida associated with Opuntia tuna Germany Gerlach 1959
IMI 116872 Thelonectria olida associated with Pelargonium zonale Germany W.Gerlach 1965-12-07
IMI 116873 Thelonectria olida associated with Asparagus officinalis Germany W.Gerlach 1965-12-07
IMI 116874 Thelonectria olida associated with Pelargonium zonale Germany W.Gerlach 1965-12-07
IMI 116875 Thelonectria olida associated with Zygocactus Germany W.Gerlach 1965-12-07
IMI 116876 Thelonectria olida associated with Zygocactus Germany W.Gerlach 1965-12-07
IMI 116877 Thelonectria olida associated with Opuntia Germany W.Gerlach 1965-12-07
IMI 52224 Thelonectria veuillotiana on trunk, rotten of Salix Germany ex type coll.
IMI 90684 Thielavia basicola associated with Senecio elegans Germany
IMI 90685 Thielavia basicola associated with Lupinus angustifolius Germany
IMI 90686 Thielavia basicola associated with Nicotiana tabacum Germany
IMI 12099b Thielaviopsis basicola associated with Lupinus angustifolius Germany
IMI 22188 Thyronectria aquifolii associated with Ilex aquifolium Germany 1923-11-04
IMI 52238 Thyronectria balsamea associated with Pinus sylvestris Germany Ehrlich, J. ex type coll.
IMI 16972 Thyronectria coryli associated with Corylus avellana Germany 1921-04-30
IMI 16973 Thyronectria coryli associated with Corylus avellana Germany Ludwig, A.
IMI 52303 Thyronectria coryli associated with Acer campestre Germany
IMI 52304 Thyronectria coryli associated with Cytisus laburnum Germany
IMI 52305 Thyronectria coryli associated with Salix caprea Germany
IMI 52306 Thyronectria coryli associated with Populus Germany
IMI 52307 Thyronectria coryli associated with Diospyros Germany
IMI 52272 Thyronectria cucurbitula associated with Pinus sylvestris Germany Ehrlich, J.
IMI 52273 Thyronectria cucurbitula associated with Pinus sylvestris Germany Ehrlich, J.
IMI 73626 Thyronectria sinopica associated with Hedera helix Germany
IMI 6013 Thyrostroma compactum associated with Ulmus montana Germany
IMI 30393 Thyrostroma compactum associated with Ulmus Germany Petrak, F. 1939-05
IMI 180588 Thyrostroma compactum associated with Ulmus campestris Germany
IMI 387146 Thyrostroma compactum associated with Celtis australis Germany 1995
IMI 252066 Tiarosporella paludosa associated with Scirpus caespitosus Germany Ludwig, A. 1925
IMI 252068 Tiarosporella paludosa associated with Eriophorum polystachion Germany Sydow, H. 1895-10 ex type coll.
IMI 252067a Tiarosporella paludosa on leaf, fallen of Carex arenaria Germany Sydow, H. 1912-05-16 ex type coll. of Tiarosporellivora caricina
IMI 255279a Tiarosporella paludosa associated with Carex arenaria Germany Synon, H. 1912 ex type coll. of Tiarosporella paludosa
IMI 1202 Tilachlidium brachiatum on fruitbody, rotten, on stump of Agaricales Germany Vogel
IMI 1203 Tilachlidium brachiatum on fruitbody, rotten of Agaricales Germany Fuckel, K.W.G.L.
IMI 69367 Tilachlidium brachiatum associated with Agaricus Germany ex type coll. of Isaria filiformis
IMI 39317 Tilletia caries associated with Triticum vulgare Germany Sydow, P.
IMI 39318 Tilletia caries associated with Triticum vulgare Germany Ludwig, A.
IMI 42471 Tilletia holci associated with Holcus mollis Germany Fahrendorff, E.
IMI 30290 Tilletia olida associated with Brachypodium pinnatum Germany Vogel, P. 1927-08
IMI 42492 Tilletia olida associated with Brachypodium pinnatum Germany Vogel, R.
