Herb. IMI records for geographical unit Great Britain

1 specimens retrieved.

IMI number Name, associated organism Locality Collector Type status
IMI 167260 Great Britain Allitt, U. 1972-06-08
IMI 167261 Great Britain Allitt, U. 1972-06-08
IMI 167284 associated with Salix Great Britain Graddon, W.D. 1972-05-25
IMI 167370 on/isolated from food, silage of Plantae Great Britain Daries, P.A. 1972-07-12
IMI 167381 associated with Vinca Great Britain Knight, B.C. 1972-07-11
IMI 167431 Great Britain Ferlisi, V. 1972-07-12
IMI 167443 Great Britain Ferlisi, V. 1972-07-12
IMI 167498 associated with Malus Great Britain 1972-07-17
IMI 167500 associated with Solanum tuberosum Great Britain Dale, W.T. 1972-07-18
IMI 167501 Great Britain Allitt, U. 1972-06-22
IMI 167502 Great Britain Allitt, U. 1972-06-22
IMI 167599 associated with Rubus fruticosus Great Britain Ellis, J.P. 1972-05-19
IMI 167674 Great Britain Punithalingam, E.
IMI 167675 Great Britain Punithalingam, E.
IMI 167676 Great Britain Punithalingam, E.
IMI 167716 Great Britain Hawksworth, D.L. 1967-12-03
IMI 167724 associated with Alnus Great Britain Hawksworth, D.L. 1967-06-04
IMI 167782 associated with Salix Great Britain 1969-09-14
IMI 167786 Great Britain 1968-05-24
IMI 167802 associated with Fraxinus Great Britain 1968-10-08
IMI 167804 Great Britain Topham, P.B. 1967-10-21
IMI 167814 Great Britain Hawksworth, D.L. 1966-08-29
IMI 167825 Great Britain 1965-07-05
IMI 167844 Great Britain Hawksworth, D.L. 1970-05-31
IMI 167846 associated with Quercus Great Britain 1968-11-02
IMI 167847 associated with Rubus fruticosus Great Britain 1970-11-22
IMI 167848 associated with Ulmus Great Britain Hawksworth, D.L.; Brodo, I.M. 1970-05-31
IMI 167850 associated with Ulmus Great Britain 1970-05-31
IMI 167851 associated with Picea abies Great Britain 1970-05-30
IMI 167854 Great Britain Hawksworth, D.L. 1968-08-06
IMI 167861 associated with Fraxinus excelsior Great Britain Morgan-Jones, G. 1966-04-24
IMI 167869 Great Britain James, P.W. 1966-05-01
IMI 167934 associated with Heterodera avenae Great Britain 1972-06-23
IMI 167946 associated with Vitis Great Britain 1972-08-07
IMI 167976 associated with Crocus Great Britain Storey, I.F. 1972-08-09
IMI 167986 associated with Salix Great Britain 1972-08-06
IMI 168002 associated with Rosa Great Britain Dale, W.T. 1972-08-10
IMI 168003 associated with Beta vulgaris Great Britain Kear, R.W. 1972-08-11
IMI 168004 Great Britain Kear, R.W. 1972-08-11
IMI 168165 associated with Rubus idaeus Great Britain 1972-08-18
IMI 168172 Great Britain 1972-08-18
IMI 168195 associated with Rubus idaeus Great Britain 1972-08-18
IMI 168238 associated with Ilex Great Britain Heller, C. 1972-08-22
IMI 168244 associated with Ilex Great Britain Heller, C. 1972-08-22
IMI 168246 associated with Ilex Great Britain 1972-08-22
IMI 168257 associated with Daucus carota Great Britain 1972-08-24
IMI 168266 associated with Viburnum tinus Great Britain Griffin, M.J. 1972-06-23
IMI 168307 associated with Digitalis purpurea Great Britain Sutton, B.C. 1972-08-21
IMI 168370 associated with Homo sapiens Great Britain 1972-08-30
IMI 168371 associated with Rubus Great Britain 1972-08-19
IMI 168444 Great Britain Allitt, U. 1972-08-29
IMI 168445 Great Britain Allitt, U. 1972-08-29
IMI 168446 Great Britain Allitt, U. 1972-08-29
IMI 168447 Great Britain Allitt, U. 1972-08-29
IMI 168449 Great Britain Allitt, U. 1972-08-29
IMI 168450 Great Britain Allitt, U. 1972-08-29
IMI 168451 Great Britain Allitt, U. 1972-08-29
IMI 168452 Great Britain Allitt, U. 1972-08-29
IMI 168453 Great Britain Allitt, U. 1972-08-29
IMI 168454 Great Britain Allitt, U. 1972-08-29
IMI 168458 Great Britain Allitt, U. 1972-08-29
IMI 168459 Great Britain Allitt, U. 1972-08-29
IMI 168460 Great Britain Allitt, U. 1972-08-29
IMI 168461 Great Britain Allitt, U. 1972-08-29
IMI 168462 Great Britain Allitt, U. 1972-08-29
IMI 168463 Great Britain Allitt, U. 1972-08-29
IMI 168464 Great Britain Allitt, U. 1972-08-29
IMI 168465 Great Britain Allitt, U. 1972-08-29
IMI 168466 Great Britain Allitt, U. 1972-08-29
IMI 168477 associated with Plantago major Great Britain 1972-08-18
IMI 168478 associated with Filipendula ulmaria Great Britain 1972-08-18
IMI 168480 associated with Salix Great Britain 1972-08-18
