Herb. IMI records for geographical unit Great Britain

1 specimens retrieved.

IMI number Name, associated organism Locality Collector Type status
IMI 402229 Great Britain Cannon, P.F. 2009-01-11
IMI 402237 Great Britain Mel'nik, A. 2000-10-31
IMI 402240 Great Britain Wilberforce, P. 1993-06-20
IMI 402242 Great Britain Earland-Bennett, P.M. 1992-02-20
IMI 402261 Great Britain Cannon, P.F. 1983-05-22
IMI 402262 Great Britain Cannon, P.F. 1985-05-12
IMI 402263 Great Britain Cannon, P.F. 1985-05-12
IMI 402264 Great Britain Cannon, P.F. 1985-05-12
IMI 402267 Great Britain Cannon, P.F. 1985-05-12
IMI 402268 Great Britain Cannon, P.F. 1985-05-12
IMI 402269 Great Britain Cannon, P.F. 1985-05-12
IMI 402295 Great Britain Earland-Bennett, P.M. 1990-07-14
IMI 402810 Great Britain Scheuer, C. 1988-08-07
IMI 43462b on leaf of Pinus sylvestris Great Britain Graham, J.D. 1950
IMI 44161a Great Britain
IMI 44161c Great Britain
IMI 45743b associated with Primula Great Britain
IMI 47030a associated with {Bianling Hops Great Britain Elgar, C.J.
IMI 47035c associated with Fraxinus excelsior Great Britain Hughes, S.J.
IMI 47692c associated with Daucus carota Great Britain
IMI 48567c Great Britain Waterhouse, G.M. 1951-09-18
IMI 49570a associated with Urtica dioica Great Britain 1952
IMI 53595b on driftwood of Alnus Great Britain Wilson ex type coll. of Ceriosporopsis cambrensis Wilson
IMI 53595c on driftwood of Alnus Great Britain Wilson
IMI 53635b associated with Diatrype stigma Great Britain Booth
IMI 53995c associated with Plantae Great Britain Booth, C.
IMI 53995d associated with Plantae Great Britain Booth, C.
IMI 53995e associated with Plantae Great Britain Booth, C.
IMI 54939b associated with Coniferae Great Britain Ellis, M.B. 1953-09
IMI 56483a associated with Fraxinus Great Britain Brown, A.H.S. 1954-04-24
IMI 56492b associated with Prunus cerasus Great Britain Brown, A.M.S. 1954-04-24
IMI 56767b associated with Diatrype stigma Great Britain Bramley, W.G.
IMI 56948b associated with Fraxinus Great Britain
IMI 56948c associated with Fraxinus Great Britain
IMI 56948d associated with Fraxinus Great Britain
IMI 57402b isolated from skin of Felis cattus Great Britain Austwick, P.K.C.
IMI 57668a on stem of Peucedanum palustre Great Britain Ellis, E.A.
IMI 58133a associated with Saprolegnia Great Britain Waterhouse, G.M. 1954-05-30
IMI 58147a Great Britain Kidd, Y.
IMI 58147b Great Britain Kidd, Y.
IMI 58464a on rotten wood of Fagus Great Britain Brown, A.H.S. 1954-10-30
IMI 58464b on rotten wood of Fagus Great Britain Brown, A.H.S. 1954-10-30
IMI 58465a on rotten wood of Plantae Great Britain Brown, A.H.S. 1954-10-30
IMI 58468a Great Britain Brownhill, D.
IMI 58468b Great Britain Brownhill, D.
IMI 58480b on stem, dead of Epilobium hirsutum Great Britain Webster, J. 1954
IMI 58481a associated with Rubus Great Britain Booth, C. 1954-10-20
IMI 58482a Great Britain Qylward, R.L. 1954-11
IMI 58524b associated with Fagus Great Britain Booth, C. 1954-11-28
IMI 58642a on rotten wood of Plantae Great Britain Brown, A.H.S. 1954-10-02
IMI 58642b on rotten wood of Plantae Great Britain Brown, A.H.S. 1954-10-02
IMI 58779a on rotten wood of Fagus Great Britain 1954-10
IMI 58779b associated with Fagus Great Britain 1954-10
IMI 59637b associated with Rubus Great Britain Booth, C. 1955-02-28
IMI 59792b associated with Quercus Great Britain Bramley, W.G. 1955
IMI 59884a associated with Pinus Great Britain Booth, C.
IMI 59884b associated with Pinus Great Britain Booth, C.
IMI 59887a associated with Betula Great Britain Webster, J.
IMI 59891a associated with Pinus Great Britain Webster, J.
IMI 59899b associated with Betula Great Britain Booth, C.
IMI 59919a Great Britain Knott, J.J.
IMI 60183a associated with Nothofagus procera Great Britain Batko, S.
IMI 60183b associated with Nothofagus procera Great Britain Batko, S.
IMI 60260b on dead wood of Plantae Great Britain Booth, C. 1955-04-15
IMI 60260c on dead wood of Plantae Great Britain Booth, C. 1955-04-15
IMI 60276b associated with Sambucus Great Britain Booth, C. 1955-05
IMI 60336b associated with Acer Great Britain Brown, A.H.S. 1955-05-12
IMI 60343a associated with Castanea Great Britain Brown, A.H.S. 1955-05-12
IMI 60343b associated with Castanea Great Britain Brown, A.H.S. 1955-05-12
IMI 60346b on bark of Pinus Great Britain Brown, A.H.S.
IMI 60346c on bark of Pinus Great Britain Brown, A.H.S.
IMI 60346e on bark of Pinus Great Britain Brown, A.H.S.