IMI 294327 Tilletia olida associated with Brachypodium pinnatum Germany 1983-07-08
IMI 368825 Tilletia olida on leaf of Brachypodium sylvaticum Germany 1993-05-24
IMI 1760 Torula herbarum Germany 1872-07
IMI 1803 Torula herbarum Germany 1895-07
IMI 17007 Torula herbarum Germany
IMI 63911 Torula herbarum on stem, dead of Heracleum Germany
IMI 69719 Torula herbarum Germany
IMI 69720 Torula herbarum Germany
IMI 89333 Torula sulphurea associated with Xxxxxx Germany Smith, G.
IMI 29386 Torula ulmicola associated with Ulmus campestris Germany Fuckel, K.W.G.L.
IMI 236933 Trachyspora alchemillae associated with Alchemilla vulgaris Germany Hupke, H. 1971-05-28
IMI 365912 Trachyspora alchemillae on leaf of Alchemilla vulgaris Germany 1927-05
IMI 368800 Trachyspora alchemillae on leaf of Alchemilla monticola Germany 1993-08-18
IMI 42953 Trametes gibbosa Germany Ludwig, A. 1906-07-13
IMI 42954 Trametes gibbosa Germany Ludwig, A. 1907-11-07
IMI 42955 Trametes gibbosa Germany Ludwig, A. 1908
IMI 12889 Trametes hirsuta on/isolated from trunk, rotten of Plantae Germany Strasser, P.
IMI 42768 Trametes ochracea Germany Ludwig, A.
IMI 42999 Trametes suaveolens associated with Salix Germany Ludwig, A. 1902-02-22
IMI 43000 Trametes suaveolens associated with Salix Germany Ludwig, A. 1902-04-07
IMI 356735 Trametes trogii associated with Ulmus Germany 1962-08-09
IMI 12890 Trametes versicolor on/isolated from trunk, rotten of Acer pseudoplatanus Germany Strasser, P.
IMI 42737 Trametes versicolor Germany Ludwig, A.
IMI 42738 Trametes versicolor Germany Ludwig, A. 1901-04
IMI 42739 Trametes versicolor Germany Ludwig, A. 1902-01-18
IMI 42740 Trametes versicolor associated with Prunus serotina Germany 1906-11-26
IMI 42742 Trametes versicolor Germany Ludwig, A. 1901
IMI 30830 Tranzschelia anemones associated with Anemone trifolia Germany Lambert, P. 1940-05
IMI 30711 Tranzschelia pruni-spinosae associated with Prunus armeniaca Germany Petrak, F. 1940-10
IMI 12362 Tranzscheliella hypodytes associated with Psamma arenaria Germany Bornmüller, J.F.N.