IMI 168485 associated with Castanea Great Britain 1972-08-18
IMI 168490 associated with Sambucus nigra Great Britain 1972-08-19
IMI 168492 associated with Raphanus maritimus Great Britain 1972-08-19
IMI 168494 associated with Silene dioica Great Britain 1972-08-19
IMI 168495 associated with Lonicera periclymenum Great Britain Hawksworth, D.L. 1972-08-19
IMI 168502 associated with Phragmites Great Britain Hawksworth, D.L. 1972-08-20
IMI 168508 Great Britain 1972-08-20
IMI 168510 associated with Polygonum aspicatum Great Britain 1972-08-20
IMI 168518 associated with Myosotis Great Britain 1972-08-20
IMI 168521 associated with Sambucus nigra Great Britain 1972-08-20
IMI 168525 associated with Sambucus nigra Great Britain Hawksworth, D.L. 1972-08-21
IMI 168531 associated with Salix cinerea var. atrocinerea Great Britain 1972-08-21
IMI 168538 associated with Rubus fruticosus Great Britain 1972-08-21
IMI 168541 associated with Cirsium vulgare Great Britain Hawksworth, D.L. 1972-08-21
IMI 168543 associated with Epilobium hirsutum Great Britain 1972-08-21
IMI 168547 associated with Hedera Great Britain 1972-08-21
IMI 168549 associated with Calystegia sepium Great Britain 1972-08-21
IMI 168558 associated with Phragmites Great Britain 1972-08-22
IMI 168560 associated with Plantago lanceolata Great Britain 1972-08-22
IMI 168561 associated with Euphorbia paralias Great Britain 1972-08-22
IMI 168568 Great Britain 1972-08-24
IMI 168573 on bark of Corylus Great Britain Hawksworth, D.L. 1972-08-24
IMI 168577 associated with Lysimachia nemorum Great Britain 1972-08-24
IMI 168580 associated with Ramalina curnowii Great Britain 1972-08-25
IMI 168586 associated with Raphanus maritimus Great Britain Hawksworth, D.L. 1972-08-27
IMI 168588 associated with Peltigera canina Great Britain 1972-08-27
IMI 168592 associated with Carex riparia Great Britain 1972-08-27
IMI 168593 associated with Tussilago Great Britain 1972-08-27
IMI 168594 on branch, dead of Salix Great Britain 1972-08-27
IMI 168599 Great Britain 1972-08-28
IMI 168621 associated with Pinus sylvestris Great Britain 1972-08-31
IMI 168622 associated with Fraxinus Great Britain 1972-08-31
IMI 168625 Great Britain 1972-08-31
IMI 168629 associated with Dryopteris Great Britain 1972-08-31
IMI 168632 Great Britain 1972-08-31
IMI 168636 associated with Ilex Great Britain 1972-08-31
IMI 168637 associated with Castanea Great Britain 1972-08-31
IMI 168639 associated with Endymion non-scriptus Great Britain 1972-08-31
IMI 168641 Great Britain 1972-08-31
IMI 168645 associated with Rumex acetosa Great Britain 1972-08-31
IMI 168650 associated with Quercus robur Great Britain 1972-08-31
IMI 168653 associated with Prunus laurocerasus Great Britain 1972-08-31
IMI 168661 associated with Prunus laurocerasus Great Britain Hawksworth, D.L.; James, P.W. 1972-08-31
IMI 168667 associated with Muscopsida Great Britain 1972-08-31
IMI 168671 associated with Salix Great Britain Hawksworth, D.L.; James, P.W. 1972-08-31
IMI 168672 associated with Corylus Great Britain Hawksworth, D.L.; James, P.W. 1972-08-31
IMI 168740 associated with Ilex Great Britain 1972-08-23
IMI 168743 associated with Quercus Great Britain 1972-08-23
IMI 168745 on/isolated from dung, of insects feeding on holly rotten leaves of Insecta Great Britain Heller, C. 1972-08-23
IMI 168746 on/isolated from dung, of insects feeding on holly rotten leaves of Insecta Great Britain Heller, C. 1972-08-23
IMI 168749 associated with Rubus Great Britain 1972-08-19
IMI 168750 associated with Gladiolus Great Britain Cook, R.J. 1972-09-07
IMI 168874 associated with Ammophila arenaria Great Britain Ellis, J.P. 1972-05-21
IMI 168900 associated with Malus pumila Great Britain 1972-08-30
IMI 168929 associated with Quercus ilex Great Britain 1972-09-14
IMI 168930 associated with Quercus ilex Great Britain Sutton, B.C. 1972-09-14
IMI 168988 associated with Castanea sativa Great Britain 1972-09-17
IMI 169141 associated with Hordeum Great Britain
IMI 169401 associated with Ilex aquifolium Great Britain 1972-09-24
IMI 169403 associated with Ilex aquifolium Great Britain Sutton, B.C. 1972-09-24
IMI 169404 associated with Quercus Great Britain Sutton, B.C. 1972-09-24
IMI 169447 associated with Limonium vulgare Great Britain Webster, J. 1972-04-25