IMI 60365a associated with Hedera Great Britain Bramley, W.G. 1955
IMI 60432a associated with Urtica Great Britain Booth, C.
IMI 60499b associated with Pinus Great Britain Brown, A.H.S. 1955-05-13
IMI 60501c on rotten wood of Quercus Great Britain Brown, A.H.S. 1935-05-14
IMI 60505c on rotten wood of Plantae Great Britain Brown, A.H.S.
IMI 60505d on rotten wood of Plantae Great Britain Brown, A.H.S.
IMI 60978a associated with Fagus sylvatica Great Britain Booth, C.
IMI 61045b associated with Ilex aquifolium Great Britain Booth, C. 1955
IMI 61054a associated with Acer pseudoplatanus Great Britain 1955-09-12
IMI 61200b associated with Primula denticulata Great Britain Auhrock, E.A.
IMI 61218c associated with Lupinus polyphyllus Great Britain Deighton, F.C. 1955-10-05
IMI 61218d associated with Lupinus polyphyllus Great Britain Deighton, F.C. 1955-10-05
IMI 61251a Great Britain Brown, A.H.S. 1955-10-09
IMI 61281b associated with Ulmus Great Britain Bramley, W.G. 1955-09
IMI 61294b on stem, dead of Senecio jacobaea Great Britain Deighton, F.C. 1955-10-29
IMI 61352b associated with Fagus (?) Great Britain Brown, A.H.S. 1955-09-11
IMI 61362b associated with Acer pseudoplatanus Great Britain Reid, D.A. 1955-11-13
IMI 61555b associated with Brassica Great Britain Bramley, W.G. 1955-11-27
IMI 62195a associated with Ilex aquifolium Great Britain Booth, C.
IMI 62652b Great Britain Bramley, W.G. 1956-03-31
IMI 62654b associated with Fraxinus Great Britain Bramley, W.G. 1955-03-10
IMI 62742a associated with Acer Great Britain Bramley, W.G.
IMI 62958b on dead wood of Diatrype stigma Great Britain Francis, S.M. 1956-04-14
IMI 62959a associated with Ulex Great Britain Francis, S.M. 1956-03-11
IMI 62959b associated with Ulex Great Britain Francis, S.M. 1956-03-11
IMI 63304c associated with Acer pseudoplatanus Great Britain Brown, A.H.S. 1956
IMI 63309c associated with Castanea vulgaris Great Britain Brown, A.H.S. 1956-05-25
IMI 63317b on rotten wood of Plantae Great Britain 1956-05-26
IMI 63335a Great Britain Booth, C.; Brown, A.H.S.
IMI 63335b Great Britain Booth, C.; Brown, A.H.S.
IMI 63412a associated with Alnus Great Britain
IMI 63565d Great Britain 1956-06-27
IMI 63565e Great Britain 1956-06-27
IMI 63567b associated with Iris Great Britain Bramley, W.G. 1956-09-01
IMI 63683b on rotten wood of Plantae Great Britain Brown, A.H.S. 1956-05-26
IMI 63760b associated with Quercus Great Britain Brown, A.H.S.
IMI 63921a Great Britain Austwick, P.K.C. 1955-10
IMI 63921b Great Britain Austwick, P.K.C. 1955-10
IMI 63921c Great Britain Austwick, P.K.C. 1955-10
IMI 69132a on rotten wood of Plantae Great Britain 1957-04-22 Holotype of Endophragmiella corticola P.M. Kirk 1982
IMI 69417d associated with Betula Great Britain Booth, C. 1957-05-23
IMI 69659b Great Britain Goodman, P.J. 1954-08-20
IMI 71877b associated with Ulmus Great Britain Sharpe, J. 1958-02-02
IMI 71877c associated with Ulmus Great Britain Sharpe, J. 1958-02-02
IMI 72171b associated with Ilex aquifolium Great Britain Booth, C. 1958-03-01
IMI 72331c associated with Salix Great Britain 1958-03-02
IMI 72413b Great Britain Booth, C.
IMI 72587b associated with Ulex Great Britain 1958
IMI 72786a Great Britain Bramley, W.G. 1958-04-06
IMI 72787b associated with Quercus Great Britain Bramley, W.G. 1958-04-06
IMI 72788b associated with Aves Great Britain 1958-04-09
IMI 72789b Great Britain Booth, C. 1958-04
IMI 72846b associated with Deschampsia caespitosa Great Britain Ellis, E.A. 1958-03-29
IMI 72918b associated with Beta trigyna Great Britain Cornford, C.E. 1958-04-21
IMI 73053b Great Britain Auport, N.
IMI 73071a associated with Fraxinus Great Britain 1934-05-13
IMI 73334b associated with Fagus Great Britain Booth, C. 1958-05-18
IMI 73337b associated with Picea Great Britain 1958-03-17
IMI 73348b associated with Ulmus Great Britain Bramley, W.G. 1958-05-11
IMI 73353b associated with Urtica Great Britain Bramley, W.G. 1958-04-06
IMI 73354b associated with Brassica Great Britain Bramley, W.G. 1958-05-19
IMI 73435a associated with Sorbus Great Britain 1958-05-17 ex type coll.