IMI 33814 Tranzscheliella hypodytes associated with Elymus arenarius Germany Ludwig, A. 1923-08-08
IMI 33815 Tranzscheliella hypodytes associated with Elymus arenarius Germany Ludwig, A. 1917-08-10
IMI 43003 Tremella mesenterica associated with {Fagus and [] Pinus Germany Ludwig, A. 1923-09-03
IMI 7254 Tretovularia villiana associated with Vicia cassubica Germany Sydow 1909-09-10
IMI 7255 Tretovularia villiana associated with Vicia cassubica Germany Ludwig, A. 1918-08-03
IMI 17181 Tretovularia villiana associated with Vicia cassubica Germany 1914-07-09
IMI 17182 Tretovularia villiana associated with Veronica agrestis Germany
IMI 28662 Trichaptum fuscoviolaceum Germany Ludwig, A. 1900
IMI 12859 Trichia varia on trunk, rotten of Plantae Germany Wagner
IMI 101646 Trichoderma harzianum Germany
IMI 101647 Trichoderma harzianum associated with Plantae Germany Becker, G. 1962
IMI 101648 Trichoderma harzianum associated with Plantae Germany Becker, G. 1962
IMI 110136 Trichoderma harzianum Germany G. Becker 1964-11-24
IMI 110137 Trichoderma harzianum Germany G. Becker 1964-11-24
IMI 110139 Trichoderma harzianum Germany G. Becker 1964-11-24
IMI 110143 Trichoderma harzianum Germany G. Becker 1964-11-24
IMI 110148 Trichoderma harzianum Germany G. Becker 1964-11-24
IMI 269444 Trichoderma harzianum Germany Szakács, G. 1977-11
IMI 324751 Trichoderma harzianum Germany Paulus, W. 1988-05-20
IMI 110140 Trichoderma koningii Germany G. Becker 1964-11-24
IMI 110141 Trichoderma koningii Germany G. Becker 1964-11-24
IMI 110142 Trichoderma koningii Germany G. Becker 1964-11-24
IMI 110144 Trichoderma koningii Germany G. Becker 1964-11-24
IMI 110147 Trichoderma koningii Germany G. Becker 1964-11-24
IMI 110149 Trichoderma koningii Germany G. Becker 1964-11-24
IMI 126277 Trichoderma polysporum on bark of Plantae Germany Jusik
IMI 110138 Trichoderma viride Germany G. Becker 1964-11-24
IMI 11745 Trichophaea pseudogregaria Germany Vogel
IMI 230224 Trichophyton candelabrum associated with Homo sapiens Germany Listemann, H. ex type coll.
IMI 146792 Trichophyton mentagrophytes associated with Homo sapiens Germany De. Detlef hantschke 1970-01-13
IMI 172720 Trichophyton mentagrophytes associated with Homo sapiens Germany Hantschke, D. [Dr] 1973-02-14
IMI 172721 Trichophyton mentagrophytes Germany Hantschke, D. [Dr] 1973-02-14
IMI 245361 Trichophyton mentagrophytes associated with hedgehog Germany 1980-02-06
IMI 134993 Trichophyton thuringiense isolated from mice of Mus Germany Koch 1968-08-25
IMI 1287 Trichosphaeria pilosa on wood of Plantae Germany Fuckel, K.W.G.L.
IMI 59794 Trichosporiella cerebriformis Germany Vries, G.A. de
IMI 7638 Trichothecium roseum associated with Phalaris arundinacea Germany Lind, J. 1905-10-07
IMI 7639 Trichothecium roseum associated with Petasites officinalis Germany Ludwig, A. 1923-07-15
IMI 68362 Trichothecium roseum on stem, rotting of Vitis vinifera Germany ex type coll. of Trichothecium candidum
IMI 131779 Trichothecium roseum associated with Dactylis glomerata Germany Kraur, J. 1967-09
IMI 351154 Trichurus spiralis Germany
IMI 10401 Trimmatostroma betulinum associated with Betula verrucosa Germany 1921-06-07
IMI 16470 Trimmatostroma betulinum on branch of Betula Germany Ludwig, A.
IMI 10395 Trimmatostroma salicis associated with Salix Germany Sydow, P. 1890-10
IMI 29160 Trimmatostroma salicis on branch of Salix Germany
IMI 29164 Trimmatostroma salicis on branch, dead, still attached of Salix Germany Thümen, F.K.A.E.J. de
IMI 29255 Trimmatostroma salicis Germany Auerswald, B. 1866-03-29
IMI 29256 Trimmatostroma salicis Germany Winter, G.G. 1873-11-06
IMI 368779 Trimmatostroma salicis on dead attached twig of Salix Germany 1992-04-12
IMI 66731 Triphragmium ulmariae associated with Filipendula ulmaria Germany Ludwig, A.
IMI 66732 Triphragmium ulmariae associated with Filipendula ulmaria Germany Ludwig, A.