IMI 169448 associated with Gladiolus Great Britain 1972-09-18
IMI 169504 associated with Primula Great Britain 1971-10-04
IMI 169505 associated with Primula Great Britain 1971-10-06
IMI 169511 associated with Beta vulgaris Great Britain 1972-04-06
IMI 169513 Great Britain Hopkins, J.F.C. 1972-07-21
IMI 169516 associated with Forsythia spectabilis Great Britain 1972-07-15
IMI 169555 associated with Fragaria vesca Great Britain 1972-10-03
IMI 169556 associated with Fragaria vesca Great Britain 1972-10-03
IMI 169609 Great Britain Williams, J.W. 1972-10-03
IMI 169618 associated with Betula Great Britain Sutton, B.C. 1972-09-17
IMI 169619 associated with Betula Great Britain 1972-09-17
IMI 169623 Great Britain 1972-10-05
IMI 169628 associated with Fagus sylvatica Great Britain Hawksworth, D.L. 1972-10-07
IMI 169629 associated with Olea Great Britain
IMI 169631 associated with Quercus cerris Great Britain Sutton, B.C. 1972-10-08
IMI 169632 associated with Quercus cerris Great Britain Sutton, B.C. 1972-10-08
IMI 169633 associated with Ilex aquifolium Great Britain Sutton, B.C. 1972-10-08
IMI 169636 associated with Ilex aquifolium Great Britain 1972-10-08
IMI 169637 associated with Ilex aquifolium Great Britain Sutton, B.C. 1972-10-08
IMI 169639 associated with Ilex aquifolium Great Britain 1972-10-08
IMI 169664 Great Britain O'Flanagan, N.C. 1972-10-05
IMI 169669 Great Britain O'Flanagan, N.C. 1972-10-05
IMI 169670 Great Britain 1972-10-05
IMI 169673 Great Britain O'Flanagan, N.C. 1972-10-05
IMI 169713 associated with Castanea sativa Great Britain 1972-10-08
IMI 169714 associated with Castanea sativa Great Britain Sutton, B.C. 1972-10-08
IMI 169715 associated with Castanea sativa Great Britain 1972-10-08
IMI 169716 associated with Castanea sativa Great Britain Sutton, B.C. 1972-10-08
IMI 169717 associated with Castanea sativa Great Britain Sutton, B.C. 1972-10-08
IMI 169722 Great Britain Williams, J.I. 1972-10-11
IMI 169723 Great Britain Williams, J.I. 1972-10-11
IMI 169725 Great Britain Williams, J.I. 1972-10-11
IMI 169726 Great Britain 1972-10-11
IMI 169727 Great Britain Williams, J.I. 1972-10-11
IMI 169729 Great Britain Allitt, U. 1972-10-05
IMI 169732 associated with Phyllosticta Great Britain Allitt, U. 1972-10-05
IMI 169733 Great Britain Allitt, U. 1972-10-05
IMI 169734 Great Britain Allitt, U. 1972-10-05
IMI 169735 Great Britain Allitt, U. 1972-10-05
IMI 169736 Great Britain Allitt, U. 1972-10-05
IMI 169737 Great Britain Allitt, U. 1972-10-05
IMI 169738 Great Britain Allitt, U. 1972-10-05
IMI 169739 Great Britain Allitt, U. 1972-10-05
IMI 16985b on leaf, dead of Carex Great Britain Ellis, E.A. 1944-11-26 Holotype of Periconia laminella E.W. Mason & M.B. Ellis 1953
IMI 170059 associated with Hordeum vulgare Great Britain 1972-08-03
IMI 170063 Great Britain 1972-10-16
IMI 170065 associated with Convolvulus arvensis Great Britain 1972-10-18
IMI 17010b Great Britain Ellis, E.A. 1945-09-16
IMI 170164 associated with Dicranopteris hamata Great Britain Wheeler, B.E.J. 1972-10-19
IMI 170168 associated with Rhododendron ponticum Great Britain Clark, M.C. 1972-09-27
IMI 170209 associated with Zea mays Great Britain 1972-10-23
IMI 170230 associated with Algae Great Britain Hawksworth, D.L. 1972-10-23
IMI 170239 Great Britain Hawksworth, D.L.; James, P.W. 1972-10-20
IMI 170241 associated with Tiles Great Britain 1972-10-20
IMI 170242 associated with Tiles Great Britain 1972-10-20
IMI 170246 associated with Alnus Great Britain 1972-10-21
IMI 170267 associated with Salix Great Britain Hawksworth, D.L.; James, P.W. 1972-10-22
IMI 170272 associated with Endymion non-scriptus Great Britain 1972-10-22
IMI 170276 associated with Rubus fruticosus Great Britain 1972-10-23
IMI 170279 associated with Sambucus nigra Great Britain 1972-10-23
IMI 170285 associated with Plantago major Great Britain Hawksworth, D.L. 1972-10-23
IMI 170286 associated with Polygonum cuspidatum Great Britain 1972-10-23
IMI 170295 associated with Rheum officinale Great Britain 1972-10-27
IMI 170331 associated with Pelargonium Great Britain Howell, P.J. 1972-10-16
IMI 170354 associated with Acer pseudoplatanus Great Britain Hawksworth, D.L. 1972-11-05
IMI 170364 associated with Buxus sempervirens Great Britain Archibald, J.F. 1972-11-01