IMI 73444b associated with Acer Great Britain Booth, C. 1958
IMI 73444c associated with Acer Great Britain Booth, C. 1958
IMI 73466b associated with Crataegus oxyacantha Great Britain Booth, C. 1958-03-19
IMI 73554b associated with Calamagrostis canescens Great Britain Bramley, W.G. 1934-05-06
IMI 73560b associated with Pinus sylvestris Great Britain Kendrick, W.B. 1958-06
IMI 73624a associated with Umbelliferae Great Britain Booth, C. 1958-05-15
IMI 74620b associated with Fagus Great Britain Willson, A. 1958-08-28
IMI 77041b associated with Pinus sylvestris Great Britain 1959
IMI 77041c associated with Pinus sylvestris Great Britain 1959
IMI 78270b associated with Fagus Great Britain Sutton, B.C. 1959
IMI 80740a associated with Betula Great Britain Sutton, B.C. 1960-05-27
IMI 81696a on stem of Spartina Great Britain Jones, E.B.G. 1960
IMI 81762a associated with Salix Great Britain Bramley, W.G. 1960-06-06
IMI 81762b associated with Salix Great Britain Bramley, W.G. 1960-06-06
IMI 86902a associated with Spartina townsendii Great Britain Sutton, B.C. 1961-05-27
IMI 99747b associated with Dactylis glomerata Great Britain Jackson, N. 1963-03-19
IMI 101754a associated with Centranthus ruber Great Britain Rothwell, A. 1963-05-05
IMI 101754c associated with Centranthus ruber Great Britain Rothwell, A. 1963-05-05
IMI 101754d associated with Centranthus ruber Great Britain Rothwell, A. 1963-05-05
IMI 101754e associated with Centranthus ruber Great Britain Rothwell, A. 1963-05-05
IMI 102000b associated with Sorbus Great Britain Booth, C. 1963-05-04
IMI 102007c on dead wood of Plantae Great Britain Booth, C. 1963-05-04
IMI 102018b associated with Paeonia Great Britain Watling, R.
IMI 102114b associated with Malus pumila Great Britain Stidson, G. 1963-08-31
IMI 102571b associated with Solanum dulcamara Great Britain Sutton, B.C.; Pirozynski, K. 1963-10-09
IMI 102571c associated with Solanum dulcamara Great Britain Sutton, B.C.; Pirozynski, K. 1963-10-09
IMI 102572c associated with Epilobium hirsutum Great Britain Sutton, B.C.; Pirozynski, K. 1963-10-07
IMI 102578b associated with Lupinus Great Britain Sutton, B.C.; Pirozynski, K. 1963-10-09
IMI 102578c associated with Lupinus Great Britain Sutton, B.C.; Pirozynski, K. 1963-10-09
IMI 102583a associated with Rumex Great Britain Sutton, B.C.; Pirozynski, K. 1963-10-09
IMI 102583b associated with Rumex Great Britain Sutton, B.C.; Pirozynski, K. 1963-10-09
IMI 102587b associated with Eryngium maritimum Great Britain Sutton, B.C.; Pirozynski, K. 1963-10-08
IMI 102587c associated with Eryngium maritimum Great Britain Sutton, B.C.; Pirozynski, K. 1963-10-08
IMI 102593b associated with Matricaria maritima Great Britain Sutton, B.C.; Pirozynski, K. 1963-10-08
IMI 102593c associated with Matricaria maritima Great Britain Sutton, B.C.; Pirozynski, K. 1963-10-08
IMI 102595b associated with Jasione maritima Great Britain Sutton, B.C.; Pirozynski, K. 1963-10-09
IMI 102595c associated with Jasione maritima Great Britain Sutton, B.C.; Pirozynski, K. 1963-10-09
IMI 102596b associated with Scirpus lacustris Great Britain Sutton, B.C.; Pirozynski, K. 1963-10-09
IMI 102608a associated with Luzula Great Britain Sutton, B.C.; Pirozynski, K. 1963-10-08
IMI 102608b associated with Luzula Great Britain Sutton, B.C.; Pirozynski, K. 1963-10-08
IMI 102608c associated with Luzula Great Britain Sutton, B.C.; Pirozynski, K. 1963-10-08
IMI 102614a associated with Tragopogon porrifolius Great Britain Sutton, B.C.; Pirozynski, K. 1963-10-08
IMI 102614b associated with Tragopogon porrifolius Great Britain Sutton, B.C.; Pirozynski, K. 1963-10-08
IMI 102620a associated with Prunus spinosa Great Britain Sutton, B.C.; Pirozynski, K. 1963-10-09
IMI 102623a associated with Verbascum Great Britain Sutton, B.C.; Pirozynski, K. 1963-10-09
IMI 102624b associated with Crambe maritima Great Britain Sutton, B.C.; Pirozynski, K. 1963-10-08
IMI 102624c associated with Crambe maritima Great Britain Sutton, B.C.; Pirozynski, K. 1963-10-08
IMI 102624d associated with Crambe maritima Great Britain Sutton, B.C.; Pirozynski, K. 1963-10-08
IMI 102624e associated with Crambe maritima Great Britain Sutton, B.C.; Pirozynski, K. 1963-10-08
IMI 102624f associated with Crambe maritima Great Britain Sutton, B.C.; Pirozynski, K. 1963-10-08
IMI 102637a associated with Salix Great Britain Sutton, B.C.; Pirozynski, K. 1963-10-09
IMI 102637c associated with Salix Great Britain Sutton, B.C.; Pirozynski, K. 1963-10-09
IMI 102643b associated with Quercus ilex Great Britain Sutton, B.C.; Pirozynski, K. 1963-10-09
IMI 102643c associated with Quercus ilex Great Britain Sutton, B.C.; Pirozynski, K. 1963-10-09
IMI 102648b associated with Epilobium hirsutum Great Britain Sutton, B.C.; Pirozynski, K. 1963-10-08
IMI 102650c associated with Sarothamnus scoparius Great Britain Sutton, B.C.; Pirozynski, K. 1963-10-09
IMI 102650d associated with Sarothamnus scoparius Great Britain Sutton, B.C.; Pirozynski, K. 1963-10-09