IMI 244267 Tripospermum myrti associated with Ascodichaena rugosa Germany Butin, H. 1979-09-11
IMI 29230 Triposporium elegans Germany 1872
IMI 23337 Trochila astragali associated with Astragalus glycyphyllos Germany Ludwig, A.
IMI 29761 Trochila craterium Germany Cooke
IMI 32806 Trochila craterium associated with Hedera helix Germany Ludwig, A. 1924-10
IMI 33164 Trochila craterium associated with Hedera helix Germany Ludwig, A. 1924-10
IMI 23338 Trochila ilicina associated with Ilex aquifolium Germany Ludwig, A.
IMI 167020 Trochila ilicina associated with Ilex aquifolium Germany 1935-02-03
IMI 372575 Trochila ilicina associated with Ilex aquifolium Germany 1940-07
IMI 202957 Tryblidiopsis pinastri associated with Picea Germany Schiffner, V. 1908-09-20
IMI 366679 Tubaria conspersa Germany 1993-05-22
IMI 366680 Tubaria conspersa Germany 1993-05-22
IMI 366681 Tubaria conspersa Germany 1993-05-22
IMI 366655 Tubaria furfuracea Germany 1994-01-15
IMI 366656 Tubaria furfuracea Germany 1994-01-15
IMI 366657 Tubaria furfuracea Germany 1994-01-15
IMI 366658 Tubaria furfuracea Germany 1994-01-15
IMI 366659 Tubaria furfuracea Germany 1994-01-15
IMI 366660 Tubaria furfuracea Germany 1994-01-15
IMI 366661 Tubaria furfuracea Germany 1994-01-15
IMI 366662 Tubaria furfuracea Germany 1994-01-15
IMI 366663 Tubaria furfuracea Germany 1994-01-15
IMI 366664 Tubaria furfuracea Germany 1994-01-15
IMI 366665 Tubaria furfuracea Germany 1994-01-15
IMI 366666 Tubaria furfuracea Germany 1994-01-15
IMI 366667 Tubaria furfuracea Germany 1994-01-15
IMI 366668 Tubaria furfuracea Germany 1994-01-27
IMI 366669 Tubaria furfuracea Germany 1994-01-27
IMI 366670 Tubaria furfuracea Germany 1994-01-27
IMI 366671 Tubaria furfuracea Germany 1994-01-27
IMI 366672 Tubaria furfuracea Germany 1994-01-27
IMI 366673 Tubaria furfuracea Germany 1994-01-27
IMI 366674 Tubaria furfuracea Germany 1994-01-27
IMI 366675 Tubaria furfuracea Germany 1994-01-27
IMI 366676 Tubaria furfuracea Germany 1994-01-27
IMI 366677 Tubaria furfuracea Germany 1994-01-27
IMI 366678 Tubaria furfuracea Germany 1994-01-27
IMI 7403 Tuberculina persicina associated with Peucedanum oreoselinum Germany Sydow 1899-06-28
IMI 7404 Tuberculina persicina associated with Ribes nigrum Germany Sydow 1900-06
IMI 15729 Tuberculina persicina associated with Puccinia smilacearum-digraphidis Germany Ludwig, A. 1938-07-17
IMI 16993 Tuberculina persicina associated with Puccinia camada Germany Krieger
IMI 400345 Tuckermanopsis chlorophylla Germany 1990-03-25
IMI 22690 Tympanis conspersa associated with Sorbus aucuparia Germany Ludwig, A. 1921-08-07
IMI 24792 Tympanis conspersa associated with Pyrus communis Germany Petrak, F. 1932-03
IMI 29766 Tympanis conspersa associated with Pleurophomella sorbina Germany Ludwig, A. 1921-08-07
IMI 32808 Tympanis hypopodia associated with Pinus strobus Germany Ludwig, A. 1926-11
IMI 80281 Ulocladium consortiale Germany Thümen, F.K.A.E.J. de ex type coll.
IMI 368719 Unguicularia carestiana associated with Pteridium aquilinum Germany 1991-05-04
IMI 11469 Uredinopsis filicina on frond of Phegopteris polypodioides Germany Magnus, P.W.