IMI 170547 associated with Ammophila arenaria Great Britain Dennis, R.W.G. 1972-10-23
IMI 170815 associated with Castanea sativa Great Britain 1972-11-20
IMI 170816 associated with Castanea sativa Great Britain 1972-11-20
IMI 170818 associated with Castanea sativa Great Britain 1972-11-20
IMI 170822 Great Britain 1972-11-01
IMI 170827 Great Britain Morton, L.H.G. 1972-10-26
IMI 170828 Great Britain 1972-11-01
IMI 170830 Great Britain 1972-11-01
IMI 170832 Great Britain Ferlisi, V. 1972-11-05
IMI 170841 Great Britain 1972-11-05
IMI 170847 Great Britain Ferlisi, V. 1972-11-05
IMI 170849 Great Britain 1972-11-05
IMI 170859 associated with Castanea sativa Great Britain 1972-11-20
IMI 170864 associated with Cineraria Great Britain Thorpe, I.G. 1972-10-21
IMI 170866 associated with Castanea sativa Great Britain Sutton, B.C. 1972-10-20
IMI 171011 Great Britain 1972-10-11
IMI 171012 Great Britain Williams, J. 1972-11-20
IMI 171013 Great Britain Williams, J. 1972-11-20
IMI 171014 Great Britain Williams, J. 1972-11-20
IMI 171085 Great Britain 1972-11-23
IMI 171090 Great Britain 1972-11-23
IMI 171100 associated with Fraxinus excelsior Great Britain 1972-11-18
IMI 171148 associated with Bromus ramosus Great Britain 1972-06-26
IMI 171153 associated with Betula Great Britain Bramley, W.G. 1965-02-06
IMI 171157 associated with Cytisus Great Britain 1964-11-29
IMI 171185 associated with Castanea sativa Great Britain Sutton, B.C. 1972-12-03
IMI 171186 associated with Castanea sativa Great Britain 1972-12-03
IMI 171188 associated with Castanea sativa Great Britain 1972-12-03
IMI 171192 associated with Ilex aquifolium Great Britain Sutton, B.C.
IMI 171195 associated with Betula verrucosa Great Britain
IMI 171208 associated with Rhododendron Great Britain 1972-12-01
IMI 171212 Great Britain
IMI 171250 associated with Chrysanthemum Great Britain 1972-12-07
IMI 171254 associated with Kalanchoe Great Britain 1972-12-07
IMI 171255 associated with Rosa Great Britain 1972-12-07
IMI 171346 Great Britain Allitt, U. 1972-08-02
IMI 171347 Great Britain Allitt, U. 1972-08-09
IMI 171348 Great Britain Allitt, U. 1972-08-09
IMI 171350 Great Britain Allitt, U. 1972-08-10
IMI 171351 Great Britain Allitt, U. 1972-08-10
IMI 171352 Great Britain Allitt, U. 1972-08-10
IMI 171353 Great Britain Allitt, U. 1972-08-10
IMI 171354 Great Britain Allitt, U. 1972-08-10
IMI 171355 Great Britain Allitt, U. 1972-08-11
IMI 171357 Great Britain Allitt, U. 1972-08-14
IMI 171358 Great Britain Allitt, U. 1972-08-14
IMI 171359 Great Britain Allitt, U. 1972-08-16
IMI 171361 Great Britain Allitt, U. 1972-08-16
IMI 171362 Great Britain Allitt, U. 1972-08-16
IMI 171363 Great Britain Allitt, U. 1972-08-16
IMI 171364 Great Britain Allitt, U. 1972-08-16
IMI 171365 Great Britain Allitt, U. 1972-08-17
IMI 171366 Great Britain Allitt, U. 1972-08-17
IMI 171367 Great Britain Allitt, U. 1972-08-17
IMI 171368 Great Britain Allitt, U. 1972-08-17
IMI 171369 Great Britain Allitt, U. 1972-08-22
IMI 171370 Great Britain Allitt, U. 1972-08-22
IMI 171371 Great Britain Allitt, U. 1972-08-22
IMI 171372 Great Britain Allitt, U. 1972-08-22
IMI 171373 Great Britain Allitt, U. 1972-08-22
IMI 171374 Great Britain Allitt, U. 1972-08-24
IMI 171375 Great Britain Allitt, U. 1972-08-24
IMI 171376 Great Britain Allitt, U. 1972-08-24
IMI 171377 Great Britain Allitt, U. 1972-08-24
IMI 171378 Great Britain Allitt, U. 1972-08-24
IMI 171379 Great Britain Allitt, U. 1972-08-30
IMI 171381 Great Britain Allitt, U. 1972-09-07
IMI 171384 Great Britain Allitt, U. 1972-09-15
IMI 171385 Great Britain Allitt, U. 1972-09-15
IMI 171386 Great Britain Allitt, U. 1972-09-15
IMI 171387 Great Britain Allitt, U. 1972-09-15
IMI 171388 Great Britain Allitt, U. 1972-09-15
IMI 171389 Great Britain Allitt, U. 1972-09-15
IMI 171390 Great Britain Allitt, U. 1972-09-15
IMI 171391 Great Britain Allitt, U. 1972-09-19
IMI 171392 Great Britain Allitt, U. 1972-09-19
IMI 171394 Great Britain Allitt, U. 1972-08-15
IMI 171395 Great Britain Allitt, U. 1972-08-15
IMI 171538 associated with Acer platanoides Great Britain 1972-12-18
IMI 171584 associated with Gramineae Great Britain 1972-12-15
IMI 171831 Great Britain Hawksworth, D.L. 1972-12-27
IMI 171836 associated with Endogone Great Britain Mosse, B.