IMI 102655a associated with Cortaderia selloana Great Britain Sutton, B.C.; Pirozynski, K. 1963-10-09
IMI 102655c associated with Cortaderia selloana Great Britain Sutton, B.C.; Pirozynski, K. 1963-10-09
IMI 102655d associated with Cortaderia selloana Great Britain Sutton, B.C.; Pirozynski, K. 1963-10-09
IMI 102655e associated with Cortaderia selloana Great Britain Sutton, B.C.; Pirozynski, K. 1963-10-09
IMI 102656a associated with Melilotus arvensis Great Britain Sutton, B.C.; Pirozynski, K. 1963-10-09
IMI 102656b associated with Melilotus arvensis Great Britain Sutton, B.C.; Pirozynski, K. 1963-10-09
IMI 102656c associated with Melilotus arvensis Great Britain Sutton, B.C.; Pirozynski, K. 1963-10-09
IMI 102656d associated with Melilotus arvensis Great Britain Sutton, B.C.; Pirozynski, K. 1963-10-09
IMI 102656e associated with Melilotus arvensis Great Britain Sutton, B.C.; Pirozynski, K. 1963-10-09
IMI 102657b associated with Glaucium flavum Great Britain Sutton, B.C.; Pirozynski, K. 1963
IMI 102657c associated with Glaucium flavum Great Britain Sutton, B.C.; Pirozynski, K. 1963
IMI 102658c associated with Glaucium flavum Great Britain Sutton, B.C.; Pirozynski, K. 1963-10-09
IMI 102660c associated with Triticum Great Britain Sutton, B.C.; Pirozynski, K. 1963-10-07
IMI 102661b associated with Rhododendron Great Britain Sutton, B.C.; Pirozynski, K. 1963-10-09
IMI 102664b associated with Solanum tuberosum Great Britain Sutton, B.C.; Pirozynski, K. 1963-10-09
IMI 102664c associated with Solanum tuberosum Great Britain Sutton, B.C.; Pirozynski, K. 1963-10-09
IMI 102666b associated with Tussilago farfara Great Britain Sutton, B.C.; Pirozynski, K. 1963-10-09
IMI 102668a associated with Juncus Great Britain Sutton, B.C.; Pirozynski, K. 1963-10-09
IMI 102668c associated with Juncus Great Britain Sutton, B.C.; Pirozynski, K. 1963-10-09
IMI 102668d associated with Juncus Great Britain Sutton, B.C.; Pirozynski, K. 1963-10-09
IMI 102668e associated with Juncus Great Britain Sutton, B.C.; Pirozynski, K. 1963-10-09
IMI 102671a associated with Laburnum Great Britain Sutton, B.C.; Pirozynski, K. 1963-10-09
IMI 102671c associated with Laburnum Great Britain Sutton, B.C.; Pirozynski, K. 1963-10-09
IMI 102675b associated with Convolvulus soldanella Great Britain Sutton, B.C.; Pirozynski, K. 1963-10-08
IMI 102861b associated with Hedera helix Great Britain Pirozynski, K.A. 1963-10-22
IMI 102920c on stem of Urtica Great Britain Bramley, W.G. 1963-10-20
IMI 102920d on stem of Urtica Great Britain Bramley, W.G. 1963-10-20
IMI 102920e on stem of Urtica Great Britain Bramley, W.G. 1963-10-20
IMI 103025a associated with Picea sitchensis Great Britain Salt, G.A. 1963
IMI 103033b on/isolated from root of Picea sitchensis Great Britain Salt, G.A. 1963
IMI 103217b Great Britain Jenking, J. 1963-11-15
IMI 103675a associated with Sambucus Great Britain Bramley, W.G. 1963-11-20
IMI 103675b associated with Sambucus Great Britain Bramley, W.G. 1963-11-20
IMI 103679a associated with Chamaenerion Great Britain Bramley, W.G. 1963-10-27
IMI 103735b on/isolated from hay of Poaceae Great Britain Lacey, M.E. 1963
IMI 104020a associated with Exalonia Great Britain Leakey, C.L.A. 1963-12-28
IMI 104917b on leaf of Quercus Great Britain Hering, T.F. 1964-03-19
IMI 104917c on leaf of Quercus Great Britain Hering, T.F. 1964-03-19
IMI 105401b associated with Acer pseudoplatanus Great Britain Booth, C. 1964-04-17
IMI 105423b associated with Acer pseudoplatanus Great Britain 1964
IMI 105918a Great Britain Wallace, E. 1964-05-13
IMI 107960a associated with Hedera helix Great Britain Morgan-Jones, G. 1963-07-03
IMI 111079b Great Britain Francis, S.M. 1956-03-11
IMI 111448c Great Britain Francis, S.M. 1958-04-12
IMI 111448d Great Britain Francis, S.M. 1958-04-12
IMI 128083a associated with Cornus nuttallii Great Britain Waterer sous crop. Ltd. 1967-06-16
IMI 128430b associated with Petroselinum crispum Great Britain Coral J.Simpson 1967-07-27
IMI 128636a Great Britain C.Arilpst 1967-08-07
IMI 128636b Great Britain C.Arilpst 1967-08-07
IMI 129008b on plant of dwarf bean Great Britain A.J.Gone 1967-09-05
IMI 130036b associated with Malus pumila Great Britain Cotcher, J.T.F. 1967-11-23
IMI 131130b associated with Fistulina hepatica Great Britain Dennis, R.W.G. 1968-01-24
IMI 131462b associated with Rosa Great Britain Jones, O.W. 1968-01-15
IMI 132914b Great Britain Baker, P.W. 1968-04-26
IMI 132914c Great Britain Baker, P.W. 1968-04-26
IMI 134130a associated with Carex acutiformis Great Britain Bramley, W.G. 1965-05-30
IMI 134607a associated with Cucumis sativus Great Britain Jackson, H. 1968-08-14
IMI 134607b associated with Cucumis sativus Great Britain Jackson, H. 1968-08-14
IMI 134607c associated with Cucumis sativus Great Britain Jackson, H. 1968-08-14
IMI 159848b Great Britain P.Jaimos
IMI 159852b associated with Heracleum Great Britain P.Hacoksioorth; P.W.James
IMI 161361b Great Britain Hawksworth, D.L.