IMI 33126 Uredinopsis filicina associated with Phegopteris polypodioides Germany Petrak, F. 1938-07
IMI 66461 Uredinopsis filicina associated with Phegopteris polypodioides Germany Ludwig, A.
IMI 66490 Uredinopsis struthiopteridis associated with Struthiopteris germanica Germany Krieger, W.
IMI 30937 Urocystis agropyri associated with Festuca rubra Germany 1939-06
IMI 42495 Urocystis agropyri associated with Dactylis glomerata Germany Sydow, P.
IMI 44666 Urocystis agropyri associated with Festuca rubra Germany Sydow
IMI 44667 Urocystis agropyri associated with Festuca rubra Germany
IMI 30292 Urocystis anemones associated with Ranunculus ficaria Germany Vogel, P. 1927-05
IMI 30932 Urocystis anemones associated with Anemone nemorosa Germany Ludwig, A. 1927-06
IMI 30938 Urocystis anemones associated with Ranunculus repens Germany Ludwig, A. 1926-07
IMI 47627 Urocystis anemones associated with Ranunculus ficaria Germany Wagner, G.
IMI 47631 Urocystis anemones associated with Ranunculus repens Germany Ludwig, A.
IMI 50959 Urocystis anemones associated with Ranunculus repens Germany Ludwig, A.
IMI 30935 Urocystis colchici associated with Colchicum autumnale Germany Ludwig, A. 1926-05
IMI 253616 Urocystis eranthidis associated with Eranthis hyemalis Germany Hertel, H.; Döbbeler, P. 1978-05-17
IMI 368725 Urocystis eranthidis associated with Eranthis hyemalis Germany 1991-05-15
IMI 50958 Urocystis ficariae associated with Ficaria verna Germany
IMI 47604 Urocystis filipendulae associated with Filipendula ulmaria Germany Sydow, P.
IMI 294330 Urocystis fischeri associated with Carex rostrata Germany 1983-09-21
IMI 389487 Urocystis fischeri associated with Carex panicea Germany 1989
IMI 47638 Urocystis floccosa associated with Helleborus viridis Germany Ludwig, A.
IMI 47384 Urocystis galanthi associated with Galanthus nivalis Germany
IMI 12180 Urocystis leimbachii associated with Adonis aestivalis Germany
IMI 347866 Urocystis leimbachii on root of Adonis aestivalis Germany 1923-05
IMI 363042 Urocystis leimbachii associated with Adonis aestivalis Germany 1923-05
IMI 39285 Urocystis occulta associated with Secale cereale Germany Sydow, P.
IMI 39286 Urocystis occulta associated with Secale cereale Germany Sydow, P.
IMI 39287 Urocystis occulta associated with Secale cereale Germany Sydow, P. 1900
IMI 39288 Urocystis occulta associated with Secale cereale Germany Ludwig, A.
IMI 39289 Urocystis occulta associated with Secale cereale Germany Ludwig, A.
IMI 47647 Urocystis primulicola associated with Primula officinalis Germany
IMI 253625 Urocystis ranunculi associated with Ranunculus repens Germany Döbbeler, P. 1978-08-09
IMI 394009 Urocystis ranunculi on leaf of Ranunculus repens Germany Ch. Scheuer, J. Poelt et al. 1987-08-26
IMI 12219 Urocystis schizocaulon on stem of Odontites lutea Germany
IMI 12638 Urocystis syncocca on leaf, living of Hepatica triloba Germany Bornmüller, J.F.N.
IMI 368775 Urocystis syncocca associated with Hepatica nobilis Germany 1992-06-28
IMI 389489 Urocystis syncocca associated with Hepatica nobilis Germany 1989
IMI 47643 Urocystis trientalis associated with Trientalis europaea Germany Oertel, G.