IMI 171898 Great Britain Ford, E.W.H. 1973-01-07
IMI 172216 associated with Scolytus scolytus Great Britain Barson, G. 1972-12-12
IMI 172219 associated with Pisces Great Britain Willoughby, L.G. 1973-01-18
IMI 172493 Great Britain Mitchell, T.G. 1973-01-30
IMI 172495 Great Britain Mitchell, T.G. 1973-01-30
IMI 172498 Great Britain Mitchell, T.G. 1973-01-30
IMI 172551 associated with Fragaria vesca Great Britain Jones, O.W. 1973-02-01
IMI 172552 associated with Fragaria vesca Great Britain Jones, O.W. 1973-02-01
IMI 172560 Great Britain Morton, L.H.G. 1973-02-03
IMI 172596 associated with Lycopersicon esculentum Great Britain Chapman, A.V. 1973-02-05
IMI 172598 associated with Tulipa Great Britain Humphreys-Jones, D.R. 1973-02-06
IMI 172599 associated with Tulipa Great Britain Humphreys-Jones, D.R. 1973-02-06
IMI 172600 associated with Tulipa Great Britain Humphreys-Jones, D.R. 1973-02-06
IMI 172601 associated with Tulipa Great Britain Humphreys-Jones, D.R. 1973-02-06
IMI 172604 on/isolated from soil, surrounding of Rhododendron Great Britain Banham, A. 1973-02-07
IMI 172605 on/isolated from soil of Coniferae Great Britain Banham, A. 1973-02-07
IMI 17268b on stem, dead of Pwarica Great Britain Hughes, S.J.; Lewis 1947-08-02
IMI 172735 associated with Chrysanthemum Great Britain Maude, R.B. 1972-06-21
IMI 17280a Great Britain Hughes, S.J.; Lewis 1947-08-02
IMI 17283b associated with Betula pendula Great Britain Hughes, S.J.; Lewis 1947
IMI 17284b associated with Sorbus aucuparia var. pendens Great Britain Hughes, S.J.; Lewis 1947-08-02
IMI 17286b associated with Fraxinus excelsior Great Britain Anon. [IMI] 1947-08-05
IMI 17292b associated with Plantae Great Britain 1947-08-07
IMI 17300b on tree, dead of Betula pendula Great Britain Anon. [IMI] 1947-08-12
IMI 17302b on twig, dead of Fraxinus Great Britain Anon. [IMI] 1947-08-05
IMI 17307b on rotting wood of Fagus Great Britain Anon. [IMI] 1947-08-07
IMI 173131 on root of Malus Great Britain Sewell, G.W.F. 1954
IMI 173132 on root of Malus Great Britain Sewell, G.W.F. 1960
IMI 173133 on root of Malus Great Britain Sewell, G.W.F. 1960
IMI 173134 associated with Triticum Great Britain McKenzie, E. 1972-12
IMI 17320b associated with Betula pendula Great Britain Anon. [IMI] 1947-08-05
IMI 17322b on leaf, dead of Iris pseudacorus Great Britain Ellis; Dennis, R.W.G. 1947-08-17
IMI 173232 associated with Prunus spinosa Great Britain Clark, M.C. 1973-02-07
IMI 173235 associated with Salix Great Britain Clark, M.C. 1973-02-11
IMI 173240 associated with Muscopsida Great Britain Clark, M.C. 1973-02-25
IMI 173250 on/isolated from seedling of Lepidium sativum Great Britain Taylord, J.; Pollard, J. 1973-03-05
IMI 173251 on/isolated from seedling of Lepidium sativum Great Britain Taylord, J.; Pollard, J. 1973-03-05
IMI 173252 Great Britain Taylord, J.; Pollard, J. 1973-03-05
IMI 173341 associated with Triticum aestivum Great Britain Foisier, M.; Tarr, S.A.J. 1973-03-07
IMI 173342 associated with Triticum aestivum Great Britain Foisier, M.; Tarr, S.A.J. 1973-03-07
IMI 173345 associated with Triticum aestivum Great Britain Foisier, M.; Tarr, S.A.J. 1973-03-07
IMI 173346 associated with Triticum aestivum Great Britain Foisier, M.; Tarr, S.A.J. 1973-03-07
IMI 17334a on/isolated from leaf, dead of Cladium moriganis Great Britain Ellis; Dennis, R.W.G. 1947-08-17
IMI 17334b on/isolated from leaf, dead of Cladium moriganis Great Britain Ellis; Dennis, R.W.G. 1947-08-17
IMI 173352 associated with Triticum aestivum Great Britain Foisier, M.; Tarr, S.A.J. 1973-03-07
IMI 173353 Great Britain Jones, E. 1973-07-08
IMI 173354 Great Britain Jones, E. 1973-07-08
IMI 173356 Great Britain Jones, E. 1973-07-08
IMI 17335a associated with Cladium mariscus Great Britain Ellis; Dennis, R.W.G. 1947-08-17
IMI 17335b associated with Cladium mariscus Great Britain Ellis; Dennis, R.W.G. 1947-08-17
IMI 173362 on/isolated from seed, moist of Hordeum vulgare Great Britain Clark, M.C. 1973-07-12
IMI 173393 on/isolated from wood; artefact, construction material, timber decaying of Plantae Great Britain Morton, L.H.G. 1973-03-07
IMI 173395 on/isolated from wood; artefact, construction material, timber decaying of Plantae Great Britain Morton, L.H.G. 1973-03-07
IMI 173479 associated with Brassica campestris Great Britain Chapman, A.V. 1973-03-14
IMI 173485 Great Britain 1973-03-15
IMI 173497 associated with Alnus incana Great Britain 1973-03-14
IMI 173498 associated with Pomphorhynchus laevis Great Britain Tarr, S.A.J. 1973-03-15
IMI 17355b on leaf, dead of Cladium mariscus Great Britain Ellis; Dennis, R.W.G. 1947-08-17
IMI 173798 associated with Fagus Great Britain Reid, D.A. 1973-02-20
IMI 17384b on leaf, dead of Carex Great Britain Ellis, E.A.