IMI 161920b associated with Heracleum Great Britain W.G.Bramley
IMI 162594b associated with Hebe pagei Great Britain M.J.Griffin
IMI 162663a associated with Zea mays Great Britain D.Griffin
IMI 162663b associated with Zea mays Great Britain D.Griffin
IMI 164463b associated with Azalea Great Britain Thorpe, I.G. 1972-03-09
IMI 164584a associated with Pittosporum tenuifolium Great Britain Archer, S.A. 1972-03-08 Isotype of Phomopsis pittospori S.A. Archer 1973
IMI 164978c on dung, cow of Bos taurus Great Britain Hawksworth, D.L. 1972-03-31
IMI 165662b associated with Dactylis Great Britain Clark, M. 1972-04-21
IMI 165716b Great Britain Jenkins, D.L. 1972-05-02
IMI 165716c on box girder of Penicillium cyclopium Great Britain Jenkins, D.L. 1972-05-02
IMI 165833c Great Britain Hawksworth, D.L. 1967-06-02
IMI 165836b Great Britain Hawksworth, D.L. 1965-07
IMI 165837b Great Britain Hawksworth, D.L. 1965-07
IMI 166202d associated with Zea mays Great Britain Cook, R.J. 1972-05-22
IMI 166202e associated with Zea mays Great Britain Cook, R.J. 1972-05-22
IMI 166526a Great Britain 1972-06-05
IMI 166581b associated with Rubus fruticosus Great Britain 1972-05-27
IMI 166592b associated with Populus Great Britain Bramley, W.G. 1972-02-13
IMI 166592c associated with Populus Great Britain Bramley, W.G. 1972-02-13
IMI 166616b on bark of Quercus Great Britain Hawksworth, D.L. 1972-06-07
IMI 166616c on bark of Quercus Great Britain Hawksworth, D.L. 1972-06-07
IMI 167130a associated with Angelica sylvestris Great Britain Bramley, W.G. 1972-06-18
IMI 167130b associated with Angelica sylvestris Great Britain Bramley, W.G. 1972-06-18
IMI 167230d Great Britain Packer, J. 1972-07-04
IMI 167230e Great Britain Packer, J. 1972-07-04
IMI 167230f Great Britain Packer, J. 1972-07-04
IMI 167769b Great Britain Hawksworth, D.L. 1965-09-02
IMI 167874b associated with Asparagus Great Britain Tucker, B. 1972-07-31
IMI 168236b associated with Cotoneaster salicifolia Great Britain 1972-08-21
IMI 168488a associated with Arrhenatherum elatius Great Britain Hawksworth, D.L. 1972-08-19
IMI 168488b associated with Arrhenatherum elatius Great Britain Hawksworth, D.L. 1972-08-19
IMI 168520a associated with Agrostis Great Britain 1972-08-20
IMI 168533a associated with Ulmus Great Britain Hawksworth, D.L. 1972-08-21
IMI 168533b associated with Ulmus Great Britain Hawksworth, D.L. 1972-08-21
IMI 168537b associated with Heracleum Great Britain Hawksworth, D.L. 1972-08-21
IMI 168557b associated with Iris pseudacorus Great Britain 1972-08-22
IMI 168642b associated with Ilex Great Britain Hawksworth, D.L.; James, P.W. 1972-08-31
IMI 168658b associated with Prunus laurocerasus Great Britain Hawksworth, D.L.; James, P.W. 1972-08-31
IMI 168723b associated with Rosa arvensis Great Britain Clark, M. 1972-08-03
IMI 169305b associated with Hysteriales Great Britain 1941
IMI 169719a associated with Castanea sativa Great Britain Sutton, B.C. 1972-10-08
IMI 170060b associated with Zea mays Great Britain Cook, R.J. 1972-10-18
IMI 170064a associated with Pyrethrum Great Britain Schofield, E.R. 1972-10-18
IMI 170064b associated with Pyrethrum Great Britain Schofield, E.R. 1972-10-18
IMI 170335a Great Britain 1972-05
IMI 170838a Great Britain 1972-11-05
IMI 171025b associated with Lycopersicon esculentum Great Britain Tucker, B. 1972
IMI 171026a associated with Zea mays Great Britain 1972-11-27
IMI 171146b associated with Abies Great Britain Bramley, W.G. 1972-10-29
IMI 171146d associated with Abies Great Britain Bramley, W.G. 1972-10-29
IMI 171147b associated with Rumex obtusifolius Great Britain Bramley, W.G. 1972-06-26
IMI 171150b associated with Senecio jacobaea Great Britain Bramley, W.G. 1972-10-29
IMI 171158b associated with Fagus Great Britain Bramley, W.G. 1964-11-22
IMI 171709b associated with Jasminum Great Britain Cragg, I.A. 1972-12-18
IMI 172693b associated with Cocos nucifera Great Britain 1973-02-02
IMI 173389b associated with Fragaria vesca Great Britain Griffin, M.J. 1973-03-12
IMI 173389c associated with Fragaria vesca Great Britain Griffin, M.J. 1973-03-12
IMI 174537a associated with Pyrus communis Great Britain Upstone, M.E. 1973-04-26
IMI 174537b associated with Pyrus communis Great Britain Upstone, M.E. 1973-04-26
IMI 174537c associated with Pyrus communis Great Britain Upstone, M.E. 1973-04-26
IMI 174537d associated with Pyrus communis Great Britain Upstone, M.E. 1973-04-26
IMI 174617a associated with Fraxinus Great Britain 1973-04-20