IMI 12363 Urocystis violae on living leaf of Viola odorata Germany
IMI 47669 Urocystis violae associated with Viola odorata Germany Sydow, P.
IMI 66326 Uromyces acetosae associated with Rumex acetosa Germany Schade, A.
IMI 66327 Uromyces acetosae associated with Rumex acetosa Germany Ludwig, A.
IMI 65704 Uromyces acutatus associated with Gagea pratensis Germany Ludwig, A.
IMI 64406 Uromyces airae-flexuosae associated with Deschampsia flexuosa Germany Ludwig, A.
IMI 363452 Uromyces airae-flexuosae on leaf of Deschampsia caespitosa Germany 1924-07-20
IMI 33068 Uromyces appendiculatus associated with Phaseolus Germany Vogel, P. 1926-09
IMI 116400 Uromyces appendiculatus associated with Phaseolus Germany
IMI 363453 Uromyces appendiculatus on leaf of Phaseolus vulgaris Germany 1928-07
IMI 66271 Uromyces armeriae associated with Armeria maritima Germany Ludwig, A.
IMI 66272 Uromyces armeriae associated with Armeria maritima Germany Ludwig, A.
IMI 51234 Uromyces beticola associated with Beta vulgaris Germany Sydow
IMI 51235 Uromyces beticola associated with Beta vulgaris Germany
IMI 64502 Uromyces dactylidis associated with Dactylis glomerata Germany Ludwig, A.
IMI 64504 Uromyces dactylidis associated with Dactylis glomerata Germany Ludwig, A.
IMI 64569 Uromyces dactylidis associated with Poa serotina Germany Ludwig, A.
IMI 64570 Uromyces dactylidis associated with Poa nemoralis Germany Ludwig, A.
IMI 64571 Uromyces dactylidis associated with Poa nemoralis Germany Ludwig, A.
IMI 64572 Uromyces dactylidis associated with Poa trivialis Germany Ludwig, A.
IMI 64573 Uromyces dactylidis associated with Poa pratensis Germany Ludwig, A.
IMI 66610 Uromyces dactylidis associated with Ranunculus repens Germany Ludwig, A.
IMI 125955 Uromyces dactylidis associated with Dactylis glomerata Germany Kranz, J. 1966
IMI 137360 Uromyces dactylidis associated with Poa trivialis Germany J. Krans
IMI 356740 Uromyces dactylidis on stem of Poa pratensis Germany 1942-07-15
IMI 228820 Uromyces dianthi associated with Euphorbia seguieriana Germany Poeverlein, H. 1932-06-11
IMI 112635 Uromyces elegans associated with Trifolium Germany L. Fuchel
IMI 123608 Uromyces elegans associated with Trifolium arvense Germany J. Kianz 1966-08-19
IMI 124828 Uromyces elegans associated with Trifolium pratense Germany Kranz, J. 1966
IMI 125943 Uromyces elegans associated with Trifolium pratense Germany J.Kranz 1966
IMI 65523 Uromyces ervi associated with Vicia hirsuta Germany Ludwig, A.
IMI 65526 Uromyces ervi associated with Vicia hirsuta Germany Ludwig, A.
IMI 65697 Uromyces erythronii associated with Erythronium dens-canis Germany Voss, W.
IMI 66612 Uromyces ficariae associated with Ranunculus repens Germany Ludwig, A.
IMI 368748 Uromyces ficariae on leaf of Ranunculus ficaria Germany 1991-04-15
IMI 33081 Uromyces geranii associated with Geranium pratense Germany Beverleir, M. 1935-07
IMI 37180 Uromyces geranii associated with Geranium palustre Germany Bornmüller, J.F.N. 1940-09-07
IMI 64147 Uromyces geranii associated with Geranium columbinum Germany Ludwig, A.
IMI 64156 Uromyces geranii associated with Geranium columbinum Germany Ludwig, A.
IMI 64157 Uromyces geranii associated with Geranium pyrenaicum Germany Ludwig, A.