IMI 17390b associated with Carex acutiformis Great Britain Ellis, E.A. 1944-03-05
IMI 17400b associated with Glyceria maxima Great Britain Ellis, E.A. 1946-01-10
IMI 17401a associated with Glyceria maxima Great Britain Ellis, E.A. 1946-01-10
IMI 17402a associated with Glyceria maxima Great Britain Ellis, E.A. 1944-01
IMI 17406b associated with Glyceria maxima Great Britain Ellis, E.A. 1944-05-29
IMI 174155 on/isolated from liver of surinam toad (Pipa pipa) Great Britain Austwick, P.K.C. 1973-03
IMI 17416b associated with Phragmites communis Great Britain Ellis, E.A. 1944-02-24
IMI 174179 associated with Agropyron repens Great Britain Hopkins, J.C.F. 1972-08-20
IMI 17417a associated with Typha latifolia Great Britain Ellis, E.A.
IMI 17417b associated with Typha latifolia Great Britain Ellis, E.A.
IMI 174190 associated with Arrhenatherum elatius Great Britain Hopkins, J.C.F. 1972-09-15
IMI 17424b Great Britain La Touche, C.J.P. 1947-06-07
IMI 174269 associated with Malus Great Britain Upstone, M.E. 1973-04-10
IMI 17426a associated with Pinus Great Britain 1947-08-28
IMI 17426b associated with Pinus Great Britain 1947-08-28
IMI 174270 associated with Prunus persica Great Britain Upstone, M.E. 1973-04-10
IMI 174271 associated with Aubrietia Great Britain Price, R.I. 1973-04-10
IMI 174272 associated with Aubrietia Great Britain 1973-04-10
IMI 174273 associated with Aubrietia Great Britain 1973-04-10
IMI 174282 associated with Fragaria vesca Great Britain Griffin, M.J. 1973-04-10
IMI 174283 associated with Fragaria vesca Great Britain Griffin, M.J. 1973-04-10
IMI 174284 associated with Fragaria vesca Great Britain 1973-04-10
IMI 174467 on/isolated from nose, swab of Equus caballus Great Britain Archer [Mrs] 1973-04-24
IMI 174471 associated with Equus caballus Great Britain Archer [Mrs] 1973-04-24
IMI 174607 Great Britain 1973-04-24
IMI 174616 Great Britain Hawksworth, D.L. 1973-04-22
IMI 174622 associated with Fraxinus Great Britain Hawksworth, D.L. 1973-04-24
IMI 174952 on/isolated from dung of Ovis aries Great Britain Dennis, R.W.G. 1973-03-08
IMI 17496b on branch, dead, attached to tree of Quercus Great Britain Ellis, M.B. 1947
IMI 175033 associated with Tagetes Great Britain Jones, O.W. 1973-05-04
IMI 175069 Great Britain Morton, L.H.G. 1973-04-30
IMI 175070 Great Britain Morton, L.H.G. 1973-04-30
IMI 175085 associated with Rubus idaeus Great Britain Boyd, A.E.W. 1973-05-07
IMI 17538a on culm of Typha Great Britain Ellis, M.B. 1947-09-15
IMI 175399 associated with Homo sapiens Great Britain Fell, H.W.K. 1973-05-11
IMI 175462 associated with Tilia cordata Great Britain Clark, M. 1973-04-23
IMI 175489 associated with Apium graveolens Great Britain Humphreys-Jones, D.R. 1973-05-15
IMI 175701 Great Britain Eades, S. 1973-05-30
IMI 175788 associated with Scolytus scolytus Great Britain Barson, G. 1973-06-04
IMI 175884 associated with Ilex aquifolium Great Britain J.P.Ellis 1973-06-03
IMI 175885 associated with Pteridium aquilinum Great Britain J.P.Ellis 1973-06-03
IMI 175890 associated with Rumex obtusifolius Great Britain J.C.F.Hopkins 1973-06-06
IMI 175891 associated with Hordeum vulgare Great Britain J.C.F.Hopkins 1972-07-26
IMI 175892 associated with Ribes grossularia Great Britain J.C.F.Hopkins 1972-08-02
IMI 175894 associated with Rumex acetosa Great Britain J.C.F.Hopkins 1972-08-22
IMI 175895 associated with Scrophularia nodosa Great Britain J.C.F.Hopkins 1972-08-22
IMI 175897 associated with Tussilago farfara Great Britain J.C.F.Hopkins 1972-08-10
IMI 175899 associated with Dactylis glomerata Great Britain J.C.F.Hopkins 1972-08-28
IMI 17589b associated with Fagus sylvatica Great Britain Ellis, M.B. 1947-09-17
IMI 175908 associated with Prunus domestica subsp. italica Great Britain J.C.F.Hopkins
IMI 175919 associated with Hedera helix Great Britain J.C.F.Hopkins 1972-10-16
IMI 175920 associated with Hedera helix Great Britain J.C.F.Hopkins 1973-05-11
IMI 175923 associated with Stellaria holostea Great Britain J.C.F.Hopkins 1973-05-03