IMI 175393b associated with Rubus fruticosus Great Britain Humphreys-Jones, D.R. 1973-05-11
IMI 178281a associated with Artemisia vulgaris Great Britain Hawksworth, D.L. 1973-08-15 Holotype of Mycosphaerella osborniae D. Hawksw. & Sivan. 1976
IMI 180593b associated with Fagus Great Britain Bramley, W.G. 1973-11-04
IMI 180594b associated with Picea Great Britain Bramley, W.G. 1973-11-14
IMI 180595a associated with Fagus Great Britain Bramley, W.G. 1973-10-11
IMI 181422b on wood of Plantae Great Britain Morton, L.H.G. 1974-01-10
IMI 181606b Great Britain Hawksworth, D.L. 1973-07-29
IMI 182245a associated with Ilex Great Britain Clark, M.C. 1974-02
IMI 182246c associated with Ilex Great Britain Clark, M.C. 1974-02
IMI 182275a associated with Ilex aquifolium Great Britain 1974-02-21
IMI 182286b associated with Quercus ilex Great Britain 1974-02-18
IMI 183811a associated with Tagetes Great Britain Iharpe, J.G. 1974-04-22
IMI 183811b associated with Tagetes Great Britain Iharpe, J.G. 1974-04-22
IMI 183857a on rotting wood of Plantae Great Britain Hawksworth, D.L. 1974-04-06
IMI 184259a associated with Holcus lanatus Great Britain D.L.Hawhsw
IMI 184259b associated with Holcus lanatus Great Britain D.L.Hawhsw
IMI 184285b associated with Ruscus Great Britain D.L.Hawhsw
IMI 184287a on fallen needles of Pinus Great Britain D.L.Hawhsw
IMI 184302b on dead canes of Phragmites Great Britain D.L.Hawhsw
IMI 184347b associated with Lactuca sativa Great Britain O.W.Jones
IMI 184348b on/isolated from stick of Crataegus Great Britain M.C.Clark
IMI 184356a associated with Carex flacca Great Britain M.C.Clark
IMI 184565a associated with Castanea Great Britain D. L.Hawleoworth
IMI 184567e associated with Castanea Great Britain D. L.Hawleoworth
IMI 184568e associated with Castanea Great Britain D. L.Hawleoworth
IMI 184568f associated with Castanea Great Britain D. L.Hawleoworth
IMI 184569d associated with Castanea Great Britain D. L.Hawleoworth
IMI 185089a on rotted seed potato of Solanum tuberosum Great Britain J.Hopkins
IMI 185486a Great Britain C.Duraut
IMI 185486b Great Britain C.Duraut
IMI 186053b on flower staltes of Pyrus aucuparia Great Britain S.C.Gregay
IMI 186055a associated with Ribes grossularia Great Britain R.J.Cook
IMI 186840b associated with Lilac Great Britain D.L.Hawtswarth
IMI 186844a associated with Urtica dioica Great Britain D.L.Hawtswarth
IMI 186855a on/isolated from dead twig of Fraxinus Great Britain D.L.Hawtswarth
IMI 186855c on/isolated from dead twig of Fraxinus Great Britain D.L.Hawtswarth
IMI 186871b associated with Holcus lanatus Great Britain D.L.Hawtswarth
IMI 186889c on/isolated from dung in damp chamber of Oryctolagus Great Britain D.L.Hawtswarth
IMI 187556b associated with Cytisus scoparius Great Britain Stubbs, F. 1974
IMI 187790b associated with Apium graveolens Great Britain Tucher, B. 1974
IMI 188485c associated with Fagus sylvatica Great Britain Sutton, B.C. 1974-09-27
IMI 188487b associated with Taxus baccata Great Britain Sutton, B.C. 1974-09-27
IMI 188523b associated with Pinus Great Britain Sutton, B.C. 1974-09-28
IMI 188530b associated with Urtica dioica Great Britain Sutton, B.C. 1974-09-28
IMI 188552a associated with Quercus Great Britain Sutton, B.C. 1974-09-29
IMI 188554a associated with Castanea sativa Great Britain Sutton, B.C. 1974-09-29
IMI 188557a associated with Castanea sativa Great Britain Sutton, B.C. 1974-09-29
IMI 188577b associated with Ilex aquifolium Great Britain Sutton, B.C. 1974-09-29
IMI 188737b associated with Ruscus aculeatus Great Britain Hawksworth, D.L. 1974-10-07
IMI 188748a associated with Trifolium pratense Great Britain Hawksworth, D.L. 1974-10-10
IMI 188751b on/isolated from log, rotting of Acer pseudoplatanus Great Britain Hawksworth, D.L. 1974-10-10
IMI 188775e on dung of Bos taurus Great Britain Hawksworth, D.L. 1974-10-11
IMI 188776e on dung of Oryctolagus cuniculus Great Britain Hawksworth, D.L. 1974-10-09
IMI 188967b associated with Taraxacum officinale Great Britain Hopkins, J.O. 1974
IMI 189068b on fruit, husk of Aesculus Great Britain Clark, M.C. 1974-10-20
IMI 189217a associated with Betula Great Britain Clark, M.C. 1974-10-28
IMI 189217b associated with Betula Great Britain Clark, M.C. 1974-10-28
IMI 189558b on stem, old of Brassica Great Britain Bramley, W.G. 1974-10-22
IMI 189566c on stem, old of Brassica Great Britain Bramley, W.G. 1974-10-19
IMI 189745b associated with Spartina townsendii Great Britain Burge, M. 1974