IMI 175931 associated with Quercus Great Britain M.Clark 1973-05-12
IMI 175933 associated with Quercus Great Britain Ellis, M.B. 1973-05-12
IMI 176188 on horse of Equus caballus Great Britain S.Eadeos 1973-05-30
IMI 17636b associated with Corylus Great Britain 1947-09-18
IMI 176503 Great Britain J.M.BERREON 1973-06-21
IMI 176507 associated with Epilobium hirsutum Great Britain E.Punithalingam 1973-05-11
IMI 176557 associated with Antirrhinum Great Britain L.Casadesus
IMI 176559 associated with Antirrhinum Great Britain L.Casadesus
IMI 176560 associated with Antirrhinum Great Britain L.Casadesus
IMI 176631 Great Britain E.A.Ellis 1973-06-16
IMI 176634 associated with Lycopersicon esculentum Great Britain B.G.Knight 1973-06-26
IMI 176635 associated with Prunus avium Great Britain M.Bennett 1973-06-25
IMI 176636 associated with Cydonia vulgaris Great Britain M.Bennett 1973-06-25
IMI 176750 associated with Castanea sativa Great Britain B.C.Subton
IMI 176751 associated with Castanea sativa Great Britain B.C.Subton
IMI 176754 associated with Castanea sativa Great Britain B.C.Subton
IMI 176755 associated with Castanea sativa Great Britain B.C.Subton
IMI 176872 Great Britain D.Oakland 1973-07-09
IMI 176932 associated with Castanea sativa Great Britain B.C.Sutton 1973-07-11
IMI 176934 associated with Castanea sativa Great Britain B.C.Sutton 1973-07-11
IMI 176937 associated with Carex binervis Great Britain M.C.Clark 1972-03-09
IMI 176956 associated with Colchicum autumnale Great Britain Mark Piney 1973-07-11
IMI 176957 associated with Tulipa Great Britain Mark Piney 1973-07-11
IMI 177017 associated with Corylus Great Britain M.C.Clark 1973-07-02
IMI 177216 on/isolated from timber of Plantae Great Britain L.H.G.Morton 1973-07-10
IMI 177267 associated with Cupressocyparis leylandii Great Britain R.Strouts 1970
IMI 177268 associated with Chamaecyparis pisifera plumosa aurea Great Britain R.Strouts 1970
IMI 177269 associated with Cupressocyparis leylandii Great Britain R.Strouts 1970
IMI 177363 associated with Pisum Great Britain A.Biddle 1973-07-18
IMI 177417 Great Britain V.Gross
IMI 177503 associated with Piptoporus betulinus Great Britain B.Brand 1973-07
IMI 177598 associated with Larix Great Britain W.G.Branley 1973-05-20
IMI 177680 associated with Colchicum autumnale Great Britain M.Pirey 1973-08-03
IMI 177771 on/isolated from timber sample of Plantae Great Britain L.H.G.Morton 1973-07-23
IMI 177772 on/isolated from timber sample of Plantae Great Britain L.H.G.Morton 1973-07-23
IMI 177902 on/isolated from wood of Plantae Great Britain L.H.G.Morton 1973-07-30
IMI 177959 associated with Malus Great Britain J.M.Davies 1973-08-13
IMI 178043 associated with Populus tremula Great Britain M.C.Clark 1973-08-07
IMI 178150 associated with Arachis hypogaea Great Britain Dr. M.H.Abadalla 1973-08-14
IMI 178167 Great Britain J.Skinner 1973-08-08
IMI 178170 associated with Fuligo septica var. flava Great Britain Hawksworth, D.L. 1973-07-29
IMI 178179 on mosses of Musci Great Britain Hawksworth, D.L. 1973-08-06
IMI 178187 on rotting wood of Plantae Great Britain Hawksworth, D.L. 1973-08-16
IMI 178253 associated with Fraxinus excelsior Great Britain Hawksworth, D.L. 1973-08-01
IMI 178257 associated with Acer pseudoplatanus Great Britain Hawksworth, D.L. 1973-08-02
IMI 178264 associated with Centaurea nigra Great Britain Hawksworth, D.L. 1973-08-08
IMI 178268 associated with Fraxinus excelsior Great Britain Hawksworth, D.L. 1973-08-11
IMI 178274 associated with Anthyllis vulneraria Great Britain Hawksworth, D.L. 1973-08-14
IMI 178275 associated with Galium aparine Great Britain Hawksworth, D.L. 1973-08-14
IMI 178283 associated with Arrhenatherum elatius Great Britain Hawksworth, D.L. 1973-08-15
IMI 178290 associated with Fagus Great Britain Hawksworth, D.L. 1973-08-16
IMI 178291 associated with Phragmites Great Britain Hawksworth, D.L. 1973-08-16
IMI 178296 associated with Rubus fruticosus Great Britain Hawksworth, D.L. 1973-08-14
IMI 178303 associated with Fraxinus Great Britain Hawksworth, D.L. 1973-08-16
IMI 178304 on log of Plantae Great Britain Hawksworth, D.L. 1973-07-31
IMI 178320 on rotting wood of Plantae Great Britain Hawksworth, D.L. 1973-08-06
IMI 178322 associated with Peltigera polydactyla Great Britain Hawksworth, D.L. 1973-07-28
IMI 178323 associated with Acacia Great Britain Hawksworth, D.L. 1973-07-28
IMI 178328 on/isolated from on poplar of Ramalina calicaris Great Britain Hawksworth, D.L. 1973-07-31
IMI 178338 on/isolated from rotting wood of Plantae Great Britain Hawksworth, D.L. 1973-08-06
IMI 178339 associated with Rubus fruticosus Great Britain Hawksworth, D.L. 1973-07-31
IMI 178340 on rotting log of Plantae Great Britain Hawksworth, D.L. 1973-07-31
IMI 17840a associated with Fagus sylvatica Great Britain 1947-10-19
IMI 17840b associated with Fagus sylvatica Great Britain 1947-10-19
IMI 178618 associated with Hydrotaea irritans Great Britain P.W.Geals 1973-87-24
IMI 178619 associated with Iris pseudacorus Great Britain Dennis, R.W.G. 1973-08-13
IMI 178711 associated with Leptopodia ephippium Great Britain R.E.Evans 1973-08-05
IMI 178723 Great Britain L.H.G.Morton 1973-08-30
IMI 178785 Great Britain E.A.Ellis 1973-09-07
IMI 178824 associated with Stellaria holostea Great Britain Dr.Hopkins 1973-09-01
IMI 179203 on/isolated from lephrocactus nigrospina xx of Lephrocactus nigrospina Great Britain A.Parker 1973-09-26
IMI 179204 associated with Echinocereus Great Britain A.Parker 1973-09-26
IMI 179205 associated with Oreocereus celsianus fossulatus Great Britain A.Parker 1973-09-26
IMI 179206 associated with Oreocereus celsianus Great Britain A.Parker 1973-09-26
IMI 179236 Great Britain R.Jeffery
IMI 179237 associated with Aesculus hippocastanum Great Britain B.C.Sutton 1973-09-28
IMI 179241 associated with Aesculus hippocastanum Great Britain B.C.Sutton 1973-09-28
IMI 179242 associated with Betula Great Britain Dr.Hoplins 1973-01-10
IMI 179246 associated with Dianthus barbatus Great Britain Dr.Hopkings 1973-06-17
IMI 179247 associated with Solanum tuberosum Great Britain Dr.Hopkings 1973-06-17
IMI 179248 associated with Ilex Great Britain Dr.Hopkings 1973-07-03
IMI 179260 associated with Stellaria holostea Great Britain Dr.Hopkings 1973-09-01
IMI 179261 associated with Viola riviniana Great Britain Dr.Hopkings 1973-09-01
IMI 179264 associated with Cordyline australis Great Britain Dr.Hopkings 1973-09-07
IMI 179566 associated with Scolytus scolytus Great Britain G.Barson 1973-10-03
IMI 179567 associated with Hydrangea Great Britain M.E.Upstone 1973-10-05
IMI 179612 on dead wood of Plantae Great Britain Ellis, M.B. 1973-09-13
IMI 179736 associated with Acer pseudoplatanus Great Britain Hawksworth, D.L. 1973-10-21
IMI 179805 associated with Submatucana madisoniorum Great Britain A.E.Parker 1973-10-18
IMI 179806 associated with Cactus parodia schwebsiana var. applanata Great Britain A.E.Parker 1973-10-18
IMI 179912 associated with Fagus sylvatica Great Britain J.P.Ellis 1973-09-13
IMI 179952 associated with Empetrum Great Britain Dennis, R.W.G. 1973-08-07
IMI 179953 associated with Antirrhinum Great Britain R.I.Price 1973-10-03
IMI 179994 associated with Lolium perenne Great Britain J.C.F.Hopkins 1973-10-02
IMI 179996 associated with Rubus Great Britain J.C.F.Hopkins 1973-10-02
IMI 180005 associated with Silene dioica Great Britain Hopkins, J.C.F. 1973-10-07
IMI 180011 associated with Fagus Great Britain Hopkins, J.C.F. 1973-10-16
IMI 180012 associated with Endymion non-scriptus Great Britain Hopkins, J.C.F. 1973-10-16
IMI 180014 associated with Senecio vulgaris Great Britain Hopkins, J.C.F. 1973-10-16
IMI 180015 associated with Polystictus versicolor Great Britain Hopkins, J.C.F. 1973-10-16
IMI 180019 on stomach content of Bos taurus Great Britain Eades, S. 1973-10-31
IMI 180047 Great Britain Holmes, D. 1973-11-05
IMI 180071 associated with Buddleja globosa Great Britain Campbell, W. 1973-11-02
IMI 180126 associated with Heracleum sphondylium Great Britain 1973-10-31
IMI 180141 associated with Acer pseudoplatanus Great Britain Hawksworth, D.L. 1973-11-01