IMI 189745c associated with Spartina townsendii Great Britain Burge, M. 1974
IMI 189746b associated with Spartina townsendii Great Britain Burge, M. 1974
IMI 189746c associated with Spartina townsendii Great Britain Burge, M. 1974
IMI 189747b associated with Spartina townsendii Great Britain Burge, M. 1974
IMI 189747c associated with Spartina townsendii Great Britain Burge, M. 1974
IMI 189762b associated with Solanum lycopersicum Great Britain Bant, J.H. 1974
IMI 190099b on stump, dead of Ulmus Great Britain Clark, M.C. 1974-11-29
IMI 191842b associated with Ulex gallii Great Britain Hopkins, J.C. 1974-10-07
IMI 191856b associated with Poa pratensis Great Britain Hopkins, J.C. 1974-10-30
IMI 192668a associated with Acer pseudoplatanus Great Britain Bevans, R. 1973-08-22
IMI 192748b associated with Acer pseudoplatanus Great Britain Bevans, R. 1974-09-16
IMI 192792a associated with Chamaecyparis bandsaniana Great Britain Ellis, J.P. 1975-04-12
IMI 193085b associated with Zea mays Great Britain Cook, R.J. 1975-04-23
IMI 193100b associated with Viola tricolor Great Britain Humphreys-Jones, D.R. 1975-04-24
IMI 193237a associated with Cyperus papyrus Great Britain Thompsom, K.
IMI 193237b associated with Cyperus papyrus Great Britain Thompsom, K.
IMI 193303a on dead twigs of Quercus Great Britain 1974-04-06
IMI 193404a associated with Chamaecyparis × ericoides Great Britain Evans, S.G. 1975-05-08
IMI 193503c associated with Lolium perenne Great Britain Thorpe, I.G. 1975-05-12
IMI 193735c Great Britain Peter, R.C. 1975-05
IMI 193735d Great Britain Peter, R.C. 1975-05
IMI 194031a associated with Lonicera periclymenum Great Britain Hawksworth, D.L. 1975-05-12
IMI 194031b associated with Lonicera periclymenum Great Britain Hawksworth, D.L. 1975-05-12
IMI 194095b associated with Castanea Great Britain Hawksworth, D.L. 1975-05-19
IMI 194115b associated with Lepidium heterophyllum Great Britain Hawksworth, D.L. 1975-05-21
IMI 194154a Great Britain Sutton, B.C. 1975-04-29
IMI 194154c Great Britain Sutton, B.C. 1975-04-29
IMI 194154d Great Britain Sutton, B.C. 1975-04-29
IMI 194176b associated with Rubus idaeus Great Britain Derbyshire, D.M. 1975-05-30
IMI 194176c associated with Rubus idaeus Great Britain Derbyshire, D.M. 1975-05-30
IMI 194316c Great Britain Absalom, L.G. 1975-05-30
IMI 194368b on stem of Tamus Great Britain Evans, R.E. 1975-05-26
IMI 194392c associated with Juniperus tamariscifolia Great Britain Evans, S.G. 1975-06-11
IMI 194433a associated with Azalea Great Britain Evans, S.G. 1975-06-13
IMI 194617b associated with Ribes grossularia Great Britain Hopkins, J.C. 1975-05-25
IMI 194624b on old of elm Great Britain Gilbert, O.L. 1975-05
IMI 195014a on nose, swab of Equus caballus Great Britain Archer [Mrs] 1975-07
IMI 195530b associated with Ilex Great Britain Hawksworth, D.L. 1974-04-06
IMI 195674b associated with Brassica oleracea Great Britain N.Bradshaw
IMI 195689b on verbena bonariensis of Verbena bonariensis Great Britain U.Allitt
IMI 195689d on verbena bonariensis of Verbena bonariensis Great Britain U.Allitt
IMI 195946a associated with Scabiosa ochroleuca Great Britain U.Allitt
IMI 196093a associated with Embothrium coccineum Great Britain R.C.Shattock
IMI 197536b on fallen cones of Pinus Great Britain D.Hawbs Worth
IMI 197838b on twig of Rubus Great Britain M.C.Clark
IMI 201199c associated with Pinus sylvestris Great Britain Love, J.A. 1976-01-30
IMI 201199d associated with Pinus sylvestris Great Britain Love, J.A. 1976-01-30
IMI 202173a associated with Penstemon pinifolius Great Britain Humphreys-Jones, D.R. 1976-03-23
IMI 202370c associated with Sorbus aucuparia Great Britain Coppins, B.J. 1976-03-17
IMI 202376c associated with Castanea Great Britain Coppins, B.J. 1975-12-30
IMI 202762a Great Britain Sutton, B.C. 1976-04-17
IMI 203441a associated with Avena sativa Great Britain Cragg, I.A. 1976-05-13
IMI 203683a associated with Ammophila arenaria Great Britain Webster, J. 1976-05-17
IMI 204103b associated with Malus sylvestris Great Britain Hopkins, J.C.F. 1976-04-09
IMI 204113a associated with Prunus Great Britain Hopkins, J.C.F. 1976-04-19
IMI 204113b associated with Prunus Great Britain Hopkins, J.C.F. 1976-04-19
IMI 204132a on leaf of Magnolia Great Britain Locke, J. 1976-06-10
IMI 206775b Great Britain Myall, J. 1976
IMI 207265a associated with Lycopersicon esculentum Great Britain Price, D. 1976-10-01
IMI 212752b associated with Dianthus caryophyllus Great Britain Jones, O.N. 1977-03-23
IMI 213179a associated with Chionanthus fragrans Great Britain Humphreys-Jones, D.R. 1977-05-03
IMI 213179b associated with Chionanthus fragrans Great Britain Humphreys-Jones, D.R. 1977-05-03
IMI 214101a associated with Carex pendula Great Britain Francis, S.M. 1977-06-05
IMI 214101b associated with Carex pendula Great Britain Francis, S.M. 1977-06-05
IMI 214109b Great Britain Flectcher, C. 1977-06-15
IMI 214146a associated with Taxus baccata Great Britain Humphreys-Jones, D.R. 1977-06-20
IMI 214146b associated with Taxus baccata Great Britain Humphreys-Jones, D.R. 1977-06-20
IMI 214148b associated with Juniperus horizontalis glauca Great Britain Humphreys-Jones, D.R. 1977-06-20
IMI 214669b Great Britain Hilliard, C.W. 1977-07-08
IMI 214673a associated with Ulmus Great Britain Earland-Bennett, P.M.; Lambluy, P.W. 1977-06-09
IMI 214713b associated with Delphinium Great Britain Hopkins, J.C.F. 1977-02-28
IMI 214966b Great Britain Bridgeman, B.W. 1977-07-26
IMI 215617b on twig of Phaseolus Great Britain Gladders, P. 1977-08-19
IMI 215881b on/isolated from twig of Alnus incana Great Britain Strouts, R.G. 1977-08-26
IMI 215882b associated with Taxus baccata Great Britain Strouts, R.G. 1977-08-26
IMI 215929a associated with Brassica oleracea Great Britain Chapman, A.U. 1977-09-02
IMI 216296b associated with Castanea Great Britain Kirk, P.M. 1977-09-01
IMI 216304a on wood of Plantae Great Britain Kirk, P.M. 1977-09-02
IMI 216771b on wood, decorticated of Carpinus Great Britain Hawksworth, D.L. 1977-02-27
IMI 216782b associated with Phragmites australis Great Britain Hawksworth, D.L. 1977-09-25
IMI 217273b on leaf of Salix atrocinerea Great Britain Hawksworth, D.L. 1977-10-08
IMI 217408b Great Britain Hawksworth, D.L. 1977-10-15
IMI 217592b on remains on Prunus laurocerasus of arthropod Great Britain Descals, E. 1977-10-21
IMI 217817b associated with Epilobium angustifolium Great Britain Chesters, C.G.
IMI 218414c Great Britain xxxx
IMI 218441b on/isolated from rotten wood of Plantae Great Britain
IMI 218894b associated with Fagus Great Britain
IMI 218965a associated with Crataegus Great Britain
IMI 218965b associated with Crataegus Great Britain
IMI 218966a associated with Malus pumila Great Britain
IMI 218966b associated with Malus pumila Great Britain
IMI 218968a associated with Crataegus Great Britain
IMI 218968b associated with Crataegus Great Britain
IMI 218980a associated with Crataegus Great Britain
IMI 218980b associated with Crataegus Great Britain
IMI 218984a associated with Acer pseudoplatanus Great Britain
IMI 218984b associated with Acer pseudoplatanus Great Britain
IMI 218986a associated with Salix Great Britain
IMI 218986b associated with Salix Great Britain
IMI 218989b associated with Prunus laurocerasus Great Britain
IMI 218990b associated with Larix Great Britain
IMI 218993a associated with Crataegus Great Britain
IMI 218993b associated with Crataegus Great Britain
IMI 218996a associated with Populus Great Britain
IMI 218996b associated with Populus Great Britain
IMI 219053b associated with Impatiens indica Great Britain
IMI 219056b on/isolated from bark of Betula Great Britain
IMI 219057b on/isolated from bark of Betula Great Britain
IMI 219160a associated with Scabiosa columbaria Great Britain
IMI 219247a on bark of Betula Great Britain
IMI 219248a associated with Fraxinus Great Britain
IMI 219251a associated with Quercus Great Britain
IMI 223036b associated with Acer pseudoplatanus Great Britain Gregory, S.C. 1977-11-03
IMI 223276a associated with Mucor Great Britain 1977-11-18
IMI 223276b Great Britain 1977-11-18
IMI 223437c associated with Campanula Great Britain Humphreys-Jones, D.R. 1977-11-21
IMI 223441b on stem of Chrysanthemum Great Britain Roberts, E.T. 1977-11-22
IMI 223441d on stem of Chrysanthemum Great Britain Roberts, E.T. 1977-11-22
IMI 223679b associated with Cactus Great Britain Henson, N. 1977
IMI 224706a associated with Lecidea scalaris Great Britain 1976-06-29
IMI 225745b associated with Cupressus elewoodii Great Britain Gladders, P. 1978-03
IMI 225873b associated with Pinus sylvestris Great Britain Minter, D.W. 1977-04-09
IMI 227198b associated with Pinus sylvestris Great Britain Minter, D.W. 1977-06
IMI 227260a on dead wood of Chaetosphaeria vermicularioides Great Britain Ellis, M.B.; Ellis, J.P. 1977-09-14
IMI 227459a associated with Phragmites australis Great Britain 1977-07-18